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词汇 wall
释义 wall 英wɔːl美wɔːl;英wɔːl美wɔl ★★★★★小高牛4研COCA⁵²³BNC⁷⁷⁶iWeb⁸⁰⁶

C 墙,壁,围墙

continuous upright solid structure of stone, brick, concrete, etc. used to enclose, divide or protect sth

vt. 筑墙围住,用墙隔开

surround sth with a wall or walls

an architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness; used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure;

the south wall had a small window

the walls were covered with pictures

anything that suggests a wall in structure or function or effect;

a wall of water

a wall of smoke

a wall of prejudice

negotiations ran into a brick wall

anatomy a layer a lining or membrane that encloses a structure;

stomach walls

a difficult or awkward situation;

his back was to the wall

competition was pushing them to the wall

a vertical or almost vertical smooth rock face as of a cave or mountaina layer of material that encloses space;

the walls of the cylinder were perforated

the container's walls were blue

a masonry fence as around an estate or garden;

the wall followed the road

he ducked behind the garden wall and waited

an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes;

they stormed the ramparts of the city

they blew the trumpet and the walls came tumbling down

surround with a wall in order to fortify

❌ Have you seen the hole on the wall?

✔️ Have you seen the hole in the wall?

表示墙上有洞〔门〕时,要用in the wall,因为洞〔门〕都是在墙里面。如指在墙表面上,则用on the wall。

wall, cage, coop, enclose, envelop, fence, pen


fence主要指用栅栏拦开或围起来; cage指关在笼子里,有侮辱意味; coop指被关进笼子般的狭小地方,也指受到更加严格的限制; enclose指设置界限或屏障把某人或某物围在其中,也指把某物装进密封的容器; envelop强调把某物体完全包起来或整个封起来; pen指监禁在狭窄的地方或施加令人不快的限制; wall指筑墙围住或关入围有墙壁的地方。例如:

After the tiger was caught, it was caged.老虎被捉住后关进了笼子。
He was cooped up in a tiny room.他被关进小房间。
The little park was enclosed on all sides by tall apartment building.那个小公园的四周被高高的住宅楼围起来了。
Smoke from the burning room enveloped the whole building.着火了的那个房间冒出的烟遮蔽了整座大楼。
The shepherd has penned up the sheep in the two acre field.牧羊人把羊群围在那块两英亩的土地上。
We are going to wall the garden.我们要用围墙把花园围起来。来自拉丁语vallum,木柱,墙,或来自PIE*wel,转,拱起,词源同involve,vault。引申词义词墙。
用作名词 n.
动词+~blow up a wall炸毁一堵墙build a wall修建一堵墙climb over a wall爬过墙crack a wall使墙破裂destroy a wall毁坏一面墙drive sb up the wall使某人十分烦恼erect a wall修建一堵墙get over a wall翻过墙去knock down a wall推倒一堵墙line walls使沿着墙壁排列paint a wall油漆墙壁paper a wall用纸裱糊墙壁plaster a wall在墙上涂抹灰泥point a wall给一面墙勾缝put up a wall修建一堵墙remove a wall拆除墙repair a wall修理墙壁run against a wall撞在墙上run into a wall撞在墙上shore up the wall用支柱撑住这面墙tear down a wall拆一堵墙white-wash a wall粉刷墙壁形容词+~broken wall破墙clean wall干净的墙壁dirty wall肮脏的墙壁high wall高墙inside wall内墙low wall低墙outside wall外墙supporting wall支撑墙thick wall厚墙壁wooden wall木栅栏名词+~brick wall砖墙city wall城墙fire wall防火墙prison wall监狱的围墙sea wall海堤,防波堤stone wall石壁~+名词wall light壁灯介词+~against the wall靠墙the foot of a wall墙根the top of a wall墙头on the wall在墙上~+介词wall around the garden花园四周的木栅栏wall between …之间的隔膜wall between church and state政教之间的隔阂wall of people人墙wall without windows or doors既没窗户又没门的墙用作动词 v.~+副词wall completely完全筑墙围住wall diligently细心地筑墙围住wall deliberately故意地筑墙围住wall extemporaneously临时地筑墙围住wall heartlessly无情地用墙隔开wall hurriedly匆匆地用墙隔开wall totally全部用墙隔开
用作名词n.go over the wall

越狱 escape from prison

go to the wall

被击破,生意做砸了 be defeated; fail in business

in the wall

在墙上,在墙里 on one of the vertical sides of a building or room

on the wall

在墙上,在墙的表面上 on the surface of the wall

wall off v.+adv.

