

单词 Wagah
释义 WagahEconomist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
A few smoky lorries laden with onions and rugs cross at Wagah, the main border post.
仅有几辆冒着烟的卡车,装载着洋葱和小毛毯穿梭于瓦加主要边境站。 ecocn

Each evening at Wagah, a border crossing between India and Pakistan, scowling soldiers in dress uniform fling high- kicks worthy of a cancan dancer and march about at triple speed.
每晚的印巴边界瓦嘎,制服整齐,互相怒视的量过士兵迈着康康舞一般的高踢腿,以三倍于康康舞速度跨步。 ecocn

On November7th, beating a retreat from their earlier statement, they said that the Wagah drill would go on in its“ enthusiastic… traditional” way.
在11月7日,他们翻脸不承认先前的申明,并表示瓦格赫的军事训练会仍旧以“激情四溢的……传统的”方式进行。 ecocn

The only problem: the8,000 or so nationalistic Indian tourists at Wagah daily would never allow it.
唯一的问题是:每天在瓦嘎的大约8000名印度民族主义者也许坚决不同意。 ecocn

TOOTHLESS and turbaned, the porters who loiter at Wagah, on the Indian side of the only border crossing by road with Pakistan, are a frustrated lot.
在瓦嘎目前是印巴之间惟一开放的陆路边境,很多牙齿掉光、戴着头巾的搬运工四处徘徊,他们是失意的一群人。 ecocn

You may want to hang around Wagah to see the spectacular ceremony at sunset when the border closes.
可以在那里看到日落时,口岸关闭的特殊仪式。 yeeyan




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