释义 |
Vulcain 基本例句 凡尔根牌手表¹⁰⁰ Y.L. Turpin, F. Changneu, O. Bartier, G. Cathelineau, M.Vulcain, Impact of Torsional and Bending Inertia on Root Canal Instruments, J Endondon 2001.廖芳瑜;根管几何型态对于镍钛旋转器械之力学行为分析;硕士论文;中原大学生物医学工程学系;2007. The specific impulse of an open-cycle gas generator engine such asVulcainis inherently limited, while for the closed-cycle, staged-combustion design, it increases with the combustion pressure.一个火箭引擎的总体效率由其特定推力来衡量,推力动力改变-或单摆,发动机速度提升能完成燃料的每个单元燃料的燃烧。 |