

单词 wanning
释义 wan·ning 英wɒn美wɑn COCA¹³²²⁴⁹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
adj.苍白的⁴²;病态的¹⁵;暗淡的¹⁸vi.变苍白¹⁵;呈病态¹⁰abbr.广域网(=wide area network)原型wan的现在分词副词wanly比较级wanner最高级wannest名词wanness过去分词wanned现在分词wanning三单wans
a computer network that spans a wider area than does a local area network
of light lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble;

the pale light of a half moon

a pale sun

the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street

a pallid sky

the pale or wan stars

the wan light of dawn

abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress;

the pallid face of the invalid

her wan face suddenly flushed

lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness;

a wan smile

become pale and sicklypale and wan脸色苍白
近义词 weak弱的pale苍白的sick有病的faint微弱的ashen灰色的pasty浆糊的pallid苍白的haggard憔悴的ghastly可怕的sallow灰黄色的colorless无色的bloodless无血色的wide area network广域网络

用作形容词Her facewanafter her long illness.她久病后脸色变得苍白。
The child looked pale andwan.这孩子看上去脸色不好,一副有病的样子。as in.etiolate
同义词 blanch,bleach,diminish,enervate,exhaust,fade,faint,pale,sicken,wan,whiten
反义词 animate,blacken,brighten,darken,invigorate,strengthen The barrier coast in Wanning Xiaohai of Hainan Island is investigated in both field and laboratory.
对万宁小海障壁海岸进行了野外考察和室内研究。 dictall

The exposure test of aluminum automotive wheel hub was carried out under shelter and outdoor at Wanning station for24 months. The filiform corrosion phenomenon of coated aluminum was found.
对铝合金汽车轮毂在海南万宁试验站进行为期24个月的棚下和户外暴露试验,发现涂膜下铝合金发生丝状腐蚀。 chemyq

The vegetation in Shenzhou peninsula of Wanning was studied with the method of line and sampling research, and the species composition and vegetation types were analyzed.
以海南省万宁市神州半岛区域现有植被作为调查对象,采用路线调查和样方调查相结合的野外植被调查方法,研究该地区植被类型的情况。 dictall

That is, to Sanya as a starting point, from south to north, the Wuzhishan, and then along the eastern coastline, a booming, Wanning, Boao, Qionghai and Haikou at the end.
即以三亚为起点,由南向北,经五指山,然后沿着东海岸线,过兴隆、万宁、博鳌、琼海,到达海口终点。 dichan

The mean and standard deviation of the Concentration of gray classes in WANNING and QINDAO were provided.
同时还给出了万宁、青岛两地各灰类氯离子浓度的平均值和标准差。 chemyq

Windbreak of Syzygium aromaticum orchard and wind damage of clove were investigated in Wanning City after typhoon“Dawei” attacked Hainan.
海南“达维”台风后,对万宁市地区丁香园防风林和丁香树风害进行了调查分析。 cnki




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