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词汇 Walsh
释义 Walsh. wɔ:lʃ
For a long moment, Walsh silently scanned the files with sharp blue eyes that, in Jack's experience, missed nothing.
很长一段时间,沃尔什那双眼神锐利的蓝眼睛静静地浏览着文件,杰克知道他不会漏过任何要点。 yeeyan

“ If birds built their nests according to a genetic template, you would expect all birds to build their nests the same way each time. However, this was not the case, ” added Dr Walsh.
“假如鸟儿筑巢的本领取决于基因模板,那所有的鸟在同一时间编织的巢窝的方法应该是一模一样的,”沃尔什博士说,“然而事实并非如此。” yeeyan

“ It just reaffirms our position,” Andy Walsh, the general manager of FC United of Manchester, said a couple of weeks later, reflecting on the decision to form the breakaway club in2005.
“这件事只会让我们更加坚定地留在这里,”安迪沃尔什,联曼俱乐部的总经理在事发几周后讲到,影射2005年那次与曼联俱乐部的决裂。 yeeyan

“ This is not the normative overeating that we all do, by any means, ” said Dr. B. Timothy Walsh, a psychiatrist at Columbia and the New York State Psychiatric Institute who is working on the manual.
“无论怎样,这并不是我们做的普通的过度暴食。” B.蒂莫西.沃尔什说,他是此书的编辑之一且为可伦比亚和纽约州精神病研究协会的精神病专家。 yeeyan

“ What we can't simulate is when it hits the real world, ” Walsh said, which is why the company conducts several tests with prototypes.
“我们无法模拟的是当它进入现实世界中的情况,”沃尔什说,这就是该公司之所以用原型进行了多次试验。 yeeyan

A spokesman for Walsh said he was still planning to appear but the situation could change.
沃尔什的发言人表示他仍将计划出席该节目,但现在情况有变。 yeeyan

As he throws the card to Jack, Walsh is killed by a barrage of bullets.
在沃尔什把卡扔给杰克时,他被一轮子弹扫射打死了。 yeeyan

At CTU, Milo, the freelance contractor, gets closer to decoding information on the assassin on the real key card given by Walsh.

At the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, David Walsh, an oceanographer, said the earthquake created a23-foot- high tsunami in Japan.
在太平洋海啸预警中心,海洋学家大卫•沃尔什称,这次地震在日本造成了23英尺高的海啸。 yeeyan

But mention Cowell's name and you do not get the reaction you might expect. Because the talent show in question is not the one presided over by Simon, Louis Walsh and co.
但是提到可维尔你将大失所望,因为这个引人关注的才艺表演秀并不是由西蒙、路易斯.沃尔什等人主持的的英国达人秀。 yeeyan

Cameron will dive to the same place Piccard and Walsh did, known as Challenger Deep, located at the southern end of the Mariana Trench.
卡梅隆将潜到皮卡德和沃尔什曾经到过的同一个地方,也就是众所周知的挑战深度,即马里来那海沟以南。 yeeyan

Gaines leads Jack via the transmitter in his ear to find a key card that resembles the one Walsh gave him.
盖恩斯通过杰克耳中的无线麦克风,指引着他找出了一张钥匙卡,这张钥匙卡酷似沃尔什交给他的那张。 yeeyan

In a sharply worded critique of the rising popularity of pain-free labour, Walsh warns that normal birth is in danger of being“ effectively anaesthetised by the epidural epidemic” in the NHS.
沃尔什以尖锐的言辞批评了日益成风的无痛分娩,他警告到,国民健康保险使普通的生产“被无痛分娩的流行所效麻痹”,这是危险的。 yeeyan

Jack checks in with Teri on his way to help Walsh.
在救援沃尔什的路上,杰克给泰瑞打电话通报情况。 yeeyan

Nicole Walsh, the owner of Body Mind Life yoga studio, said she had not experienced the injury rate found in the survey.
“身体、心灵、生活”瑜珈练习室的主人尼科尔·沃尔什说她从没有遇到过像调查中那么高的损伤比例。 ebigear

She divorced Lossing Buck, married her publisher Richard Walsh, and moved back to the US.
她与洛辛·布克离婚后,与她小说的出版人理查·沃尔什结为夫妻,返回美国。 yeeyan

These claims from Dr Denis Walsh, one of the country's most influential midwives, have prompted a furious reaction, with other experts saying he has exaggerated the risks of having an epidural.
此言论来自这个国家最有影响力的助产医生丹尼斯·沃尔什博士,并且引起了激烈反应。其他专家说他夸大了无痛分娩的危害。 yeeyan

Under the Adam Walsh Act of2006, another law named after a murdered child, all states will soon be obliged to make their sex-offender registries public.

Walsh is due to appear as one of the judges on the X Factor tonight.
沃尔什在今晚作为评委之一参加了《英国偶像》节目。 yeeyan

Walsh calls Jack to rescue him from the assailant.
沃尔什打电话给杰克,要杰克来救他。 yeeyan

Walsh calls Jack to rescue him from the assailant. Jack heads downtown.
沃尔什打电话给杰克,要杰克来救他。杰克向市区出发。 yeeyan

Walsh is wounded but is able to shoot back at his assailant.
沃尔什受了伤,但是仍然向射击他的人还击了几枪。 yeeyan

Walsh privately tells Jack that there may be a leak within CTU involved in the hit.

Walsh said the results show visual- tactile cues are not critical in establishing body ownership. Instead muscle- related signals coupled with vision are sufficient for the brain to recognize ownership.
沃尔什说,研究结果表明视觉和触觉线索对于身体感知不是特别重要,而与视觉结合的相关肌肉信号足以使大脑感知身体了。 yeeyan

Walsh slid one of the mikes across to him, then opened a blue plastic folder and rested his arms on the table.
沃尔什隔着桌子把一只麦克风推到杰克面前,然后打开一个蓝色塑料文件夹,把双臂放到桌面上。 yeeyan




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