

单词 wagged
释义 wag·ged 英wæɡ美wæɡ COCA³⁶⁴¹³BNC³⁴¹⁴⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt. & vi. 使摇动,左右或上下摆动

cause to move from side to side or up and down

vi. 喋喋不休

talk without stop

a witty amusing person who makes jokescausing to move repeatedly from side to side
move from side to side;

The happy dog wagged his tail

wag one's jaw喋喋不休wag one's tongue唠叨不休wag one's chin闲谈chin-wag 闲谈set tongues wagging给人以说闲话的口实,…wag it逃学wag one's finger at用手指点着……(表示…wag about摇动wag the feather炫耀自己的身分…how the world wags情况怎样tongues wag议论纷纷wag one's finger at someone用食指点某人…wag one's beard唠叨不停
近义词 wit智力wave波浪flap拍打sway摇动card纸牌shake摇动swing摇摆waggle摇动wobble摆动wiggle扭动twitch急拉flutter摆动bob上下疾动
S+~+ATheir head wagged in time to the music.他们随着音乐节拍摇头晃脑。
You must stop visiting that woman; tongues are beginning to wag.你不要再到那个女人那里去了,已经有人说闲话了。
S+ ~+n./pron.The dog wagged its tail with pleasure.那条狗高兴得直摇尾巴。
用作动词Dogswagtheir tails when they are pleased.狗一高兴就摇尾巴。
The dog's tailwagged.那只狗的尾巴摇摆着。
They often persuaded me towagschool.他们常劝我逃学。
The news set tongueswagging.那则消息使人们议论纷纷。
His silvery tongue began towag.他那张能说善道的嘴马上活动起来。用作名词The dog greeted its master with awagof its tail.狗摇着尾巴迎接主人。
He's a bit of awag.他爱开点玩笑。
Don't play thewag.不要逃学。verb.wiggle back and forth
同义词 beat,bob,flutter,lash,nod,oscillate,quiver,rock,shake,shimmy,stir,sway,swing,switch,twitch,vibrate,waggle,wavefish-tail,move side to side
反义词 be stillcalm,leave alone,stay And Toto looked up into her face with his little black eyes and wagged his tail to show he knew what she meant.
托托抬起头来,用它一双小黑眼睛,望着她的脸,摇动着它的尾巴,表示它知道她说的是什么意思。 org

Bird-brilliant! He picked up the phone once more and wagged his tail bravely at Maude.
他重新咬起话筒,冲着莫德勇敢地摇着尾巴。 yeeyan

She licked his face. Her rattail wagged around so quickly that it looked like it might fly off her body.

The dog faintly and dismally wagged its tail, then lowered his haunches, circled round, and lay down again.

The dog wagged his tail, but moved not. Sikes made a running noose and called him again.
狗摇了摇尾巴,但没有动弹。赛克斯打了一个活套,又一次唤它过来。 tingroom

Afterwards, the two dragons went down to the forest. The Red Dragon spurted fire from its mouth to the fox, and the Black Dragon wagged its big tail.
随后,两条龙飞降到森林里,红龙从嘴里向狐狸喷火,黑龙摆动着它的大尾巴。 iyaya

At the same moment, everyone and everything in the castle awoke! The king yawned, the queen blinked, the cats had a good stretch and the dogs wagged their tails.
就在同时,城堡里的每个人,一切都醒了!国王打了个呵欠,王后揉着眼睛,猫咪们伸了个大懒腰,狗儿们开始摇着尾巴。 blog.sina.com.cn

He looked at the receptionist and wagged his tail, then walked over to the sign, looked at it and whined.
他先是对着接待员摇尾巴,然后走到启事那边,看着那则启事呦呦地叫。 yeeyan

He said“ NO” with his head wagged.

He wagged his tail tentatively and his soft pink tongue darted out and licked my hand.
小狗试探性的摇了摇尾巴,伸出粉红色的舌头,舔了舔我的手。 yeeyan

Men wagged their hats.
男人挥舞着帽子。 yeeyan

So, if the climate changes or new pest engages in, the genetically modified trees will likely be completely wagged out.
所以,当气候发生变化或者有新的害虫出现,那么基因改良树木就将全部死亡。 blog.sina.com.cn

Tails wagged and wet noses pressed against the glass as the day's first customers wandered in.
他们摇着尾巴,用湿漉漉的鼻子抵着玻璃窗,迎接这天第一批顾客的到来。 www.easyreading.com.cn

That old woman wagged upstairs.

The dog wagged his tail.

The dog wagged its tail and jumped up to a woman described by local media as a relative of the owner as she collected her to deliver back to her family for what promises to be a warm reunion.
根据当地媒体的描述,这只狗摇着尾巴,跳到了一位妇女的怀中。她是这只狗的主人的一位亲戚,把她带回到主人的身边。那就是一次感人的团聚。 kekenet

We stood around and wagged out chins for almost two hours.
我们围站着,闲扯了近两个小时。 hotdic

When I peered into the box, the puppy wagged his tail and gave a little bark.
当我往纸箱望时,那小狗摇了一下尾巴并轻轻吠了一声。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn




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