

单词 waft
释义 waft 英wɑːft, wæft美wɑft, wæftAHDwäft, wăft ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA¹⁷⁴⁸⁷BNC⁵⁸⁶⁵⁷iWeb²¹⁸⁸⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a long flag; often tapering
be driven or carried along, as by the air;

Sounds wafted into the room

blow gently;

A breeze wafted through the door

词源不详,可能来自 wave 变体,波浪,引申词义飘荡。联想记忆木筏raft漂浮waft在水中;形近词raftn.筏,救生船;haftn.柄,把手联想记忆木筏raft漂浮waft在水中;形近词:raftn.筏,救生船;haftn.柄,把手GRE难词记忆waft→wafts→swift a.迅速的,敏捷的→近义词 fan风扇sail航行blow打击puff喷出drift漂流float漂浮glide滑动draft草稿breath呼吸breeze微风draught通风gust突然一阵streamer横幅pennant长三角旗pennon细长三角旗

用作动词The sound of their voiceswaftedacross the lake to us.他们的声音飘过湖面传到我们这里。
Delicious smellswaftedup from the kitchen.厨房里飘出了香味。用作名词Awaftof sweet-smelling fragrance blew over from the flower bush.一阵芬芳的气息从花丛中吹过来。
There is awaftof fresh air through the window.从窗子吹进了一股新鲜空气。verb.carry
同义词 drift,floatbear,blow,convey,ride,transmit,transportbe carried
反义词 hold,keep,take
airnoun gases forming the atmosphere
blewverb blast, rush of air, wind
departed,hit the road,split,took a hike,took a powder,went
blowverb (of air move)
breathnoun wind or something in the air
aroma,faint breeze,flatus,flutter,gust,odor,puff,sigh,smell,vapor,waft,whiff,zephyr
breezenoun light wind
carriesverb transport physical object
backpacks,bears,brings,carts,channels,conducts,conveys,convoys,displaces,ferries,fetches,freights,funnels,gives,hauls,hefts,hoists,imports,lifts,lugs,moves,packs,pipes,portages,relays,relocates,removes,schlepps,shifts,shoulders,sustains,takes,totes,trajects,transfers,transmits,transplants,trucks,wafts Like a ribbon trailing from a parade float, a streamer of hydrogen gas seems to waft across the stars in an image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.
在这张由哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的照片里,一条氢气带就像是从一辆游行花车上垂下来的丝带一般,飘荡在星辰中。 blog.sina.com.cn

Sister train to Europe's Venice Simplon Orient Express, an open- air observation car allows heady aromas of the Orient to waft onboard.

The bubble maker is like a sword that you waft in the air.
吹出泡泡的东西就像你在空中挥舞的一把剑。 hjenglish

The smell of fresh coffee beans is supposed to waft through brightly lit cafés fitted with tables and comfortable chairs.
背靠舒适的椅子,桌上放上一杯咖啡,那种新鲜咖啡豆的香味弥漫在整间屋内。 ecocn

The smell of purulent sputum incubating deep within a lung may waft its way up the bronchial tree, resulting in serious halitosis.
肺中的浓痰的气味沿着支气管呼出来导致严重的口臭。 yeeyan

A waft of warm steam rose in the air, and a fox trotting by stopped to investigate. Just the sight of the cozy mitten made him feel drowsy.
一股温暖的气流在周围弥漫,吸引了正在蹦跑的狐狸停下来观看,也正是这番舒适温暖的景象使它感到昏昏入睡。 blog.sina.com.cn

Better still, Mr Sarkozy seems unafraid of the ideas that waft across the Atlantic.
更妙的是萨科奇似乎并不在意漂过大西洋。 iciba

Burn this oil in the kitchen and let the sweet aroma waft through your home.
在厨房点上香草精油,让这个香甜的芳香飘荡在整个家中。 yicike

Clouds, after all, are water vapor, but when clouds cannot waft high they are subject to slow motion and bumping into things that cause condensation.
云其实就是水汽,但是当无法向高处飘动时,只好缓慢移动并在碰到的东西上冷凝出来。 www.morriswang.blog.bokee.net

Flowers bloom and then fall on the surface of the rippling river, sending out a waft of discernable fragrance.
枣花开了,香甜的小花落满了河面,一股浓郁的幽香自河水中传来。 tianya

I love jasmine. I like to open the curtain every morning and let the jasmine scent waft to my room with the rising sun.
爱茉莉,喜欢在每天清晨拉开窗帘,让那一抹茉莉香随着初升的朝阳一起飘进房间。 rainlane

I opened the plastic boxes that I'd carried, sealed, all the way from London, and the stench of farmhouse cheeses began to waft across the room.
我打开了一个从伦敦带来的密封塑料盒,一时间,农场自制奶酪特有的臭味开始在房间里飘荡。 yeeyan

In the evenings, all manner of food smells waft down the corridors— stir-fried pork and tofu and greens.
到晚上,各种饭菜的气味飘荡在走廊——有炒肉、豆腐和绿叶菜。 yeeyan

Joss sticks waft its fragrance around Indian households to keep the rooms auspicious and welcoming of the gods and free of evil spirits.
香烛飘荡的香气围绕印度家庭保持房间吉祥和神和邪恶的精神自由的欢迎。 blog.sina.com.cn

Lay your hand on his head, and pray that though the waves underneath grow threating, yet the breath from above may come and fill his sails and waft him to the haven of peace.
将你的手轻轻按在他的头上,祈祷着:虽然下面波涛汹涌,然而从上面来的风,会扬起他的船帆,将他送到平安的港口。 blog.sina.com.cn

Linhe built bars, restaurants, coffee shop one after another, entertainment, quiet night, where intoxicating waft out of the music, people thoughts flying.
临河而建的酒吧、饭店、咖啡厅一个接一个,灯红酒绿,静谧的夜晚,这里飘荡出醉人的音乐,让人思绪飞扬。 tianya

Occasionally, the poisons waft ashore to fill clinics with coughing patients.
偶尔,这些毒物还会透过吹上岸的海风把人们送进诊所。 ecocn

Rocking in a hammock somewhere, feeling the ocean breeze waft over you as you sip a fruity rum drink.
在某处的吊床上摇摆着,一边啜饮水果朗姆酒,一边感受海洋微风拂身而过。 yuloo

Smoking also no longer will be allowed at some exterior locations where smoke could waft into open doorways, a violation of the ban.
同时,根据禁烟令,禁止在一些烟雾可能会飘进室内的户外区域吸烟。 dxy

So odds are slim they'll waft up to a human nose and fuel sudden passion at a nightclub.
所以但夜总会里,这些气味能够进入鼻子里、并马上点着激情的机会并不大。 kekenet

Those who like wind waft in time stream of hands held hands no longer attentive.
那些曾经的模样随风飘散在时间的洪流中相握的手已不再温存。 verywind

What DOES explain all the symptoms of a tail waft are our descriptions.
能够解释所有这些飘荡的尾巴带来的所有现象的是我们的描述。 blog.sina.com.cn

When she just about fall over, a waft of fragrance makes her stop.
在她差点跌倒时,一股幽香让她停下脚步。 blogbus

With the mood of the wind gently waft in the air, and not to ever be thinking about things, they had no choice but to indulge themselves with the brain any thoughts I everywhere.
心情随着风儿在空中轻轻的飘荡,不再去想那么多的事情,于是只好放纵自己的大脑任夜风带着我的思绪随处飘飞。 blog.sina.com.cn




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