

单词 wagons
释义 wag·on·s 英'wæɡən美'wæɡən COCA¹⁵⁸⁵⁷BNC¹³³⁵⁵Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
C 四轮的运货马车

four-wheeled vehicle for carrying heavy loads,usually pulled by horses or oxen

C 〈英〉铁路货车

a railway goods vehicle,especially one with an open top

C 〈美〉小手推车

a trolley

any of various kinds of wheeled vehicles drawn by an animal or a tractorvan used by police to transport prisonersa group of seven bright stars in the constellation Ursa Majora child's four-wheeled toy cart sometimes used for coastinga car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seatcar,bus,truck,lorry,coach,automobile,jeep,carriage,wagon











用作名词 n.
形容词+~covered wagon有顶篷的大马车high loaded wagon有货装得很高的大马车open wagon无顶篷的大马车名词+~bull〔ox〕 wagon牛车grain wagon粮食运输车ore wagon矿石运输车railway wagon铁路货车station wagon旅行车tea wagon送茶车
近义词 car汽车coach教练vehicle车辆dipper长柄勺wain运货马车waggon四轮货车plough用犁耕田police van警车carriage四轮马车patrol wagon警车police wagon警车van箱形客货两用车…Big dipper北斗七星railway wagon英铁货车station wagon客货两用车coaster wagon滑坡玩具车cartC二轮或四轮运货…station waggon客货两用车beach waggon客货两用汽车…caravan穿越沙漠的旅行队…beach wagon旅行车,客货两用汽车…Charles's Wain北斗七星=Big Di…paddy wagon运送囚犯的警车; 囚车…Estate car客货两用轿车; 旅行轿车…
用作名词(n.Indians attacked the pioneers' wagon train.印第安人袭击了拓荒者的运货马车队。
The locomotive was pulling a line of goodswagons.火车头正在拉一串货车。
In America,children often pull around toywagons.在美国,孩子们经常推着玩具手推车。


用作名词He harnessed the horse to awagon.他把马套到四轮马车上。
An ox pulls awagoninto the village.有只牛拉着一台四轮车进入村庄。
The oldwagonrattled down the road.破旧的四轮运货马车喀嚓喀嚓地行进在路上。
Hiswagonwas smashed into kindling wood.他的货车撞得稀烂。
We rode in the farmwagonto the town.我们乘坐农场的货车进城。
He heaved the heavy box into thewagon.他把重箱子扛上货车。用作动词Theywagonedthe goods to the market.他们用四轮马车把货物运到市场。 An enclosure formed by a circle of wagons for defense against attack during an encampment.
车阵用运货车围成的围栏,用作营地的防御地区。 kekenet

In many places, they were covered with water. Engineers had to cut trees and cover the muddy roads with logs so wagons would not sink.
这条路很不好走,很多地方都是水,工程兵们不得不砍下树木来铺路,以免马车陷进去,他们还不得不在一些小河流上搭桥。 yeeyan

In tough times, nations circle the wagons.
艰难时期,国家这辆马车掉头了。 yeeyan

“ Thousands of cows, horses and mules were lying about dead,” Schuckman wrote. “The discarded wagons by the hundreds were driven together and burned.”
Schuckman写道:“地上躺着成千上万死去的奶牛、马匹和骡子”,“成百上千废弃的马车被收集起来焚毁”。 ecocn

Along with manufacturing output, factory employment and department- store sales, they counted the number of freight wagons transported by rail.
除了计算工业产出,工厂就业率和百货商场销售额外,他们还计算铁路运输的货车数量。 kaoyan

And they know that sometimes one must burn the wagons to keep dreams alive.
而且他们也知道,有时候人们必须烧掉那些马车以使梦想继续长存。 ecocn

By whom were the wagons containing the wealth of the Tuileries escorted in1848?
一八四八年载运杜伊勒里宫财富的那些货车是由谁押送的? ebigear

However, the lumbering supply train of thousands of wagons was now struggling through a wet Lithuanian autumn.
然而,数千辆笨重的补给运输马车此时正在立陶宛潮湿泥泞的秋季中挣扎。 yeeyan

It was recorded after Bosch had died, but we might think that other hay wagons were included in carnival processions while he was alive.
这幅画是博斯死后被记录下来的,但是我们可以想见博斯在世时狂欢游行队伍中出现的干草车。 yeeyan

Mexican and American troops rode with the wagons to provide protection.
墨西哥军队和美国军队乘坐四轮马车来保护圣达菲路的安全。 yeeyan

Muslims made their way west to Pakistan; Sikhs and Hindus moved east to India in “ foot convoys” that involved30,000-40,000 people, wagons, carts and animals spread out over45 miles70km.
穆斯林教徒向西方到达了巴基斯坦;而印度教徒与印度锡克教徒则跟随着徒步迁移队向着东方到达了印度,这个迁移队包括了三万至四万的人民,还有四轮马车、手推车与牲口,整个队伍延绵45英里长相当于70公里。 ecocn

See the little wagons lined up in a row.
看到小小的四轮马车排起了队。 http://mysearch.100e.com

Sometimes whole families put everything they owned and could save into wagons.
间或有些家庭把所有他们拥有的并能够救得东西放到了货车上。 yeeyan

The Mormons left Illinois in the spring of eighteen forty-six. There were more than fifteen thousand people, and many wagons and farm animals.
摩门教徒于1846年春离开伊利诺斯州,摩门教徒共有15000多人,还有大量的马车和牲畜。 yeeyan

The next year he used wagons so he could carry more goods to sell.
第二年,他利用四轮马车来贩运,这样他每次就能贩运更多的货物。 yeeyan

The general had experienced difficulties commandeering horses and wagons and was unlikely to start out from Riga until the end of July.
这位将军在征召马匹和马车的时候遇到了困难,7月底之前他不大可能从里加出发了。 yeeyan

The road from Washington was crowded early Sunday morning with horses and wagons bringing people to watch the great battle.
这个星期天的早晨,从华盛顿来的路上非常拥挤,很多人骑马或坐马车来观看这场战斗。 yeeyan

Under cover of darkness the general and less than half his army escaped, leaving his precious wagons to be captured by Peter’s elated troops.
最终在夜色的掩护下,这位将军和不到一半的部队逃脱了,身后将宝贵的补给车留给了彼得兴高采烈的部队。 yeeyan

Visitors can explore the ruins of the buildings and the ruts made by wagons. And they can follow the path of the trail over a modern highway.
游客们可以在此探寻那时的建筑遗迹和当时四轮马车所留下的车辙,而且游客们还可以沿着这条路越过一条现代的公路。 yeeyan

When I was a little girl I dreamed of living in a terraced house on a cobbled street, because in wagons and caravans you never get any peace.
在我是一个小女孩时,我就梦想住在一个鹅卵石街道旁边的带露台的房子里,因为在货车和大蓬车里,你永远无法得到安宁。 yeeyan




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