

单词 waived
释义 waive·d 英weɪv美weɪv COCA³³¹⁵⁹BNC²⁷⁷⁵⁹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
do without or cease to hold or adhere to;

We are dispensing with formalities

relinquish the old ideas

lose s.th. or lose the right to s.th. by some error, offense, or crime;

you've forfeited your right to name your successor

forfeited property

waive presentment放弃提示waive a claim放弃要求waive protest放弃作成拒付或拒绝承…waive claim放弃要求waive duty免收税款
近义词 yield生产forgo放弃ignore忽视resign辞职forego放弃give up放弃abandon放弃surrender投降put aside储存sacrifice牺牲forfeit没收物foreswear放弃relinquish放弃renounce声明放弃dispense with摒弃throw overboard废除

用作及物动词Hewaivedhis claim to the estate.他放弃了对遗产的要求权。
We cannotwaivethis rule except in case of illness.我们不能放弃这项规定,除非因病例外。
Hewaivedhis claim to all the land west of the river.他不再坚持对河西岸全部土地的要求。
Theywaivedthat problem aside last week.他们上周就把那个问题撇开不管了。 The ETS requirements can be waived on flights from nations that have what the EU sees as “ equivalent measures” in place— and Brussels will decide what counts as equivalent.
废气排放贸易体系的规定对来自具有相关“对等措施”国家的航班可以免除,而欧盟总部将决定所谓“对等”的标准。 ecocn

The government claims these will work out cheaper, partly because import tariffs will be waived.
委国政府声称这些商品将来会更便宜,部分因为将取消进口关税。 ecocn

The Israeli government has waived taxes on imported tomatoes for the rest of the year to help counter shortages resulting from the unusual heat.
以色列政府已经对剩下年度的进口番茄免税除收,希望能够填补因不寻常的酷热所导致的短缺。 yeeyan

Additionally, the Entertainment Industry Foundation has waived all administrative fees.
此外,娱乐产业基金会已经免除了所有的管理费。 yeeyan

As part of the governance life cycle, governance processes may be appealed, or waived as exceptions require.
在治理生命周期中,可以根据异常情况的需要请求建立或废止治理过程。 ibm

As mentioned, the rights subsisting in a piece of software cannot be waived by its author, but must be transferred or licensed.
正如前面所提到的,作者不能放弃软件中的权利,只能对权利进行转移或许可。 ibm

Athletes, mindful that they can be traded or waived, often anchor their families rather than tow them from city to city.
运动员,别忘了他们可以被交易或被裁掉,经常把他们的家人安置好而不是带着他们从一座城市到另一座城地跑。 blog.sina.com.cn

But where Congress in previous years just waived the cut and added the cost to the deficit, that's not politically possible any more.
但前几年国会刚刚放弃了削减计划并将成本列入赤字中,所以用政治手段解决问题的可能性已不覆存在。 yeeyan

But Europe's institutional weaknesses deterred enforcement of this provision: sanctions on countries that breached deficit limits were waived.
但欧洲的体制弱点阻碍了这一规定的执行:对违反赤字限制的国家的制裁被赦免。 ecocn

Fritzl quietly accepted the verdicts and waived his right to appeal.
Fritzl沉默的接受了这个判决,并且放弃了上诉的权利。 yeeyan

If he had done so, he might have got lucky like Howard Schultz, the boss of Starbucks, who waived his bonus— only for his board to insist on paying him one anyway.
若这样做,他也许就会和放弃奖金的星巴克老板霍华德•舒尔茨 Howard Schultz——要不是董事会坚持要给他——那样幸运。 yeeyan

In order to help, some councils have waived the usual fee to close roads while others are offering party packs for organizers, with free bunting and flags.
为协助活动举办,不少地方政府决定免除封闭道路服务费,还有一些则向组织者提供彩纸和彩旗等“派对大礼包”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

In the case of Facebook, it agreed to what at the time seemed a high valuation, waived any right to special treatment should things go wrong and was willing to buy stock from employees.
以 Facebook为例,DST同意了当时看来比较高的估价,放弃了在万一企业经营不善的情况下的所有特殊权利,并且答应从职工手中收购股票。 ecocn

Kenya recently waived duty on wheat and maize imports, dampening prices as well as anger.
最近肯尼亚对小麦和玉米进口实行免税,拉低了粮食的价格,平息了民众的怒火。 ecocn

No other rights except those expressly stated in this promise shall be deemed granted, waived or received by implication, exhaustion, estoppel, or otherwise.
除了在这个允诺中所明文规定的内容外,没有其他任何权利被授予、暗示放弃或接受、禁止或者其他情况等。 infoq

The Bank introduced its100 basis point front-end fee in1998 and first waived part of it in fiscal2005 with the50 basis point waiver.
世行于1998年推出了100个基本点的先征费,在2005财年开始先实行部分减免,减免幅度为50个基本点。 worldbank

Those rights can't be waived by contract.
不能透过合同否认这些权利。 ibm

While all of the carriers and their non-profit texting partners waived fees for Haiti relief, most causes shouldn’t expect such treatment.
虽然所有的电信运营商和他们的非营利短信合作者都放弃了为海地救灾的费用,但是大多数的非营利项目不要期待得到这样的待遇。 yeeyan




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