释义 |
WaelEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺² 基本例句 瓦埃勒¹⁰⁰ A good place to start is to reflect on three powerful conclusions of one of the key young organizers of the uprising, Wael Ghonim, as he was interviewed on Egyptian Dream TV and elsewhere since. 作为这次起义的关键组织者之一,从威尔.高内姆接受埃及梦幻电视台访问中的言论,可以推断出达成这此良好开端的三个重要原因。 yeeyan “ Welcome back, ” said Wael Ghonim, the Google executive who administered the Facebook group that helped start the revolt. “欢迎回来,”谷歌的执行官 Wael Ghonim说道。叛乱活动是在他管理的 Facebook小组帮助下开始的。 yeeyan “Today we hold a standoff to free our sister hostages from the church,” explained one of the protesters, Atef Wael. “我们解放被教会囚禁的姐妹们一事陷入了僵局,”抗议者 Atef Wael声称。 yeeyan Asked what would happen next after political upheavals rocked Tunisia and Egypt, Wael Ghonim, one of the individuals responsible for toppling the Mubarak regime replied, “ Ask Facebook.” 当问及在突尼斯和埃及政变之后将会发生什么时,推翻穆巴拉克极权统治的参与者 Wael Ghonim回答:去问 FB。 douban Wael Ghonim, who became known around the world when he was jailed for running a Facebook page popular with protesters, had exactly the sort of high-flying job many young Egyptians could only dream of. Wael Ghonim在 Facebook上运作了一个广受埃及抗议者欢迎的页面,并因此变得世人皆知,而 Wael Ghonim所有的金领工作正是许多埃及青年梦寐以求的。 ecocn |