

单词 waning
释义 wan·ing 英'weɪnɪŋ美'weɪnɪŋ 高TCOCA²⁵⁴¹⁴BNC⁴⁰⁷³⁷iWeb²⁶³³¹Economist⁸⁶⁵⁶
a gradual decrease in magnitude or extent;

the waning of his enthusiasm was obvious

the waxing and waning of the moon

of the Moon pertaining to the period during which the visible surface of the moon decreases;

after full moon comes the waning moon

反义词 waxing上腊
Most of these new jobs pay less than regular jobs, and few come with good benefits. The standard American job, with a40-hour workweek, medical benefits and a pension at age65, is on thewane.这些新工作多半待遇不如正式工作,并且福利优厚的不多。每周40小时,有医疗保险,并且65岁可领退休金的标准美国工作越来越少。
Her enthusiasm for the expedition waswaningrapidly.她对这次出行的热劲迅速减低。
The moon wax till it become full, and thenwane.月亮渐渐变圆直至满盈,然後再变亏缺。adj.decreasing
同义词 abating,ebbing,lesseningdeclinatory,decrescent
反义词 waxing
agingnoun becoming older
crumbling,declining,developing,fading,fermenting,getting along,getting on,maturing,mellowing,senescent,slumping,stale,wearing out
declinenoun lessening
abatement,backsliding,comedown,cropper,decay,decrepitude,degeneracy,degeneration,descent,deterioration,devolution,diminution,dissolution,dive,downfall,downgrade,downturn,drop,dwindling,ebb,ebbing,enfeeblement,failing,failure,fall,fall-off,falling-off,flop,lapse,on the skids,pratfall,recession,relapse,senility,skids,slump,wane,waning,weakening,worsening
decreasenoun diminishing, lessening
ebbnoun regression; decline
abatement,backflow,decay,decrease,degeneration,depreciation,deterioration,diminution,drop,dwindling,fading away,flagging,going out,lessening,low tide,low water,outward flow,petering out,recession,refluence,reflux,retreat,retrocession,retroflux,shrinkage,sinking,slackening,subsidence,sweep,wane,waning,weakening,withdrawal
flaggingadjective languid
lesseningadjective decreasing
abating,decliningdepreciatingdiminishing,dropping,dwindling,dying down,ebbing,fading away,lightening,losing momentum,lowering,moderating,narrowing,plummeting,plunging,quieting,sagging,shrinking,shriveling up,sinking,slackening,slowing,slumping,softening,subsiding,waning,wasting,weakening,wearing down,wearing off And we tarried for a moon, and when the moon was waning, I wearied and wandered away through the streets of the city and came to the garden of its god.
我们在那里驻扎了一个月,而当月亮渐亏,我感到疲惫不堪,就在街道上信步而游,来到了城中的神社的花园里。 yeeyan

But American dominance, though still evident, appears to be waning.
然而,美国人的统治力,尽管依然很明显,看起来在减弱。 yeeyan

In the meantime, the desire to hold cash at virtually zero interest rates is waning.
与此同时,在几乎是零利率的情况下持有现金的需求正在减弱。 yeeyan

That is to say, the days in which everyone can visit the same websites regardless of geographic location might be waning, even in the“ free” world.
也就是说,以后的日子中的每个人都可以访问相同的网站,地理位置可能会减弱,甚至在“自由世界”。 yeeyan

And regardless of spin, there were some startling findings, suggesting that hard- line views are waxing not waning.
撇开倾向性报道不谈,也还有一些令人吃惊的发现:持强硬路线的观点正在增强而非逐渐减弱。 ecocn

And for the United States, it will mean recognizing that, even though its supremacy is waning, China need not become an adversary.
另一方面对美国来讲,则需要意识到即使美国的领先优势正在减弱,也不需要把中国作为对手来看待。 yeeyan

But the army’s influence has been waning as reforms aimed at winning European Union membership kick in.
但是旨在获得欧盟成员国援助的改革却使军方的影响力在减弱。 ecocn

Challenges in life seem to come in waves and we can find our dexterity for handling tough situations waning.
生活中的挑战似乎也是一波一波到来的,而且我们会发现自己处理棘手情况的能力正在减弱。 kekenet

His death prompted not a surge of national solidarity but further partisan squabbling between the president and the PRI; and public support for the crusade is waning.
他的死亡并没有推动整个国家的团结,相反进一步引发了总统同革命制度党 PRI之间的争论,以及公众对扫毒的支持也慢慢减弱。 ecocn

Japan, it seems, has become the Hamlet of Asia, endlessly fretting about its waning world influence while failing to do much about it.
日本,好像成为了亚洲的哈姆雷特,一边不断担心它世界影响力减弱,而另一边面对这种状况又不肯有所作为。 yeeyan

October26,2010— Ecosystems are under stress and thousands of species are at risk of extinction in the waning months of the Year of Biodiversity.
2010年10月26日—在生物多样性年所剩为数不多的几个月内,生态系统正面临压力,数以千计物种面临灭绝风险。 worldbank

Part of the problem is a waning interest among Americans for technical degrees.
导致这一问题的部分原因是美国人对科技的兴趣在减退。 yeeyan

Perhaps the sense that the number of tomorrows is waning swiftly?
这是不是因为我感到明天的数量在迅速地减少? yeeyan

Polls show that the appetite for raising the consumption tax to help share the burden of reconstruction, which was strong shortly after the crisis, is now waning.
民意调查显示,提高消费税来帮助分担重建的重担的欲望,灾后曾短暂强势的观点,正慢慢减弱。 ecocn

So that's good, but I think you're going to see momentum waning as we exit this year.
这是个利好消息,但是你会注意到今年过后这种势头会逐渐减弱。 yeeyan

Support for that has been waning recently, but it could yet rebound.
虽然对该公投的支持潮最近减弱了些,但其很有可能再次反弹。 ecocn

The book will explain why old-school broadcast practices are waning and new conversational methods are on the rise.
此书将解释为什么传统的教育式的广播实践在减弱,新的谈话式的理论正盛行。 yeeyan

The diversion was fleeting, for they succumbed almost immediately to the waning of oxygen.
这个大迁移是短暂的,因为它们几乎是立即就死于氧气的逐渐减少了。 yeeyan

The government has pledged to reduce the deficit from11.2% to3% of GDP by 2013, but parliamentary support is waning.
该政府承诺到2013年要将赤字从占GDP的11.2%减少到3%,但是议会的支持正在减弱。 yeeyan

There is also evidence that the effect of past prevention campaigns is waning.
另外,有证据表明,以往的预防运动的效果正不断消失。 worldbank




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