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词汇 waldroup
释义 waldroupCOCA²⁴⁶⁹⁷⁹
The genetic testing was only one piece of Waldroup's defense.
基因检测只有为沃尔德鲁普辩护的一部分。 yeeyan

The judge in the case sentenced Waldroup to32 years in prison.
此一案件的法官判处沃尔德鲁普32年有期徒刑。 yeeyan

When Waldroup was finished with her, he chased after his wife, Penny, with a machete, chopping off her finger and cutting her over and over.
追上了以后,就用弯刀砍。 抵挡之中,彭妮的手指被砍掉了,身上也是和刀痕累累。 yeeyan

“ I'm not proud of none of it, ” Waldroup said.
“我不会为此感到骄傲,”沃尔德鲁普说。 yeeyan

Another juror, Debbie Beaty, says the science helped persuade her that Waldroup was not entirely in control of his actions.
另一位陪审员,黛比-贝蒂说,科学说服了她相信,沃尔德鲁普不能对他的行为完全控制。 yeeyan

Assistant District Attorney Drew Robinson says that on Oct.16,2006, Waldroup was waiting for his estranged wife to arrive with their four kids for the weekend.
助理地区检察官德鲁-罗宾逊说,2006年10月16日,沃尔德鲁普等待他分居的妻子彭妮带他们的四个孩子来度周末。 yeeyan

At the hearing, Judge Carroll Ross told Waldroup he should think twice about appealing.
在听证会上,法官卡罗尔-罗斯告诉沃尔德鲁普,对于上诉的事,他应该三思而后行。 yeeyan

But Lard says the genetic evidence did figure into a major decision — whether to find Waldroup guilty of murder and impose the death penalty.
但拉德说,遗传证据确实是一个判断沃尔德鲁普是否犯有谋杀罪,应否处以死刑的重大决策要素。 yeeyan

Even Waldroup said so during his trial last year.
甚至连沃尔德鲁普在去年审判他的时候也这么说。 yeeyan

His attorneys also argued that Waldroup was depressed, suffered from“ intermittent explosive disorder” and acted in the heat of passion.
他的律师还认为,沃尔德鲁普很沮丧,患有“间歇性爆发障碍症”,病人在情绪激动下会有过激行为。 yeeyan

Immediately, Richardson went to forensic psychiatrist William Bernet of Vanderbilt University and asked him to give Waldroup a psychiatric evaluation.
理查森立即前往范德比尔特大学,去请教法医精神病学家威廉-贝内,并请求他给沃尔德鲁普作一番精神病评估。 yeeyan

It seemed clear to them that Waldroup's actions were intentional and premeditated.
整个案情似乎很清楚,沃尔德鲁普的行为是故意和有预谋的。 yeeyan

Prosecutors charged Waldroup with the felony murder of Bradshaw, which carries the death penalty, and attempted first- degree murder of his wife.
公诉人指控沃尔德鲁普,犯有谋杀布拉德肖的严重罪行,足以判死刑,以及企图谋杀他的妻子的一级谋杀罪。 yeeyan

Since2004, Bernet and laboratory director Cindy Vnencak- Jones have been analyzing the DNA of people like Waldroup.
2004年以来,贝内和实验室主任辛迪-温卡科-琼斯一直在分析像沃尔德鲁普这样的人的 DNA。 yeeyan

The answer, it turned out, lay in Bradley Waldroup's genes.
答案原来就在布拉德利-沃尔德鲁普的遗传基因里。 yeeyan

The jurors concluded that his actions were not premeditated and agreed with the defense argument that Waldroup just exploded.
陪审员认为他的行为不是有预谋的,并与被告辩护律师的论点一致,认为沃尔德鲁普只是一时爆发。 yeeyan

Waldroup's attorney, Wylie Richardson, says she's right.
沃尔德鲁普的律师,卫理-理查森说,她说的没错。 yeeyan




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