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词汇 walking into
释义 walking into短语¹¹⁶⁷⁷
But partly, it's luck: catching the right deer, walking into the right spot at the right time.
但是,还有一部分原因就是运气:能够抓到合适的鹿,在正确的时间走进正确的地点。 yeeyan

He exhorts you to get into what he calls“a powerful state” before walking into an event, by engaging in five minutes of meditation or closing your eyes and taking10 deep breaths.
他还劝你在谈论某件新闻之前,要进入他所说的“有利状态”,这个可以通过5分钟的沉思或者闭眼进行十分钟的深呼吸来做到。 yeeyan

I remember walking into that showroom and seeing the vehicle that was the object of my quest.
我还清楚地记得,我走进展厅看到这辆车,一眼便认出它正是我需要的。 fortunechina

On her blog, the writer described the experience of walking into what she thought was an Apple retail location in Kunming, before realizing that something was off.
在她的博客上,作者描述了她走进这家假冒的位于昆明的苹果店的经过,在她没意识到少了什么东西时,她以为是真的苹果店。 yeeyan

On Tuesday afternoon he arrived for his usual Borges seminar at Jones Hall, walking into a small carpeted room with five rows of chairs and a wooden desk in the front.
在星期二下午,他抵达琼斯厅主持他例行的博尔赫斯研讨课程,走进一个铺着地毯的小房间,房间里有五排椅子和前方的一张木制讲桌。 yeeyan

Others were organized parades of dozens of gun owners walking into restaurants with their firearms proudly at their sides.
而在另一些有组织的游行中,数十人颇为自豪地携带武器走进一些餐厅。 iciba

So it threw me for a loop when I saw him walking into the movie theater with that stupid girl who sits next to him in biology class.

Some were spontaneous, with just one or two gun owners walking into a store.
在一些自发的游行中,只有一两名参与者携带枪支走进商场中。 hxen

That experience— and the visceral draw of climbing or walking into the past— has remained with me ever since.
那次经历---以及攀爬或走进故去时那种真切感受的图景---就一直留在我心里。 yeeyan

These features could be used to identify when it's Emma walking into a room, rather than some other Marvel blonde.
这些特点可以被用来让爱玛在走近屋子时一下子同别的奇迹公司金发女郎区别开来。 yeeyan

Walking into the P. M.’s minute headquarters, I expect to be stopped and searched, or at least asked for photo identification.
走进下午的分钟总部,我希望停下来找一找,或至少为鉴证相片做调查。 yeeyan

Walking into the hospital room, I instantly realized I was in the wrong place.
走进病房,我发觉自己走错了地方。 yeeyan

Walking into Hiroshima, he noticed that the bewildered crowds on the streets were mostly naked, limping children.
走进广岛市区,他看到街道上这些不知所措的人群中大部分都是赤裸跛行的儿童。 ecocn

Walking into his new, 3,000-square-foot house, he greeted Becky.
走进他那个崭新的3000平方英尺的房子,他跟贝基打招呼。 yeeyan




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