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词汇 vultures
释义 vultures ˈvʌltʃəz COCA²⁶⁰⁹²BNC¹⁹⁹⁹³Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
n.秃鹰vulture的复数原型vulture的复数 Most impressive, though, was a pair of lappet-faced vultures, which have a wingspan of10ft and are the largest birds in Oman.
印象最深的是一对面部下垂的秃鹫,翼展竟有10英尺,是阿曼最大的猛禽。 yeeyan

The anti- inflammatory drug, Diclofenac, builds up in the bodies of vultures after eating cattle treated with the drug. The birds then die, most likely of kidney failure.
秃鹫在进食了那些注射过抗炎药双氯芬酸的牲畜尸体后,双氯芬酸就在它们体内慢慢累积,因此它们最有可能死于肾功能衰竭。 yeeyan

The plot: Israeli scientists are training vultures to spy on Arab countries.
场景:以色列科学家正在训练秃鹫以刺探阿拉伯国家。 yeeyan

Amid grey mounds of dusty rocks we were able to see Egyptian vultures and steppe eagles.
在布满尘埃的灰色岩石山丘上,我们看见了埃及秃鹫和草原鹰。 yeeyan

Bats and vultures have besieged space shuttles at the launch pad, not to mention lightning, which tried and failed to tackle NASA? s mightiest rocket.
蝙蝠和秃鹫曾经围攻过发射台上的航天飞机,更别提闪电差点摧毁了NASA最强劲的火箭。 yeeyan

But vultures have their place.
但是秃鹫也有自己的用武之地。 yeeyan

Circling like vultures around weak states, they are starting to use Sierra Leone as a base to ship drugs on to Europe and beyond, with all the corruption and violence that will come with it.
这些人就像是在软弱国家上空盘旋的秃鹰,正着手让塞拉利昂成为往欧洲与其它地方装运毒品的基地,这也再次将为这个地区带来腐败与暴力事件。 ecocn

Egyptian vultures on the Canary Islands provide evidence that human caused environmental change can lead to animal evolution in relatively short time periods.
加那利群岛西班牙的埃及秃鹫证明人类引起的环境变化能导致动物在相对较短的时间内进化。 yeeyan

He's also found bones of a dozen different bird species, including vultures, cranes, ducks and geese.
他还发现了像秃鹰、鹤、鸭子和鹅等许多品种的鸟类的骨头。 yeeyan

Human expansion often causes animal extinction, but in this case the Egyptian vultures found a new habitat and show signs of developing into a genetically distinct sub-population.
人类扩张经常引起动物灭绝,然而埃及秃鹫却在这种情况下找到了一个新的栖息地,并且从基因角度上看它们正逐渐演化出一个亚种。 yeeyan

I glimpsed, between the hills, sea and white surf curling on golden sand; vultures and buzzards floated overhead.
我朝山间张望,白色的海浪和金色的沙滩呈现在眼前,秃鹫和苍鹰在空中翱翔。 yeeyan

In fact, it is a bird of prey that belongs to the same order as hawks, eagles, and vultures.
但实际上,这个灰色的大鸟跟鹰、雕和秃鹫属于同一个目。 yeeyan

In some, debris is perched in jagged branches like vultures.
有些残枝挂在尖突的树枝上,看起来像秃鹰。 yeeyan

Not so in winter, yet the bare trees against the backdrop of a cloudless blue sky, punctuated by vultures riding the thermals, provided a stark beauty all of its own.
而冬天的景致则全然不同,光秃的树木、蔚蓝的长空以及几只乘着气流翱翔的秃鹫共同组成了一幅独具特色的苍凉画卷。 yeeyan

One notable success involves a pair of homosexual vultures, Jake and Judah, who hatched and raised three chicks over three years.
一个明显的成功范例就是,一对同性恋秃鹰,杰克和犹大,在三年内腐化抚养三只小鸡。 ecocn

One problem NASA has tackled in recent years has been the proliferation of large turkey vultures around its Kennedy Space Center launch site.
NASA近些年碰到的一大问题就是肯尼迪航天中心发射台附近土耳其秃鹫的大量繁殖。 yeeyan

Outside, by the riverbank, vultures hovered menacingly in a cobalt sky.
外面的河岸上,隐约看到秃鹰们在蔚蓝的天空中盘旋。 yeeyan

Since then, engineers have tracked vultures as a routine part of launch by taking pictures of the launch area from two different angles.
从那时起,工程师通过从发射场的两个不同角度拍摄照片跟踪秃鹫成为了发射过程中例行公事的一部分。 yeeyan

The first scavengers one sees in Cambalache, a sprawling trash dump on the edge of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, are the vultures.
在委内瑞拉圭亚那城郊区的废品集市里,出现在这些纵横交错的垃圾堆上的第一批清道夫是这群秃鹰。 yeeyan

The Berber people of northern Africa brought with them goats, which then became an abundant food source for the vultures.
居住在北非的柏柏尔人带来山羊后,更为秃鹫提供了大量的食物来源。 yeeyan

The Zoroastrians in Iran, for example, traditionally leave corpses in towers for vultures to devour, so the bodies do not pollute the soil.
比如,伊朗的索罗亚斯德教的教徒的传统是将尸体放在高塔上让秃鹰啄食,这样尸体就不会污染土壤。 ecocn

Then we see a flock of vultures, wheeling in the sky like scraps of burned paper above a carcass in the bush.
然后又看见成群的秃鹫在天空上翻飞,像片片烧过的纸灰起落于灌木丛中的动物残骸上。 yeeyan

Those toiling under the vultures mutter to one another in Warao, an indigenous language spoken in the nearby delta where the Orinoco, one of the world's mightiest rivers, meets the Atlantic.
那些苦工们在秃鹰底下用瓦劳语低语交谈,这种方言通常分布在世界上最磅礴的河流之一奥里诺科河和大西洋交汇处的三角洲区。 yeeyan

Vultures are now vanishing across Africa as well, denying lions and other animals the crucial ability to follow circling birds to carcasses.
目前非洲大陆的秃鹫也正在消亡,狮子和其他动物因而无法循着盘旋的鸟群的踪迹找到尸体,而这对于那些动物而言至关重要。 yeeyan




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