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wamuCOCA⁸⁵³²⁷ 基本例句 abbr.西非货币联盟West African Monetary Union Elsewhere, a WaMu was closed by the US government, with all it assets absorbed by JP Morgan. 美国政府关闭了华盛顿互助银行,并将其资产卖给了摩根大通。 ce For Washington Mutual WaMu, a Seattle thrift that grew into America's sixth-biggest bank and came a cropper in subprime mortgages, the tab is $10 billion and counting. 西雅图的储蓄银行华盛顿互助银行已经成为美国第六大银行,但在次贷危机中却一败涂地,据不完全统计,其所欠款项达100亿美元。 ecocn It was careful to structure WaMu's sale so that it avoids a hit to the fund. 华惠的出售要小心谨慎,以防止对这笔资金产生冲击。 topsage The failure of Washington Mutual WaMu, a troubled thrift, could at the worst wipe out as much as half of what remains in the fund, reckons of Ladenburg Thalmann, a boutique investment bank. 一家精品投资银行 Ladenburg Thalmann的 Dick Bove估计,最坏的情况是,华盛顿共同基金一个麻烦的以节俭著称的银行的破产将了结一半以上的基金。 ecocn The purchases of Bear and WaMu extended its investment-banking clout and branch network by over 2,000 outlets but also brought with them piles of duff assets. 对贝尔和华互的收购提升了其投行业务的影响力并扩张了分支机构网增加了2000多营业部,与此同时也增加了一些不必要的无用资产。 ecocn “ I'm not gonna say that is not gonna happen but no matter what WaMu has a really impressive severance package and I think that's going to be carried on even if there is a merger, ” he said. 韦斯利说:“我并不是说这种事情不会发生,但是不管怎么说,华盛顿互惠银行向员工提供非常好的解聘待遇。我认为,即使公司被兼并,这些待遇也会得到执行。” kekenet About$30 billion of WaMu’s loans are in run-off, which is why the bank’s overall loan book is shrinking. 大约有300亿美元的华互贷款正在流失,缩减了其贷款账项的总额。 ecocn But, as WaMu’s rapid decline shows, some are already too ill to be saved. 但是正如华惠的快速倒闭表明,一些银行已经病入膏肓,无药可救。 ecocn But in her109- page decision, Walrath rejected WaMu's overall reorganization plan because of the wide-ranging protection it sought to give directors, officers and other professionals. 但是,在她109页的决定中,沃尔拉斯拒绝华盛顿互惠银行整个重组计划,由于其寻求给懂事,主管和其他专业人员的广泛的保护。 aitrans But traders say Lehman and WaMu have more debt than cash, meaning they have no equity value and that buying their shares is a forlorn cause. 但交易员们表示,雷曼和华盛顿互惠银行的债务要多于现金,这说明它们毫无股权价值可言,购买其股票的行为是一种绝望之举。 www.chinadaily.com.cn But WaMu's whip-round shows that the desperation is spreading to Main Street. 但是华互这次发放的援救资金表明绝望的气息正在华尔街蔓延。 ecocn Even more alarming, WaMu’s demise shows that depositors will flee the most troubled banks, even when their money is backed by the state. 更令人担忧的是:华惠的倒闭表明即使政府担保银行资产,但银行仍然会出现挤兑现象。 ecocn It is particularly worrying that no other bank was willing to buy WaMu until it went under. 令人担忧的是在华盛顿互惠银行倒闭之前,没有其他银行愿意并购。 ecocn It gives the crisis another unwanted record: WaMu has more than $300 billion in assets. 这又给本次危机增添了一个不必要的记录:华惠倒闭时资产达3000多亿美元。 ecocn JPMorgan Chase made a lowball offer for WaMu soon after buying Bear Stearns, but was rebuffed. 摩根大通在收购贝尔斯登后很快提出以低价收购互助银行,但遭到后者拒绝。 ecocn JPMorgan’s takeover of Bear Stearns and WaMu; Bank of America’s takeover of Countrywide and Merrill Lynch; and Wells Fargo’s takeover of Wachovia underscore the problem. 摩根大通接手贝尔斯登和华盛顿互惠银行、美国银行接手 Countrywide和美林、富国银行接手美联银行的案例一再凸显了这个问题。 yeeyan Last week TPG’s founder, David Bonderman, was appointed to the board of post- bankruptcy General Motors, suggesting that the WaMu misfortune has not done too much damage to his reputation. 上周, TPG的创始人大卫•邦德曼 David Bonderman受命加入破产后的通用汽车董事会,这一事件暗示华盛顿互惠银行的悲剧并未破坏该基金的声望。 ecocn Morgan will pay$1.9 billion to the government for WaMu’s loans, branches and deposits, but expects to write down the loans by more than $30 billion. 摩根大通要向政府支付19亿美元来购买华惠的贷款业务、分支机构和存储业务,贷款组合减记约300多亿美元。 ecocn Most regional banks face different problems from WaMu. 多数地方银行与华互银行面临的问题不同。 ecocn Shares of Washington Mutual WaMu, the nation’s largest savings and loan bank, also slumped, amid fears that banks are running out of rescuers. 由于投资者担心美国银行业已经用尽救援资本,美国最大的储蓄和贷款银行——华盛顿互惠银行的股票也大幅下挫。 ecocn WaMu had been struggling for months. 华惠已经苟延残喘了几个月。 ecocn WaMu was said this week to be seeking a buyer. 据说本周华盛顿共同基金已在寻找买主。 ecocn WaMu hopes the injection will help it through a horrendous year; loan losses for the first quarter alone will be $1.4 billion. 华互银行希望此次注资能帮助银行在未来一年里顺利渡过难关。仅第一季度该行贷款损失预计将达到14亿美元。 ecocn WaMu hopes the injection will help it through a horrendous year; 互助银行希望此次注资能够帮其渡过步履维艰的年份; topsage WaMu's attorneys could not immediately be reached for comment. 华盛顿互惠银行的律师没有立即对此事发表评论。 aitrans |