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词汇 Wang Jingwei
释义 Wang Jingwei
With Chiang Kai-shek andWang Jingwei's Campaign to purge the Communist Party in and after 1927, the tension between CYP and KMT begin to ease off.国民革命军北伐前后,双方关系曾一度异常紧张。1927年后,随着国民党对共产党政策的变化,青年党与国民党的关系开始出现一丝缓和的动向。
Abstract: AfterWang Jingwei's defecting to the enemy in the winter of 1938 ,Jiang Kaishek tried to deal with him by way of not openly determining the nature of his act.摘 要: 1938年冬;汪精卫公开投敌后;蒋介石采取了迟迟不公开定性的方式与之周旋.;这种策略主要是出于对防范国民党内部分裂、团结地方实力派坚持抗战、国际形势复杂等因素的考虑
AfterWang Jingwei's defecting to the enemy in the winter of 1938,Jiang Kaishek tried to deal with him by way of not openly determining the nature of his act.1938年冬,汪精卫公开投敌后,蒋介石采取了迟迟不公开定性的方式与之周旋。
With objective manner, combine setting of specific historical requirement, period, what publish to Chen Duxiu andWang Jingweiis enunciative undertake reappraisal.以客观的态度,结合具体的历史条件、时代背景,对陈独秀与汪精卫发表的宣言进行再评价。
archives ofWang Jingweipuppet regime汪伪档案
The Nepotism ofWang JingweiTraitor Group汪精卫汉奸集团繁衍中的裙带关系




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