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词汇 Vsp
释义 Vsp.
🌏垂直地震剖面vertical seismic profile;视觉服务计划Vision Service Plan;垂直地震剖面法vertical seismic profiling
Although the seismic log and VSP velocity are accuracy, but determined velocity data of wells on sections are little and insufficient to control the horizontal change of velocity.
地震测井和 VSP测定的速度精度较高,但剖面上的井测定的速度资料很少,不足以控制速度的横向变化。 cnki

On the basis of this characteristic, we put forward a new method for deriving elastic constants of transversal isotropic medium from VSP and cross hole travel times.
根据这个特点,我们提出了用 VSP和跨孔走时联合反演横向各向同性介质中弹性常数的方法。 cnki

Some applied examples related to zero and non- zero offset VSP data from a certain oilfield are also presented in the paper.
文中还给出了某油田实际零偏和非零偏 VSP资料的应用实例。 cnki

The integrated application and interpretation among sonic log, vertical seismic profile VSP and seismic survey are becoming more and more important for oil and gas exploration.
在当代石油勘探中,声测井、垂直地震剖面 VSP以及地震勘探的联合应用与综合解释正变得日益重要。 cnki

The lateral and vertical variations of seismic velocity are examined quantitatively based on the VSP data from Su18 and Su20 wells in Hailaer Basin.
应用海拉尔盆地苏18和苏20两口井的 VSP资料,定量地研究了地震速度在横向上和纵向上的变化情况。 cnki

With a practical prospecting example, this paper shows the effectiveness of surface seismic reflection and VSP joint exploration in finding hidden active faults in Shanghai.
本文结合在上海市区的工作实例,表明了地面地震和 VSP联合勘探在查明市区隐伏活动断裂中的有效性。 dictall

Also, comments on the layout of VSP as well as interpretation procedures are made.
同时,对 VSP的施工设计和波的解释过程提出了某些看法。 cnki

An example is given for comparing blade angle properties between the VSP mechanism and the orthodox mechanism.
最后通过实例计算,比较了 VSP机构和正统机构的叶片角特性。 cnki

An important step in processing offset vertical seismic profiling VSP data is to set up a model offset VSP model, which is essential to VSP- CDP conversion.
非零偏移距垂直地震剖面 VSP模型的制作是非零偏移距 VSP 资料处理的关键环节之一,是 VSP- CDP转换的基础。 iciba

Besides wave-field separation, VSP processing also has many other special steps.
除波场分离外, VSP处理还有许多其它独特环节。 cnki

Classical method, which is a simple and straightforward procedure and has strong adaptability, needs accurate synthetic seismic record and stratigraphic correction when there is not VSP data.
经典的闭合差校正方法简单直观,适应性强,但当不存在 VSP数据时,需要先进行准确的合成记录制作和层位对比; cnki

Examples show that zero- offset VSP forward model can be computed fast and correctly using this method.
实例表明,用此方法计算零偏移距 VSP正演模型,速度极快且结果准确。 cnki

In order to spread this technique, I have made trial VSP modeling during shothole drilling: shallow seismic velocity survey during shothole drilling.
为了应用和推广这一新技术,我们做了随钻 VSP模拟试验,即地表浅层炮井随钻地震速度测量。 cnki

Old conventional seismic data can hardly be used in reservoir study, so that high resolution seismic exploration and VSP logging were made successfully.
以往的常规地震资料难以用于储层研究。为此,在该区采用了高分辨率地震勘探和 VSP测井。 cnki

Processing of cross well seismic reflection wave data can be regarded as an extension of offset VSP reflection data processing.
井间地震反射波资料处理可以看成是有偏 VSP反射波资料处理的一种延伸。 cnki

Seismic data measured with receivers, sources or both in a well, such as a check-shot survey, vertical seismic profile VSP, cross well seismic data or single-well imaging.
检波器和震源之一或均放置在井中测量得到的地震数据,如校验炮测量、垂直地震剖面 VSP、井间地震数据或单井成像。

Shallow high- resolution VSP is discussed in detail on its field operation, in- house data processing and result analysis.
本文详细讨论了浅井高分辨率 VSP野外工作方法、室内资料处理方法以及资料效果分析。 cnki

That pairing includes a virtualization service provider VSP in the primary partition whose job is to interact with virtualization service clients VSC in each virtual machine.
这一配对包括了主分区中的虚拟服务提供者 VSP,它负责和每个虚拟机中的虚拟服务客户端 VSC交互。 yeeyan

The experimental result proves that the application of the random noise attenuation technique to VSP data processing obviously improves signal-noise ratio and first break pickup.
试验结果证实,将随机噪声衰减技术用于 VSP资料处理,可以有效地提高信噪比,改善初至拾取的精度。 magsci

The paper fin- ally describes both the application of VMF to zero- offset VSP data processing and the effect.
文中最后讨论了矢量中值滤波在零偏移距 VSP资料处理中的应用和效果。 cnki

The paper proposed the methods of multi- azimuth inverse VSP tomography to calculate near- surface velocity aimed replacing micro- log method at complex surface places.
本文首先就复杂地表常规微测井技术求取表层速度存在的问题,提出了多方位角逆 VSP层析成像方法。 dictall

The method firstly determines layer's reflectivity from VSP data, and then inverts interval velocities of various layers from the resulted reflectivities.
该方法首先利用VSP资料提取地下地层的反射系数,然后利用地层反射系数反演出各个地层的层速度。 cnki

The methods for separating out P-wave or S-wave in VSP data include kinematic method and dynamic method.
VSP地震记录的纵、横渡分离方法可分为运动学和动力学两类。 cnki

The processing methods for surface seismic data, VSP data, and logging data were discussed.
初步探讨了地面地震资料、 VSP资料、测井资料的处理方法。 dictall

To some extent, researches on VSP processing methods can even improve processing and interpretation quality of surface seismic data.
从某种程度上讲,研究 VSP处理方法还可以提高地面地震资料处理和解释效果。 cnki

Velocity is the most important parameter in seismic survey, and VSP is a direct and valid way in acquiring it.
地震波速度是地震勘探中最重要的一个参数,而 VSP测量是一种比较直接且行之有效的获取地震波速度的方法。 cnki

VSP dip correction formulae for vertical and deviated boreholes are derived from seismic ray theory, and some notices in using the formulae are mentioned in detail.
文中基于射线理论分别导出了垂直非和斜井 VSP倾角校正公式,并指出了实际应用时应注意的问题。 magsci




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