

单词 vuv
释义 vuv 英'vəv美'vəv COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
=vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy 真空紫外线分光镜检查,=vacuum ultraviolet 真空紫外线的
A testing system for Vacuum Ultraviolet VUV fluorescence spectrum radiation in Plasma Display Panel PDP is designed for testing and evaluating the properties of PDP phosphor.
设计等离子体显示板 PDP真空紫外荧光测试系统来测评 PDP荧光粉的特性。 cnki

Effects of combination of VUV with other space environment factors such as atom oxygenAO are also discussed.
真空紫外线与原子氧等其它空间环境因素有一定程度的协同效应。 cnki

The quasi-stationary profiles of the impurity ionization stages in HT-6B tokamak were determined by monitoring the VUV vacuum ultraviolet and visible line emissions from impurities.
在 HT-6B托卡马克上,通过测量杂质的真空紫外线辐射和可见线辐射,得出杂质各电离态的稳态空间分布。 cnki

The character of Vacuum Ultra-violet VUV measurement technology are described in this paper and applied to measurement of colour PDP.
叙述真空紫外 VUV测量技术的特点和它在彩色 PDP测量中的应用。 cnki

The factors affecting the best phase matching condition and the methods to expand the tunable range of VUV output in the weak pump case are discussed.
特别着重讨论了影响最佳相位匹配的因素和在弱泵浦光条件下增大调谐范围的途径。 cnki

The measuring principle and method of vacuum ultraviolet VUV for color PDP cells had been discussed.
讨论了彩色 PDP显示单元工作时VUV的测试原理与方法。 opticsjournal

The triggering discharges and the vacuum ultra- violet VUV radiation of the five- electrode alternating current plasma display panel AC PDP were investigated by fluid model simulations.
采用流体模型研究了一种五电极交流等离子体显示板 AC PDP的单点触发放电过程及其真空紫外线 VUV的辐射特性。 dictall

Their luminescent properties are investigated under ultraviolet UV and VUV.
考察了样品在紫外 UV、真空紫外 VUV激发下的发光特性。 fabiao

We developed the ground VUV simulation facility for the research of vacuum ultraviolet irradiation and the compound effect of vacuum ultraviolet radiation with other space environments.
为开展真空紫外辐射及真空紫外线与其它空间环境复合效应的地面模拟实验,研制了真空辐照模拟设备。 cnki

With the yelp of our own VUV- ROCP microcomputer programme, we can calculate the VUV optical constants of the thin films and the polarization degree of incidence light by means of VUV reflectance.
我们自编了 VUV- ROCP微机软件,可由真空紫外反射率求出真空紫外薄膜光学常数和入射光的偏振度。 cnki

A laser-produced plasma soft X- ray- VUV source generated with low energy laser system has been designed.
设计了一种小型激光等离子体软 X线-真空紫外光源。 cnki

A new spectral irradiance calibration method in the UV and VUV region was described.
描述了一种新的紫外和真空紫外光谱辐照度的定标方法。 dictall

Coherent light sources in the deep and vacuum UV DUV and VUV spectral regions become more important with the development of photolithography, laser micro- machining as well as laser spectroscopy.
随着光刻、激光微加工以及激光光谱仪的发展,紫外与深紫外光谱区的相干光源变得越来越重要。 cnki

In this paper, the VUV radiant characteristics of three Penning gases and the light emitting characteristics of seven VUV phosphors are compared and they are chosen to apply in ACPDP.
本文比较了三种系列潘宁气体的真空紫外辐射性能和七种真空紫外荧光粉的激发和发射性能,择其应用于 ACPDP。 dictall

It has widespread practical value in the field of research and technology of submicron lithography, Soft X-ray microscopy, VUV spectroscopy and thin film optical constant measurements etc.
在亚微米光刻、软 X射线显微术、真空紫外光谱学、薄膜光学常数测试等研究及应用技术领域具有广泛的实用价值。 cnki

Surface materials of the space inflatable structures would be influenced by vacuum thermo- cycling and vacuum ultraviolet VUV when the spacecrafts operated in low earth orbit.
在低地球轨道飞行的航天器,真空热循环与真空紫外辐照等近地轨道空间环境成为影响空间充气展开结构材料的重要因素。 cnki

The photolytic chemical mechanisms in direct VUV photo- CVD and the physical properties of the films have been preliminarily discussed.
文中对真空紫外光 CVD的光解机理以及薄膜的特性进行了初步的探讨。 cnki

The results of impurity VUV radiation observation on the HL1M device are given in this paper.
本文介绍了 HL-1M装置等离子体杂质真空紫外辐射观测的初步结果。 cnki

The spectroscopic properties in VUV-Vis spectral region of Pr3 ions in different solids are investigated.
本项目研究了不同基质中三价镨离子的真空紫外 VUV光谱特征。 keyanjijin

This paper discusses the method of evaluating VUV optical constants of the thin films by the multi- restrained nonlinear equation group.
本文讨论了通过“多约束非线性方程组”解析真空紫外薄膜光学常数的方法。 cnki




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