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词汇 walker
释义 walk·er 英ˈwɔːkə美ˈwɔkɚAHDwôʹkər

New Zealand runner who in 1975 became the first person to run a mile in less that 3 minutes and 50 seconds born in 1952United States writer born in 1944a person who travels by foota shoe designed for comfortable walkinga light enclosing framework trade name Zimmer with rubber castors or wheels and handles; helps invalids or the handicapped or the aged to walkan enclosing framework on casters or wheels; helps babies learn to walkbaby walker婴儿学步车Zimmer frame齐默式助行架…
蒋争熟词记忆walkv.步行-er人⇒步行者;常散步的人walkv.步行-er人⇒步行者;常散步的人近义词 footer页脚go-cart童车passenger乘客John Walker沃克pedestrian徒步的baby-walker婴儿扶车Zimmer frame齐默式助行架…Zimmer齐默一种作为矫正器械的…

用作名词I'm a slowwalker, but I never walk backwards.我是一个慢步行者,但我从未走落后。
Jim was a quickwalkerand soon got ahead of the others.吉姆是一个健步者,不久就赶到别人前面去了。
She blasted her horn at every car andwalkerin her way.在路上她遇到别的汽车和行人就按喇叭。
Thewalkeris making slow progress up the rocky path.行人沿着岩石小道慢慢往上走。
He now needs awalkerto get around.他现在走动需要助行架。noun.(person who travels by foot
同义词 hikerpedestrian,saunterer,stroller,trekker,wayfarer
反义词 runnernoun.person who walks
同义词 hikerpedestrian,perambulator,stroller,wayfarerambulator
反义词 runner
pedestriannoun person traveling on foot
pedestriansnoun person traveling on foot
wayfarernoun traveler
adventurer,barnstormer,bum,drifter,excursionist,explorer,gadabout,globetrotter,gypsy,hiker,hitchhiker,hobo,itinerant,journeyer,nomad,peddler,pilgrim,rambler,roamer,rover,trekker,vagabond,vagrant,walker,wanderer As an example, Walker cites people being called up to fill the holes on river banks which fill with water and which are where mosquitoes commonly breed.
沃克引用了一个实例,那就是人们被集中起来,填补河岸上的洞穴,因为这些布满水的洞穴通常是蚊虫滋生的温床。 worldbank

David Walker, head of the Nottingham Caves Survey, surveys the base of Castle Rock, a large sandstone outcrop in the heart of the city.
大卫·沃克是诺丁汉洞穴勘测组的组长,他负责勘测石头城堡的地基,这是一块位于城市中心的巨型砂岩露头。 yeeyan

Scott Walker claims that he needs to pass his bill to deal with the state's fiscal problems.
州长斯科特·沃克宣称,必须通过他提出的这项议案,以解决该州的财政问题。 yeeyan

The nap before learning may help clear out the hippocampus and send the data on to the prefrontal cortex, allowing new information to soak in, Walker says.
在学习前小睡,可以帮助海马清空记忆内存,并发送数据到前额叶皮层,让新的信息融入到那里,沃克说。 yeeyan

“ It felt like a bomb blew off,” said Peggy Walker, an IRS revenue officer who was sitting at her desk.
“感觉就像一起炸弹爆炸,”佩吉·沃克,一位国税局官员说到,当时她正坐在她的办公室里。 yeeyan

“ Lots of people think that because we are nationalists we don’t talk with people from other cultures and religions, ” laments Mr Walker.
沃克先生抱怨道:“很多民众认为因为我们是民族主义者,所以不与来自其他文化与宗教的人们交流。 ecocn

“ We think it is the real Mortimer's Hole, ” Walker said.
沃克说:“我们认为这才是真正的莫蒂默洞穴。” yeeyan

“The evidence shows conclusively that moral and religious views form the only basis for a belief that same-sex couples are different from opposite- sex couples, ” Walker wrote.
沃克写道:“证据最终表明了道德和宗教的观点仅仅是建立在这样的一个基础上,即同性夫妇和异性夫妇是不同的。” yeeyan