用墙把…隔开 separate (usually an area by wall)

wall sth ⇔ offThey walled off the large prison into lots of very small cells.他们把大监狱隔成很多小牢房。
This room is walled off from the rest of the house.这个房间和屋里的其他房间隔了开来。
wall up v.+adv.

把…封住,把…关起来 imprison (sb within a wall of bricks or strong close sth with a wall)

wall sb/sth ⇔ upLet's wall the prisoner up in the castle.咱们把这个犯人关在城堡里吧。
I think we should wall up the fireplace.我想应该封住壁炉。
Her eyes were walled up by the bandit.她的眼睛被那个匪徒蒙住了。故事记忆人长得很 Small矮小自己就是 All全部从没女孩 Call打电话独自穿过 Mall林荫道前面有面 Wall墙仔细看很 Tall高爬上去就 Fall掉下原来掉进 Hall大厅里正好参加 Ball舞会非常记忆wa娃〖拼音〗+ll梯子〖象形〗⇒娃用梯子爬到墙壁上小学英语速记音律记忆:一个ball球,砸向wall墙近义词 coopcellblockfenceencloseenvelopn. barrierdividerv. cage
用作名词n.During the Warring States period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms.战国时期,修建了更多城墙来保卫不同王国的边境。
The wall cuts across our line of vision.墙遮断了我们的视线。
My left hand brushed the wall and found the doorknob.我的左手顺着墙摸过去就找到了门的把手。
The explosion caused the walls of the building to fall in.爆炸使建筑物的墙倒塌了。
The ball struck the wall and bounded back to me.球碰到墙又向我弹回来。
They glided along the wall until they were out of sight.他们沿着墙壁溜得无影无踪。
These doors are made in pieces that can be folded away against the wall.这些门都是几块拼成的,可以折叠起来靠在墙上。
They burst a hole through the wall.他们在墙上炸开一个窟窿。
We had to break through the solid wall to reach the prisoners.我们必须凿穿那坚实的墙壁才能与囚犯们联络。
The television was built flush into the wall.电视机安放得和墙平行。
He boiled over when his wife drove their new car into the wall.在他妻子驾驶着他们的新车撞到墙上时,他大发了一通脾气。
The firemen broke down the wall in order to gain quick access to the building on fire.为了很快地进入着火的房子,消防队员拆了那堵墙。
The ball bounded from the wall.球从墙上弹回。
The picture is attached to the wall by a nail.这张图画被钉子钉在墙上。
The office looked exactly the same as before, only some charts were added to the wall.办公室里还是那个老样子,只是墙上多了一些图表。
The colour of the wall and the colour of the carpet will blend together.墙的颜色和地毯的颜色很和谐。
My grandmother used to clean her mats by beating them against the wall of the house.以前我祖母清理坐垫的办法是将它们在屋壁上甩打。
We were asked to clean down the walls when we left the house that we had been renting.离开租住的屋子时,主人要求我们把墙冲洗干净。
He colored the walls green.他把墙壁刷成绿色。
The building was burnt out and only the walls remained.那幢建筑物除了墙以外都烧光了。
These cupboards are built into the walls.这些食品橱柜是嵌在墙里的。
Our neighbours built their walls high.我们的邻居把墙砌得很高。
We had to brace the walls when we put the new roof on.架上新房顶时我们得要撑牢墙壁。
The city was defended with walls.城用城墙防御着。
He fastened the calendar to a wall.他把日历挂在墙上。
Our garden is surrounded by a stone wall.我们的花园由一堵石墙围着。
The place was closed in by a wall.这个地方用墙围着。
The Great Wall, is actually more than 6000 kilometres long,6—7 metres high and 4—5 metres wide.长城实际上有6000多公里长,6—7米高,4—5米宽。
He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。
They banded the Berlin Wall in light and dark grey stone.他们用淡灰色和深灰色的石头砌成了柏林墙。
Wall Street began to empty after midnight.午夜过后华尔街上行人开始稀少了。
I should hate to be confined within the four walls of an office all day.我讨厌整天关在办公室里。
Very big waves dashed over the sea wall at the height of the storm.在暴风雨最猛烈的时候,巨浪吞没了海堤。
When I tried to probe into John's life,I came up against a brick wall.当我要进一步要了解约翰的生活时却碰了壁。
But she knew the signs of change, she could read the writing on the wall.她觉出有变化的迹象,她可以看出这不祥的预兆了。
Let's put it on the table and don't drive it to the wall.让我们坐下来谈谈,别把事情弄僵。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.We're going to wall the garden.我们打算用墙把花园围起来。
The garden iswalled.这个花园由墙围起来。Pbackwall背墙Pmud-walln.土墙Pwallboardn.墙板Pwallchartn.挂图Ppistonwall活塞壁Pwall-likea.似墙的Pfirewall防火墙隔离Pthick-walled厚壁的Pwallaroon.岩大袋鼠Pwalllessa.无墙壁的Pwall-lessa.无墙壁的Pwallnewspapern.墙报Pparty-wall界墙共有墙Pwall-plate低压电流机Pwallnewspapersn.墙报Ptariff-walled关税壁垒的Pwall-washern.撑墙支架板Psidewalln.边墙侧壁轮胎侧壁Pwallpapern.壁纸墙纸v.贴墙纸Pstonewallingn.防守挡击妨碍议事石墙Pstonewallvi.防守挡击围以石墙妨碍或阻碍Pstonewallern.过分小心地打板球者阻碍者阻碍议事者



