

单词 walther
释义 walther
Held on either side, the victims were approached from behind by an NKVD man equipped with a German Walther7.65mm pistol.
受害者们双臂被缚,配备了德国的华特7.65 mm手枪的苏军内务部队士兵从他们背后把他们射杀。 yeeyan

It was the other Walther Gassner who was real, the man in the computer, whose life had been spelled out in digits.
另一个瓦尔特·加斯纳才是真的。这个人在计算机里,他的生活已经在数字转换机上被拼缀出来了。 kuenglish

The main characters such as Walther, Ferdinand and Luise do not hold malice against each other, yet the fact that they act according to their own will finally leads to an irrevocable tragedy.
剧中主要人物瓦尔特、斐迪南、露伊斯主观上彼此并无恶意,但当他们各自按照自己的意愿行动时却成了不可挽回的悲剧。 bioon

The man Hitler picks to run this mission is one of his most successful and loyal generals— Field Marshal Walther Model.
希特勒钦点执行此任务的人,是麾下战功最彪炳的的忠心将领莫德尔。 taipeitimes

“ We do not seek your salvation, ” Jeffs told Walther and the10 female and two male jurors, who watched and listened intently but made no visible reaction to his words.
“我们并不想拯救你们,”杰夫斯告诉法官瓦尔特和由10个女性和2位男性组成的陪审团,他们专心地观察并倾听着,但对杰夫斯的话语并没有明显的反应。 yeeyan

His7.65 mm Walther pistol lay by his foot.
他的7.65毫米口径的瓦尔特手枪放在他脚边。 nciku

Jeffs asked Walther to suspend the case and hold a hearing on whether his church's religious freedoms were violated.
杰夫斯要求瓦尔特法官终止本案,举行有关他的教会的宗教自由是否受到侵犯的听证。 yeeyan

Past tests were inconclusive, but this time, “ we succeeded in getting a clear result, ” lead researcher Dr. Walther Parson, a renowned forensic pathologist said.
之前所做的一些实验都没有得出决定性的结论,但这次测试的带头人著名法医病理学家沃尔瑟·帕森说:“我们终于使‘真相’浮出水面”。 cri

The idea, Mr Walther says, is to“look not only at links between websites but also links between people” and thus to use“ social search” to solve“subjective” queries.
Walther称 Yahoo!的观念是“不仅要把眼光落在网站本身,而且还要落在人们身上”,因此运用“人性化的搜索”去解决“个人化”的咨询。 ecocn

When answering questions from state District Judge Barbara Walther, Jeffs usually pauses for a full minute or two and then speaks in slow and deliberate tones, interrupted by long, awkward pauses.
在回答州地区法官巴巴拉·沃尔特询问时,杰夫斯通常停顿一到两分钟,然后故意放慢语速速,接着又是一段很长而尴尬的停顿。 yeeyan

Walther also acquires books, will bring out in hardcover.
而且沃尔特用精装的方式出版这本书。 yeeyan

Walther says he hopes his daughter will do the same for him.
他说,他希望女儿也能这样对他。 qeto

Walther et al. documented the antithrombotic efficacy of Hirudoid in a comparative animal study.
在另一相当的动物研究中, Walther等人同样论证了喜疗妥的抗血栓作用。 oneyao.net




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