

单词 wainwright
释义 wain·wright 英ˈweɪnˌraɪt美ˈwenˌraɪtAHDwānʹrīt' 高COCA³⁶⁵⁹¹BNC²¹⁵⁶⁸
a wagon makerwain-wright⇒n.制造运货马车近义词 waggonwright制造运货车的人…wagonwright制造运货马车的人…
Shortly before Christmas, Mrs. Wainwright asked me if I could come to have supper the next Sunday. She said it would be a little thank-you party and a farewell party, now that they were going away.
圣诞节前温赖特太太问我下星期天能否去她家吃晚饭,她说是一个小小的答谢和辞别宴会。 edu.163.com

“ We now know, much to our surprise and delight, that Stonehenge was not just a prehistoric monument, it was a Roman and mediaeval monument, ” said Wainwright.
韦恩莱特说:“现在我们知道了,巨石阵不仅是史前的纪念碑,也是古罗马和中世纪时期的祭坛,这个发现让我们十分惊喜。” ebigear

All I wished was for Mr. Wainwright to stay in the kitchen instead of hanging around us pouring out lemonade and asking if everything was to our liking.
我只希望温赖特先生呆在厨房里别出来,别在我们旁边晃来晃去,一会儿加柠檬水,一会问对不对味口。 edu.163.com

And as Wainwright notes, online retailing today is becoming an increasingly creative outlet.
而且正如 Wainwright注意到的:目前在线零售业已经在转变成一个越来越富创意的平台。 yeeyan

Both parents were involved in laying the table— Mrs. Wainwright wearing a fancy apron over her red velvet and Mr.
父母正忙着摆放桌椅——温赖特太太在深红色天鹅绒宴会正装外面围了条漂亮的围裙; edu.163.com

David Ranson of Wainwright Economics, a consultancy, has examined how gold and corporate- bond spreads have worked as a guide to asset allocation since1978.
咨询机构 Wainwright Economics的 David Ranson研究了自1978以来黄金和企业债券利差对资产分配的指导作用。 ecocn

David Ranson of Wainwright Economics says that the very high volatility of the oil price means it has a big impact on the headline consumer- prices index.
Wainwright Economics的大卫·兰森说,油价的高度波动意味着油价大大影响着核心CPI居民消费价格指数。 ecocn

Mr. Wainwright was still nursing his burned hand, so she wrapped her apron round her own hand and used the stove lifter and scattered the powder on the flames.
温赖特先生还在。 那里唏嘘、摆弄他烫着的手,温赖特太太用围裙包住手,爬到高处,把碳酸氢钠粉洒盖在火焰上。 zftrans

Online or off, retailers will always face the pressure to generate profit, Wainwright notes.
无论是线上还是线下的零售商都面临着利润的压力。 yeeyan

Options for just one extra item to fit into a business casual wardrobe include the Luke1977 Hemmingway or Wainwright Lion scarves.

Since1967 the annual rise has averaged 6.2%, according to David Ranson at Wainwright Economics, a consultancy.
据咨询公司温特莱经济的 David Ranson称,从1967年开始的平均年增长率达到了6.2%。 renren

Wainwright says three people can now do the work of creating a site that took40 to45 highly skilled engineers a decade ago.
Wainwright说:十年前需要四十到四十五个熟练工程师才能制作一个网站,而现在只要三个人就行了。 yeeyan

Wainwright and his laboratory group compared APOE genotypes in209 children with cerebral palsy and a matched control group of children in good health.
Wainwright及其同事比较了209名大脑损伤的儿童与相同数量的健康儿童的 APOE基因情况。 dxy

Wainwright is also a researcher in the Center for Drug Discovery and Chemical Biology at Feinberg.
Wainwright博士是这一研究的领导者,同时他也是 Feinberg医学院新药开发和化学生物学中心的研究人员。 dxy




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