

单词 walloped
释义 wal·lop·ed 英'wɒləp美'wɑːləp COCA⁹³³⁵⁹BNC⁶⁸⁴⁰⁴Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
a forceful consequence; a strong effect;

the book had an important impact on my thinking

the book packs a wallop

a severe blow
hit hard;

The teacher whacked the boy

defeat soundly and utterly;

We'll wallop them!

wallop in a tow被绞死wallop in a tether苏被绞死吊死…
近义词 jab刺beat打lick舔rap轻敲bat球棒whip鞭子slug蛞蝓flog鞭打flap拍打bash怒殴biff击打blow打击pelt皮毛paddle桨whop痛击clout猛击whack敲击knock敲击crack破裂thump重击strike罢工pummel猛击thwack重击defeat挫败pizazz精力impact影响smack掌击声hit打击trounce痛打punch按键thrash打谷buzz发出嗡嗡声spank掴屁股shut out关在外面fizz液体发嘶嘶声…wham砰突然的重击声…impressiveness给人深刻印象…

用作动词Shewallopedthe ball miles.她把球打出很远很远。用作名词 It's just about what you'd expect in an economy that's lost nearly2 million jobs in the past few months after the credit crunch walloped Wall Street and Main Street.
在信用危机重创华尔街和主街之后,你可以预计在过去的几个月中,美国这个经济体会失去大约200万个职位。 yeeyan

It was walloped during the global financial crisis, but recovered faster than any other rich country.
韩国在全球金融危机期间也遭受重创,但是比其他任何发达国家恢复的要快速。 cstiit.com

On February14th a court in Ecuador walloped Chevron, an oil giant based in California, with a$9.47 billion fine.
2月14日,厄瓜多尔一家法庭以94.7亿美元的罚金给了雪佛龙这家加州石油巨头重重一击。 ecocn

The city got walloped by the tech crash in 2001. Venture-capital funding has shrivelled to about a quarter of what it was in2000 and took longer to recover than in other parts of America.
2001年高科技行业的低迷曾使其遭受重创,创业投资额一度缩减到2000年的四分之一,而且恢复的时间要比美国其它地区都长。 ecocn

The solar and LED businesses already struggle with oversupply, meaning Samsung may get walloped by the same dramatic price erosion as it has seen in liquid- crystal flat panels.
太阳能和 LED行业已经有供应过量的危险,这就意味着三星可能会承受与液晶平板曾经一样剧烈的价格下跌的打击。 ecocn

A YEAR ago almost every economy in the world was being walloped.
一年前,世界上几乎每一个经济体都遭受了强烈的冲击。 yeeyan

And tonight, England are just not good enough as Germany absolutely walloped its supporters off.
今晚,英格兰队踢得没有德国队好,这确实使得英格兰球迷大失所望。 hjenglish

Companies associated with the travel and food industries could suffer after getting walloped in U.S. markets on Monday.
周一美股旅游和食品加工行业的企业受重创。 yeeyan

Economies such as China or Brazil were walloped late last year not only, or even mainly, because American demand plunged.
像中国和巴西这样的经济体在去年年底受到冲击,不仅仅也不主要归因为美国需求下滑。 ecocn

Even the most recession- walloped and otherwise diminished man can take pride in his essential role as father.
即便是在经济衰退中遭创最重,因而其他方面亦颜面尽失的男人,也会因其身为人父这个不可或缺的角色而自感岸然。 yeeyan

From Bradford to Barcelona, the little master has walloped home some of the most memorable strikes of the decade.
从布拉德福德到巴塞罗那,这个小个子大师给曼联球迷提供了这10年中最美好的回忆。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn

In Michigan Rick Snyder walloped his Democratic opponent by bragging about his managerial skills.
在密歇根,里克•施耐德 Rick Snyder吹嘘他的管理技能,以求打败民主党对手。 ecocn

It took Senator Mark Warner of Virginia to admit that his party“ got walloped”.
这使得弗吉尼亚州参议院马克·华纳 Mark Warner承认民主党“处境艰难”。 yeeyan

REPUBLICANS walloped Democrats in November, thanks to concern over big government, high taxes and a crippling deficit.
11月选举中,共和党给了民主党当头一棒,这是人们担忧大政府、高税收和严重赤字的结果。 ecocn

She walloped the ballfor miles.
她把球打出很远很远。 hotdic

The past few months have seen the ruling party walloped repeatedly.
过去的几个月里,执政党连遭重创。 ecocn

The Great Pass witnessed our strong steeds walloped the fees.
那雄关曾目睹我们强劲的铁骑击溃强敌。 blog.sina.com.cn

When he chose his father, she walloped him hard enough to knock him off the sofa and onto a glass coffee table.
当詹姆斯选择父亲时,母亲狠狠地将他揍了一顿,将他从沙发上拽起扔到一张玻璃咖啡桌上。 ecocn




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