

单词 vvd
释义 vvdCOCA²³⁰⁶¹⁷BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Dentocratie Dutch-People's Party for Freedom and Democracy-Liberal Party 荷兰语人民自由和民主党-自由党
Mr Wilders belonged to the liberal VVD before breaking away in2004. His success since will encourage others.
Wilders先生就是在2004年脱离自由党后获得成功,他的事例会助长他人同样的念头。 ecocn

The liberal VVD party has gone furthest, pledging cuts that should bring the budget into surplus within two terms.
自民党走的最为激进,宣称削减支出,并且削减的支出会在两届任期内将财政预算达到盈余水平。 ecocn

The liberal VVD party appeared to have narrowly won the Dutch general election with31 seats in the150-seat parliament.
自由党获得了议会150个席位中的31个,貌似以微弱优势赢得了丹麦大选。 ecocn

His party came third in June’s general election, winning15% of the vote, and will now prop up a minority government of the liberal VVD with the centre-right Christian Democrats.
他的政党在6月的大选中排名第三,赢得了15%的选票,现在将扶持一个有着中间偏右的基督教民主人士的自由党少数党政府。 ecocn

Similar sentiments were soon heard from both the ruling liberal VVD party and the opposition Labour Party.
很快地从执政的自民党 VVD及在野的工党也都传出类似的观点。 ecocn

The fragile governing structure being put in place is motivated by a feeling in the VVD and the CDA that the economy needs emergency treatment.
这种脆弱的管理架构被放置在自民党和基民盟共同持有的一个观点之上并以此作为积极诱因,那就是经济状况亟待整治。 ecocn

The VVD, which has never before led a Dutch government, finds itself top of the polls, with 25% support.
自民党虽从未领导过任何一届荷兰政府,却在民调中高居榜首,支持率达到了25%。 ecocn

The VVD, for example, is campaigning on a promise to limit the flow of unskilled immigrants into the country and to restrict newcomers’ access to social services.
例如,自民党在竞选中承诺会限制非技术性移民向荷兰的涌入,并对新移民的社会福利的准入进行限制。 ecocn

The VVD and CDA are obvious bedfellows, but they will need further support if they are to govern.
自民党和基督教民主党显然在同一条船上,但是想要联合执政还需更多的选民支持。 ecocn




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