

单词 waltzing
释义 waltz·ing 英wɔːlts美wɔːlts COCA⁵⁸⁶⁹²BNC⁶⁸⁴⁰⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
an assured victory especially in an electionmusic composed in triple time for waltzinga ballroom dance in triple time with a strong accent on the first beat
dance a waltzwaltz off with轻而易举地得…Waltz step华尔兹步Waltz backwards向后华尔兹步…waltz away with轻而易举地得…waltz into冲向攻击
近义词 zip拉链walk步行swan天鹅sail航行steam蒸汽dance舞会breeze微风stroll闲逛saunter闲逛whizz飕飕声snap劈啪作响romp嬉闹玩笑valse轻轻地走cinch马的肚带walkover轻易取胜walkaway轻易获得的胜利…piece of cake非常容易的事…pushover俚易于征服或控制的人…walk-in大得可供人进入的储藏室(…

用作名词I was wondering if I can have the first waltz with you.是否能和您跳第一支华尔滋舞。用作动词Hewaltzedher round the room.他带着她在跳华尔兹舞。
Shewaltzedup to us and announced that she was leaving.她蹦蹦跳跳地来到我们面前说她要走了.
He has justwaltzedoff with my cigarette lighter.他刚才把我的打火机偷走了。
Shewaltzedoff with the school prizes for maths and science.她轻而易举赢得了全校数学奖和理科奖。as in.oscillate
同义词 fluctuate,lurch,seesaw,teeter,vacillate,waver,wobbledangle,fishtail,flicker,librate,palpitate,pitch,pivot,reel,ripple,rock,roll,stagger,sway,swing,switch,swivel,teeter-totter,thrash,toss,totter,undulate,vary,vibrate,waddle,wag,waggle,waltz,wave,whirl,wigglebe unsteady,pendulate
反义词 remain,stay,be still,stabilize,steadyas in.rotate
同义词 pivot,revolve,spin,swivel,twirl,twist,whirlcircle,circumvolve,gyrate,move,pirouette,reel,roll,troll,trundle,turn,waltz,wheel,whirligig,whirrcircumduct,gyre
反义词 straighten,untwiststayas in.zip
同义词 dash,hurry,waltz,zoombustle,flash,fly,hasten,run,rush,shoot,speed,tear,whisk,whiz
反义词 slow,halt,walkdecelerateas in.breeze
同义词 cruise,glide,hurry,sail,waltz,zipflit,move,pass,sally,skim,slide,slip,sweep,trip“ What's that?” called Barbara, still waltzing with Raynor.
“怎么回事?”芭芭拉说,仍然与雷诺跳着舞。 ezyreg

And then my dancing and waltzing!
然后是我的舞蹈和华尔兹! en84

I remember thinking on the first day I was going to fll madly in love with one of the boys and spend in next years of my life kissing and waltzing.
记得第一天我就想,我会疯狂地爱上某个男孩,以后就在耳鬓厮磨、卿卿我我和跳华尔兹舞中度过几年时光。 www.ao-u.com.cn

I saw couples waltzing in people's square, youngsters skateboarding late at night, and pretty much everyone enjoying skewered barbecued lamb in restaurants and from street vendors throughout the city.
我看到人们在人民广场跳华尔兹舞,年轻人玩滑板直至深夜。几乎每个人都在享受烤羊肉串的美味,要么坐在餐馆里慢慢品味,要么坐在街头大排档大快朵颐。 forbeschina

Optimism, new hopes, friends, wishes, entertainment and light romance come waltzing in.
乐观,新的希望、朋友、愿望、娱乐与光来在浪漫的华尔兹。 douban

Some say great foley is the stuff that goes unnoticed: the soft swirl of a waltzing dress, the clunk-a- chink of Iron Man.
有人认为出色的拟音是那些让人不易察觉的响声:华尔兹服饰的轻柔摆动声、钢铁侠的金属撞击声。 yeeyan

That's the question posed by Italian researchers who've found that waltzing improves heart function and quality of life among chronic heart failure patients.
这是意大利研究人员提出的问题,他们发现跳华尔兹舞可改善慢性心衰患者的心脏功能,提高其生活质量。 dxy

They circle each other face to face as though joined by an invisible bar, a diminutive couple waltzing in a candlelit ballroom.
它们面对面地相互环绕,中间似有一条隐形棒相连,像一对小情侣在烛光舞厅跳着华尔兹。 englishtide

We were waltzing together to a dreaming melody When they called out “Change Partners.”
歌词大意伴着如梦的旋律,我们相拥而舞。 gofly.cc

Whether you are waltzing or simply walking a straight line, the precuneus helps to plot your path and does so from a body-centered or“ egocentric” perspective.
无论你是跳华尔兹还是简单地走直线,楔前叶都会以一种“躯体为中心”或者说“自我为中心”的角度在脑中绘制出你的运动路线。 yeeyan

You'll come a- waltzing Matilda with me.
你和我跳华尔兹,玛蒂尔达姑娘。 blog.sina.com.cn

Waltzing into bedrooms and brothels
昂首阔步走进卧房和妓院 ecocn




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