

单词 Wahaha
释义 WahahaEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
A morning too gorgeous to stay in doors. The sun was simply glorious. There is something special about not riding with anyone but your relaxed self. Wahaha!
舍不得不出门的早晨。哇哈哈!太美太艳丽的太阳。不跟团的时候有一个人无忧无虑的放空。 dailymile

The Wahaha story shows how capitalists under pressure, for their own ends, will play the nationalist card.
“娃哈哈”故事充分说明资本家们为了个人利益在压力之下会如何玩弄“民族主义”这张牌。 pinggu

The purpose was to realize necessary preparations for a smooth solution to the dispute with Wahaha.
目的则是为能顺利解决与娃哈哈的纠纷做必要的准备。 www.ccer21cbh.com

Zong Qinghou, founder of the Wahaha drinks group, is a rare figure among Chinese entrepreneurs.
在中国的企业家中,娃哈哈饮料集团创始人宗庆后是个不同寻常的人物。 enfamily

China's market, famously difficult for outsiders to navigate, is already crowded with competitors like Wahaha, whose founder Zong Qinghou is China's richest man.
中国市场,对于外来者来说相当难驾驭,还被中国首富宗庆后创立的哇哈哈等竞争对手所包围。 yeeyan

Danone accused Mr Zong of setting up copycat operations outside its joint ventures to sell competing Wahaha products.
达能指责宗庆后在合资企业之外另设相关公司,销售与娃哈哈形成竞争的产品。 iciba

Danone says it believed things were going smoothly until18 months ago, when it discovered Wahaha had started a parallel firm to market similar products.
达能公司称,双方合作一直比较顺利,直到一年半以前,它发现娃哈哈开了一家生产和销售类似产品的公司。 ecocn

Danone won a partial victory yesterday in its dispute with Chinese partner Wahaha when Zong Qinghou, the founder of the Chinese company, resigned as chairman of their soft drinks joint venture.
在与中方合作伙伴娃哈哈的争执中,法国达能集团昨日取得了部分胜利,因娃哈哈创建人宗庆后已经宣布辞去双方软饮料合资公司的董事长一职。 foodmate

Precious opportunity for the resolving of the Danone- Wahaha dispute is emerging as this pending issue has been included in the agenda of French president Sarkozy during his official visit to China.
至今悬而未决的达能娃哈哈之争进入了法国总统萨科齐本次访华的日程里,争端的解决有望迎来重大契机。 www.ccer21cbh.com

Supermarkets in Xiamen and Guangzhou were also told to be prepared for increasing prices of drink brands like Kangshifu, or Master Kong Chef, and Wahaha, local media reported.
另据厦门、广州等地媒体报道,当地超市相继接到康师傅、娃哈哈调涨饮料产品的通知。 blog.sina.com.cn

The danger for Danone is that Wahaha's extensive sales and distribution network, which deals with both the joint venture's drinks and Wahaha's own products, will undermine the joint venture.
对达能来说,危险在于娃哈哈庞大的销售和分销网络将对合资企业形成危害。该网络同时销售合资企业的饮料和娃哈哈自己的产品。 enfamily

This paper analyses the importance to continue advertisement tactics and sums up the successful experiences of advertising line of Wahaha Pure Water.
分析了广告策略延续的重要意义,总结了娃哈哈纯净水广告路线的成功经验。 dictall

Young Wahaha is strong with the record reveals she can not shake the industry leader!
年轻的娃哈哈正用战绩彰显着她坚不可撼的行业龙头地位! cwexpo




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