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waders. 基本英英Thesaurus例句 n.跋涉者;蹚水者;涉水用高筒靴wader的复数
Noun: waterproof hip boots sometimes extending to the chest worn by anglersas in.boot 同义词 footwearbrogan,galoshes,oxford,watersmukluk,snow shoes bootnoun heavy, often tall, shoe brogan,footwear,galoshes,mukluk,oxford,snow shoes,waters bootsnoun heavy, often tall, shoe brogans,footwear,galoshes,mukluks,oxfords,snow shoes,waders,waters It was not the blob of dead jellyfish, but rather pieces of its stinging tentacles that stung the waders, scientists said. 科学家说,蜇人的凶器并不是死水母的小圆“帽”,而是它的触角残肢。 yeeyan At intervals stood fishermen in waders, an abandoned tractor rotting in a field, a pair of deer, an ancient Indian village with totem poles hard to glimpse through the trees. 有时能看到涉水的渔民,野地里废弃的拖拉机,一对驯鹿,古老的印第安村庄,那图腾柱隐没在树林深处难以辨识。 yeeyan At peak migrations times, the sky over Mai Po is dark with ducks and waders, harried by the eagles and hawks that hunt them. 在迁徙最忙碌的时候,米埔的上空全是黑压压的鸭子和水鸟,老鹰们纷纷来掠食。 ecocn But many Venetians are not yet ready to toss their Wellington boots and waders. 不过,许多威尼斯人并不打算扔掉他们的长统靴和防水裤。 yeeyan Chasing new kinds of food sources deeper into the water, these early waders gradually developed longer snouts and sharper teeth better suited for snapping up fish. 为了捕食新的食物,常常需要潜入更深的水下。 水上开拓者的鼻子逐渐加长,牙齿越来越锋利,以便适应捕鱼。 yeeyan His head was back above the water, but he was still trapped in the waders, and he was losing his breath. 他的头曾一度挺出水面,可身体还被牢牢地困在防水衣里面,看样子即将停止呼吸了。 yeeyan In recent years the annual number of waders stopping at Mai Po has steadily increased, to around60, 000. 近年来,在米埔停留的鹰的数量逐年稳步增长,现在大约是60000只。 ecocn Look at the news anchorman standing in his waders in the rising river as the water approaches his chest. 看着穿着雨靴的新闻主持人站在不断上涨的河水边,转眼之间河水已经淹至其胸口。 yeeyan Slender- legged waders and gracious water birds inhabit a network of wetlands and coastlines. 长着细长双腿的涉禽和姿态优美的水禽,栖息在湿地和海岸线所组成的区域。 wwenglish Swimmers and waders were the second- largest group affected, accounting for nearly38 percent of the shark attacks internationally. 游泳者和戏水者被攻击的可能性其次高,达到了38%。 yeeyan This was, until a few years ago, a wonderful wetland, teeming with waders and wildfowl. 这个公园几年前还是一块美妙的湿地,到处是涉禽和野禽。 ecocn |