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词汇 vulnerabilities
释义 vulnerabilities 英vʌlnərə'bɪlɪtɪz美vʌlnərə'bɪlɪtɪz COCA²⁴⁶⁷⁴BNC⁶⁴⁶⁰⁰Economist¹³³⁵⁶
名词 vulnerability:
the state of being vulnerable or exposedsusceptibility to injury or attack
用作名词They found that there arevulnerabilitiesin every version of every router manufacturer's software, allowing hackers to hijack a router, say.他们发现在每一个路由器制造商的每一版路由软件中都有脆弱点,可以使黑客入侵路由器。noun.exposure
同义词 susceptibilityaccountability,amenability,amenableness,blame,burden,compulsion,culpability,debt,duty,indebtedness,liability,obligation,onus,openness,subjection,susceptiblenessaccountableness,arrearage,owing,vulnerableness
反义词 aid,asset,help,irresponsibility It's possible there are many security vulnerabilities in the code and storage mechanisms presented here, so take care when deploying this outside your personal machine.
本文中提供的代码和存储机制中可能有许多安全漏洞,因此注意不要将它们部署到您的个人计算机中。 ibm

The range of online collaboration vulnerabilities depends on project complexity, interrelationships with similar projects, and whether the security policies are in place.
在线协作漏洞的范围取决于项目复杂程度、与相似项目的相互关系以及是否存在合适的安全策略。 ibm

The SSRM helps to address the security requirements of the SOA due to increased exposure to risks and vulnerabilities of loose coupling of the services and operations across organizational boundaries.
SSRM帮助处理 SOA的安全需求,由于服务和操作跨组织的边界松散耦合,增加了风险和漏洞的暴露,从而导致了这些安全需求。 ibm

“ I have more concerns about potential risks and vulnerabilities than most people, ” he said, with glum understatement.
“与大多数人相比,我更加关切潜在的风险和弱点,”他轻描淡写地如许说道。 yeeyan

After you get all the assets for assessment identified, the next step is to identify and assess the vulnerabilities of each asset that a hacker or attacker could maliciously exploit.
识别了所有要评估的资产之后,下一个步骤就是识别并评估每种资产可能被黑客或攻击者利用的漏洞。 ibm

An attacker can discover vulnerabilities much faster than you think!
攻击者找到漏洞的速度比你想想的快多了。 yeeyan

Based on the information gathered, hackers can deduce possible vulnerabilities and choose the best method of attack for the selected target system.
黑客可以根据所收集的信息推断出可能的弱点,并选择对选定目标系统的最佳攻击方法。 ibm

But the document can also be used by software designers, architects and even CIOs, which should be aware of these possible vulnerabilities and take appropriate measures.
同时文档还适用于软件设计师、架构师、甚至 CIO,他们应该了解这些可能出现的弱点,并采取恰当的措施。 infoq

But, there are some vulnerabilities that automated software cannot discover.
但是一些漏洞,自动化软件是发现不了的。 yeeyan

Conformity, or groupthink— our tendency to do and even think like others—represents one of our greatest vulnerabilities.
“从众”又叫作“群体思维”,是我们和别人一样思考甚至行动的倾向,不啻人类一大弱点。 yeeyan

Hackers look for computers with security vulnerabilities and infect them in advance of an attack.
黑客们在攻击前先寻找有安全漏洞的计算机并加以感染。 yeeyan

However, this approach only protects those specific functions, not stack overflow vulnerabilities in general, and it only protects the stack, not local values in the stack.
然而,这种方法仅保护那些特定的函数,而不是从总体上防止堆栈溢出缺陷,并且它仅保护堆栈,而不保护堆栈中的局部变量。 ibm

If the vulnerabilities of each asset change before the due time for another assessment, repeat the first two steps.
如果任何资产的漏洞在另一次预计评估时间之前发生变化,则重复前两个步骤。 ibm

In contrast, Lamb said the boys could look up to the old-style heroes such as Superman, “ because outside of their costumes they were real people with real problems and many vulnerabilities”.
相比之下,兰姆教授说,男孩们可以去参考老式的英雄,比如超人,“因为在他们的装束之外,他们是实在的人,有实在的问题和许多的弱点。” oobang

Knowing which ports are open on a host is an important first step for an attacker to deduce possible vulnerabilities to the target host.
知道主机上哪些端口是打开的,对于攻击者推断目标主机上可能存在的弱点是重要的第一步。 ibm

Like many other security updates, this one triggered a wave of attacks presumably coming from people who wanted to exploit vulnerabilities made public on computers not patched.
和许多其它的安全更新一样,该更新通知引发了一波攻击,大概是有些人想利用还没打补丁的计算机上的漏洞。 infoq

New vulnerabilities and new threats emerge.
出现了新漏洞和新威胁。 ibm

Now that we have working definitions for these terms, let's look at some of the misconceptions that lead to vulnerabilities.
既然我们已经清楚了这些术语的定义,那么让我们来研究一下可能导致漏洞的误解。 ibm

One of the most common vulnerabilities that these tools detect is when programmers forget to call a sanitation routine on potential malicious input.
这些工具检测出的最常见的漏洞之一就是程序员忘记对潜在的恶意输入调用消毒例程。 ibm

Open source means that many eyes can look at the code for vulnerabilities, but you have to ask: Is the component you are using mature enough or popular enough to receive that sort of scrutiny?
开源就意味着有许多双眼睛盯着代码寻找漏洞,但您必须考虑:您使用的组件是否足够成熟或足够普及,可接受那种程度的详细审查? ibm

Some of the negative consequences include: user frustration, slowdowns in performance, and security vulnerabilities.
其中的一些负面影响包括:用户挫折感,性能下降,安全漏洞等。 yeeyan

Things get very complex when assets are moved from one point to another and from one SOA to another in a global network, dynamically changing the range and scope of threats, vulnerabilities and risks.
当资产从一个位置移到另一个位置,从一个 SOA移动到全局网络中的另一个 SOA中,会动态地更改威胁、漏洞和风险的范围,从而使事情变得非常复杂。 ibm

Third, it exposes the credentials as the username and password, which may introduce some security vulnerabilities.
最后,它将凭证暴露为用户名和密码,这可能引入一些安全缺陷。 ibm

This process introduces latent defects and vulnerabilities into our implementations, which accumulate in the form of growing potential risk.
此过程在我们的实现中引入了潜在缺陷和漏洞,并以不断增加的潜在风险的形式积累。 ibm

We see our own vulnerabilities in them.
我们从他们身上看到了自己的弱点。 yeeyan

We'll look at how you can find the lines of code containing these vulnerabilities and eliminate them so the uptime availability stays high.
我们将着眼于您如何找到包含这些漏洞的代码行,并且消除漏洞,以便维持长久的正常运行时间。 ibm

You need to manage risks that each threat will exploit one or more vulnerabilities and to mitigate risks to acceptable levels with cost- effective countermeasures.
您需要管理每个威胁将利用一个或多个漏洞的风险,并使用合理的替代方法将风险降低到可接受的程度。 ibm

Your goal is to mitigate the risks of exploiting vulnerabilities to an acceptable level.
您的目标是将漏洞被利用的风险减轻到可接受的程度。 ibm




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