

单词 waivers
释义 waivers ˈweɪvəz COCA²⁵⁴⁷⁸BNC⁶⁴⁶⁰⁹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
n.自动放弃waiver的名词复数;弃权证书;弃权声明书原型waiver的复数 In the face of more requests for waivers and refinancings, banks will react selectively.
随着银行面临更多放弃权利和再融资的要求。 ecocn

The FSA’s new proposals presume that subsidiaries and branches of foreign banks will be self- sufficient in terms of liquidity, unless waivers are granted that allow the parent to provide money.
FSA的新建议是基于外国银行在本国的分支机构能够至少在流动性上自给自足,除非得到监管当局同意有其母公司来提供流动资金。 ecocn

Before the trip, all of them signed waivers acknowledging they might become crime victims.
所有的游客在出发前必须签署协议,确认自己可能成为犯罪的牺牲品。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Chicago, Miami and San Antonio are expected to be among the teams interested in signing Carter,34, once he clears waivers and becomes an unrestricted free agent.
芝加哥、迈阿密和圣安东尼奥都有望成为签下34岁的卡特的三支球队之一,一旦他表示放弃并成为不受限制自由球员。 yeeyan

Decisions under a Plurilateral Trade Agreement, including any decisions on interpretations and waivers, shall be governed by the provisions of that Agreement.
一诸边贸易协定项下作出的决定,包括有关解释和豁免的任何决定,应按该协定的规定执行。 jukuu

Despite the spread of the disaster the government has continued to issue permits and waivers for offshore drilling projects.
尽管灾难还在蔓延,美国政府依然在豁免近海钻井项目,并对他们发送许可证。 ecocn

If she plays her cards right, sorts out the waivers, ties up all the legal bits. Initiative training with real guns? They'll form queues.
只要她打对牌,搞好免责声明,在料理好所有法律细节用真枪进行拓展训练,人们会排着队来的。 yeeyan

Mr Butler believes that many more such arbitrary waivers, both for firms and for states, are coming.
巴特勒先生认为,政府向企业和各州都会提供更多这样的专制弃权书。 ecocn

Mr Duncan has already spoken to more than30 governors about issuing waivers from NCLB. Most want them.
邓肯先生已经与30多名州长谈了关于给他们该法案的豁免权的想法,大多数州都希望得到豁免权。 ecocn

The FSA says it may grant waivers to these rules, but only if a bank's main supervisor takes an equally firm approach.
FSA表示,只有某家银行的母国主管机构对其实行了同样坚实的政策,才可能获得豁免权。 ecocn

The White House sees the waivers as merely being a bridge to congressional action.
白宫仅把这种豁免看成国会决议出台之前的一个过渡。 ecocn

The FSA's new proposals presume that subsidiaries and branches of foreign banks will be self- sufficient in terms of liquidity, unless waivers are granted that allow the parent to provide money.
在 FSA的新提议下,除非在取得免责申明国外银行可以从母公司获得资金外,流动性方面其在英国的分支机构将自给自足。 topsage

There lines are waited in, forms filled out, birth certificates examined and photocopied, health insurance waivers furnished and signed.
大家排着队等着进去,要填写表格,要检验出生证明并复印,并在提供的健康保险弃权书上签字。 edu.sina.com.cn

Use of waivers for expediting resources through customs.
为了加快资源运送的关税豁免权的使用。 yeeyan

We had given fifty separate waivers to thirty-seven states to pursue initiatives that were pro- work and pro- family.
我们已向37个州批准了50份独立的弃权声明书,让它们去实施那些有利于工作和有利于家庭的计划。 yeeyan

With his U.S. government waivers in hand, Heap is now deploying Haystack in Iran.
有了美国政府的豁免,西普现在在伊朗忙着部署“草垛”。 blog.sina.com.cn




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