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词汇 Wang Chong
释义 Wang Chong
Qi ju tie is a letter composed byWang Chongin his 30th year.《起居帖》是王宠30岁书写的一封信札。
Wang Chongtook Taoist's nature and inaction as his argument purpose, and took Heaven as the highest category of his outlook on the natural laws.王充以道家的自然无为立论宗旨 ,以“天”为天道观的最高范畴 ,以“气”为核心范畴 ,由元气、精气、和气等自然气化构成了庞大的宇宙生成模式 ,与天人感应论形成对立之势。
About 2,000 years ago,Wang Chong,a Chinese philosopher,discovered that it one rubbed a piece of amber with a piece of fur or wood,he could always produce electricity.大约2,000年前,中国的一位哲学家王充发现,如果把一块琥珀在一块兽皮上或木头上摩擦,随时都能产生电。
About 2,000 years ago,Wang Chong, a Chinese philosopher, discovered that it one rubbed a piece of amber with a piece of fur or wood, he could always produce electricity.大约2,000年前,中国的一位哲学家王充发现,如果把一块琥珀在一块兽皮上或木头上摩擦,随时都能产生电。
Temple history writers to package and left many poems, such as Piri Xiu, Lu Guimeng, Fan Chengda,Wang Chong, Chen Deqian, Ye Shengtao, Tian Han, Zhou Juan, and so thin.历代文人到包山寺并留下诗作的很多,如皮日休、陆龟蒙、范成大、王宠、沈德潜、叶圣陶、田汉、周瘦鹃等。
Wang Chong, after he absorbed the philosophical thinking of the predecessors, explained the “life” by using such material things as vitality, astrology, and mettle.摘要王充在继承前人哲学思想的基础上,用元气、星象、骨相这些物质的东西来解释“命”,主张偶然的禀气决定了必然性的“命”;




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