“The supply side has been broadly supportive of higher prices and I do not think it will change significantly,” says Walker.
保罗·沃克说:“供给方面的情形构成了对金价的基本支撑,而且我不认为情况会有大的改变。” yeeyan

Both sides previously said an appeal was certain if Walker did not rule in their favor.
双方在裁决之前都曾表示,如果沃克做出对其不利之裁决,会继续上诉。 yeeyan

But don't expect either Mr. Walker or the rest of his party to change those goals.
但是,不要指望沃克先生或者他的政党的其他人会改变这些目标。 yeeyan

First, as the structure begins to sway, the heavy-tiled roof covering the extended eaves of each storey acts like the long pole with weights on the ends that a tightrope walker uses to steady himself.
首先,在每层楼挑出的屋檐上覆盖着沉重的瓦屋面,在结构开始摇晃时,它们就如同绳索步行者用平衡杆在末端放置重量的长杆来保持稳定一样。 yeeyan

I want to thank each and every walker, volunteer and committee member for all your hard work and enthusiasm!
我对每一位参与活动的步行者、志愿者和委员会成员表示感谢,谢谢你们的辛勤工作和热忱态度! yeeyan

I would also recommend Adams' book, Along Some Rivers, Conversations and Photographs, in which he almost convinced me that Dorothea Lange was a better photographer than Walker Evans.Almost.
我也推荐亚当斯的另一本书,《与河流同行,对话与摄影》,在这本书中,他几乎让我相信多罗西.兰格是一位比沃克.艾旺斯优秀的摄影师。 yeeyan

Nottingham has about500 sandstone caves, many closed to the public, Walker said. The caves date back to early Viking times in about800 A.D.
沃克说:“诺丁汉市大约有500个砂岩洞穴,许多遗址已禁止游客观光。这些洞穴可以追溯到公元800年的维京时代。” yeeyan

Now, Matthew Walker and his colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that they probably have better memory, too.
现在,马修·沃克和他在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的同事发现这些人很可能记忆力也会比其他人好。 iciba

Shortly after that, Bishop L. T. Walker of the Church of God in Christ told his people they had to get Old Hoghead out of office.
不久之后,基督上帝教会的 L. T.沃克主教告诉他的信徒们,他们必须将那个“老猪头”从州长的位置上赶下来。 yeeyan

The ruling puts Walker at the forefront of the gay marriage debate.
这项裁决将沃克摆在在同性婚姻辩论的最前端。 yeeyan

The study results suggest that sleep before learning may be important, too, just as experts have known that sleep after learning is crucial to solidify information learned, Walker says.
沃克说:这项研究的结果表明,学习前的睡眠可能也是很重要的,正如专家们都知道,学习后的睡眠是非常重要的,这可以巩固学到的信息。 yeeyan

The pass was discovered in 1750 by Thomas Walker, and the Wilderness Road blazed by Daniel Boone runs through it.
1750年托马斯·沃克发现了这条道路,而丹尼尔·布恩开辟的荒野之路就要经过这个山口。 yeeyan

This may be because girls are better at talking about problems or are more likely to take on a caregiver role, Padilla- Walker says.
这也许是因为女孩们更善于谈论问题,或者是因为女孩们更有机会扮演关怀者的角色,帕蒂亚-沃克说。 yeeyan

When she was going with Walker Evans in 1938, borrowing his camera as well “ of course” as sleeping with him, he used to be afraid of going as far uptown as she did.
1938年,与沃克·埃文斯交往期间,她曾借用此人的相机,“当然”也和他有过性关系。 埃文斯跟她一样,已经习惯在市中心而不是去郊区“游猎”了。 ecocn

Walker, however, also says that the negotiations continue, so we might just see a solution in the near future.
然而,沃克同时也表示谈判还会继续,所以我们可能会看在不久的将来看到一个解决方案。 yeeyan

Walker said Democrats could still offer amendments to change the bill, but he vowed not to concede on his plan to end most collective bargaining rights.
沃克同时表示民主党人可以继续提出法案的修改意见,但他发誓不会就其去除大多数集体谈判权的计划做出让步。 yeeyan




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