

单词 waives
释义 waive·s 英weɪv美weɪv COCA⁷²⁵²⁵BNC⁶⁸⁴⁰⁰
do without or cease to hold or adhere to;

We are dispensing with formalities

relinquish the old ideas

lose s.th. or lose the right to s.th. by some error, offense, or crime;

you've forfeited your right to name your successor

forfeited property

waive presentment放弃提示waive a claim放弃要求waive protest放弃作成拒付或拒绝承…waive claim放弃要求waive duty免收税款
近义词 yield生产forgo放弃ignore忽视resign辞职forego放弃give up放弃abandon放弃surrender投降put aside储存sacrifice牺牲forfeit没收物foreswear放弃relinquish放弃renounce声明放弃dispense with摒弃throw overboard废除

用作及物动词Hewaivedhis claim to the estate.他放弃了对遗产的要求权。
We cannotwaivethis rule except in case of illness.我们不能放弃这项规定,除非因病例外。
Hewaivedhis claim to all the land west of the river.他不再坚持对河西岸全部土地的要求。
Theywaivedthat problem aside last week.他们上周就把那个问题撇开不管了。 Each party hereby waives any immunity it may have, for any reason, from execution and enforcement of the award.
任何一方都不能以任何理由不执行或者不落实仲裁决议。 tianya

Article37 If the foreign state withdraws or waives the request for extradition, the compulsory measure taken against the person sought shall be terminated immediately.
第三十七条外国撤销、放弃引渡请求的,应当立即解除对被请求引渡人采取的引渡强制措施。 putclub

BMW Brilliance is not responsible for the contents of websites that are maintained by third parties and there-fore waives its liability for any links from this website to other websites.
对于第三方维持的网站的内容,宝马华晨概不负责,因此,宝马华晨不因本网站连结的其他网站承担责任。 tdict

Each party submits to the jurisdiction of courts exercising jurisdiction there, and waives any right to claim that those courts are an inconvenient forum.
各方当事人应提请有管辖权的法院行使管辖权,并放弃该等法院不便管辖的权利。 blog.sina.com.cn

Each party waives its rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation.
无论什么诉讼结果每一个当事人对陪审团审案弃权。 blog.sina.com.cn

For requests of fewer than200 pages, the state sometimes waives fees.
对于少于200页的利用申请,州政府有时不会收费。 daxtx

In exchange, the tribe waives its claim to similar water rights on non federal and private lands.

Many top academic physicians have financial connections to the pharmaceutical industry, and the FDA often waives conflict of interest rules for its advisory committees.
许多一流的内科医生与制药工业有着经济上的联系, FDA也经常放弃“利益冲突”法规。 tnbz

Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Party hereby waives its preemptive right in the case of any assignment of all or part of the other Party's registered capital to an affiliate of the other Party.
尽管有上述规定,如果一方将其全部或部分注册资本转让给一家关联公司,另一方则在此放弃其优先购买权。 blog.sina.com.cn

Officials of the IMF have diplomatic immunity“ with respect to acts performed by them in their official capacity, except when the fund waives this immunity, ” the IMF's bylaws say.
IMF的规章制度上说:“国际货币基金组织的官员对于他们在官方身份下所作出的行为拥有外交豁免权,除非是 IMF取消了这个豁免权。” blog.sina.com.cn

Our school waives its strict dress code once a week and allows us to wear what we want on that day.
我们学校每周有一天解除严格的服装限制,我们在那一天穿便服。 www.szedu.com.cn

The applicant waives any and all present and future claims for moral rights in and to the Work, to the extent permissible under applicable law.
申请人放弃任何道德权利和对工作,对在适用法律允许范围内所有现在和将来的索赔。 jrzoo

With respect to the foregoing, the supplier hereby waives the right to assert that the defects have been asserted too late.
鉴于以上情况,供应商特此放弃其主张瑕疵声明过迟的权利。 blog.sina.com.cn




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