in the wall表示“在墙的里面”; 而on the wall表示“在墙的表面”。

the Great Wall长城是the Great Wall of China中国长城的简称。



用作名词The picture on thewallis crooked.挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。
The castlewallsare very thick.城堡的墙很厚。
I will break down itswall, and it will be trampled.我必撤去篱笆,使它被吞灭,拆毁墙垣,使它被践踏。用作动词We are going towallthe garden.我们将要用围墙把花园围起来。
Tall treeswallthe broad avenue.高大的树木大墙似地排列在宽阔的林阴道旁。
I think I mightwalloff the living room so that we have a separate place to eat.我想,我可以砌一堵墙把客厅隔开,好有个单独吃饭的地方。
I shallwallin and fence out until I really taste the sweets of property.我要在园林周围砌起墙,旁边再用栅栏隔开,直到我真正尝到了产业的甜头。noun.obstruction, divider
同义词 bar,barricade,barrier,block,dam,embankment,facade,fence,screen,side,surfacebank,blockade,bulwark,curb,enclosure,fortification,hindrance,hurdle,impediment,levee,limitation,palisade,panel,paneling,parapet,partition,rampart,restriction,retainer,roadblock,stockade,stop
反义词 door,opening,window
barnoun barrier; blockage
barricade,blank wall,block,clog,deterrent,encumbrance,fence,hindrance,hurdle,impediment,obstacle,obstruction,pale,rail,railing,restraint,road block,snag,stop,stumbling block,traverse
barverb secure, usually with a length of material
barricadenoun blocking object
bar,barrier,blank wall,block,blockade,bulwark,fence,obstruction,palisade,rampart,roadblock,stockade,stop,wall
barriernoun obstruction
bar,barricade,blank wall,blockade,bound,boundary,confines,curtain,ditch,enclosure,fence,fortification,gully,hurdle,impediment,limit,moat,obstacle,pale,palisade,railing,rampart,roadblock,stop,trench,wall
barriersnoun obstruction
barricades,bars,blank walls,blockades,boundaries,bounds,confines,curtains,ditches,enclosures,fences,fortifications,gullies,hurdles,impediments,limits,moats,obstacles,pales,palisades,railings,ramparts,roadblocks,stops,trenches,walls
blocknoun obstruction
bar,barrier,blank wall,blockage,chunk,clog,hang-up,hindrance,impediment,jam,mass,obstacle,obstruction,roadblock,snag,stop,stoppage,wall




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