

单词 waistline
释义 waist·line 英ˈweɪstˌlaɪn美ˈwestˌlaɪnAHDwāstʹlīn' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³²⁵⁹⁸BNC⁵³¹³³iWeb¹⁷⁹⁹²Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

the narrowing of the body between the ribs and hipswaistline-线⇒n.腰围⁸⁶;腰身部分¹⁴n.腰;腰部;腰带;腰部曲线;腰身;女子胸衣与裙子相接处近义词 waist腰部middle中等的midriff解膈

用作名词She exercises to reduce thewaistline.她为减小腰围而锻炼。
This is a dress with a highwaistline.这条裙子腰身部分很高。as in.waist
同义词 midriffgut,middle,midsectionabdoment
waistnoun part of the torso between the ribs and hips
abdoment,gut,middle,midriff,midsection A love of junk food, television and computer games has sent the country's waistline ballooning, with Australians weighing in as the world's second fattest nation after the United States.
对垃圾食品、电视和电脑游戏的爱好使这个国家的腰围像气球一般鼓胀起来,澳洲人已经成了仅次于美国人的世界第二肥胖民族。 ebigear

At only120 calories per cup, it, at first, seem to be a good choice for those who are watching their waistline.
首先由于每杯麦乳中只含120个卡路里,这在那些时刻关注自己腰围的人看来似乎是个不错的选择。 yeeyan

Kayla, who goes on sale later this year in America, has slightly darker skin than the original Barbie, a“ multicultural” face and hair to her waistline.
与普通的芭比娃娃相比,这款名为卡拉的芭比娃娃皮肤略黑,有一张能体现“多元文化”的脸,头发一直长到腰围。她将于今年晚些时候在美国上市。 edu.sina.com.cn

When the program ended Thursday, Mayor Takao Morishita had shed 5.6 kg12 pounds and trimmed his waistline by5 cm to 85 cm33 inches.
这项计划于上周四结束,森下隆夫市长减掉了5.6公斤12磅,腰围降至85厘米33英寸,比之前小了5厘米。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

A study conducted by Cancer Research UK scientists found that the average waistline of British women has increased from31.8 inches to33.5 inches.
英国癌症研究中心的科学家们开展的一项调查发现,英国女性的平均腰围从31.8英寸增加到了33.5英寸。 hxen

Also, when the top has a loose fit add a belt to showcase your fabulous waistline!
此外,如果上衣是宽松式的,可以系腰带以凸显你的玲珑细腰! cri

And what about my waistline?
我的腰围又怎么办呢? yeeyan

As for your waistline, there have long been mumblings in the nutrition world of green tea having potential effects on fat- burning mechanisms in our bodies.
就像你的腰围一样,关于绿茶是否能够有效燃烧脂肪的答案在营养学中一直很含糊。 yeeyan

Because the percentage of fat is contained within the egg yolk you can easily eliminate the yolk from any eggs you are preparing if you’re watching your waistline or cholesterol.
因为这样的脂肪比例被包含在蛋黄之内,如果你关注你的腰围和胆固醇的话,你可以从你准备的任何鸡蛋中轻松地去掉蛋黄。 ebigear

Big behinds are preferable to extra fat around the waistline, which gives no such protection, the Oxford team said.
牛津的研究小组称,与无保护作用的腰部脂肪相比,屁股大对你是有好处的。 iciba

But whether chronic work-related stress is eating at your nerves or ballooning your waistline, there are natural solutions with no toxic side effects that you can use to relax the pressure.
然而,不管是工作带来的慢性压力让你变得神经兮兮,还是长时间坐在办公室让你的腰围粗了一圈,你都可以用非药物的自然方法来舒缓工作压力。 yeeyan

But while these pills offer hope for trimming America's ever-expanding waistline, experts caution that there's no miracle potion out there to automatically shrink you back into your college jeans.
但在减肥药给美国人民带来减掉日益增加的腰围的希望的同时,专家提醒人们并没有什么神奇药丸能够自动把您减回到能够重新穿大学时代牛仔裤的程度。 yeeyan

Delicious though they are, most sauces are the enemy of the waistline, loaded with butter and oil.
大部分酱汁都加有大量黄油和食用油,虽然很美味,却是腰身的大敌。 ebigear

Do you really know what these chemicals will do to your waistline or health?
你知道这些化学物质会对你的腰围和健康有什么影响吗? yeeyan

Do you really think he was pinching Magic Johnson's waistline every day?
你们真觉得他会天天给魔术师约翰逊量腰围? yeeyan

Having tasted Harry's Beer, and managed to maintain my waistline, I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone.
已经尝过哈瑞啤酒,打算保持我的腰身,我将完全把它介绍给任何人。 yeeyan

Many dietitians believe moderation is still best and recommend drinking only one or two cups of coffee a day- without whole milk, whipped cream, and sugar which jolt only your waistline.
很多营养学家还是觉得适度最好,劝告大家最好一天只喝一两杯咖啡——还不要加全脂奶、鲜奶油和糖这些东西只会增加你的腰围。 yeeyan

Men who want a fling, she said, may be subconsciously looking to a woman's waistline to judge the woman's current fertility.
她说,一个想要一夜情的男人潜意识地会去看女人的腰围,来判断她的生育能力。 hxen

Mr Sneh shows how a peace deal, involving Israel, the Palestinians and Jordan, could and would provide credible security for Israel along its narrow and vulnerable“ waistline”.
斯耐展示了一项包括以色列,巴勒斯坦以及约旦的和平协议如何能够并将会给以色列狭窄及脆弱的“腰围”提供可信赖的安全保障。 ecocn

Please catch in the waistline slightly.

Research suggests that it may be worth working on your green tea brewing skills to raise your daily intake of EGCG to benefit your heart and waistline.
研究表明,为了你的心脏和腰围,增加你的泡茶技巧从而提高每天 EGCG摄入量是十分值得的。 yeeyan

That’s less than you’ll probably spend on lattes, and the bird won’t add to your waistline.
这个开销可能还低于你在拿铁咖啡上的消费呢,而且这还不会增大你的腰围。 yeeyan

The bigger a person's waistline, the more likely they are to die of any cause, regardless of whether they are overweight or not, a study has found.
研究表明无论体重超重与否,一个人的腰围越大,他就越有可能受某种因素影响而死亡。 yeeyan

This connection was found to be independent of other risk factors for death and cardiovascular disease, including smoking, high cholesterol, poor diet, high blood pressure and a large waistline.
研究发现,这种联系独立于其它死亡风险因素和心血管疾病包括吸烟、高胆固醇、不良饮食习惯、高血压和大腰围之外。 yeeyan

What does your waistline say about your health?
你的腰围透露着关于你健康的什么信息? yeeyan

You might not notice when a few extra pounds creep onto your waistline, but those pounds can accumulate quickly.
你可能都没有注意到你的腰部开始长出一些赘肉,而且这些赘肉会长得很快。 yeeyan

You need to inset an additional piece of material into the waistline of the dress to make it large enough for her.




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