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词汇 vpn
释义 vpn
abbr.虚拟个人网络=Virtual Private Network
The core operating system OS is responsible for handling most of the system functions such as firewall, networking, VPN, file sharing, administration, and backup.
核心操作系统 OS负责处理大多数系统功能,比如防火墙、连网、 VPN、文件共享、管理和备份。 ibm

Access to remote applications is realized via HTTPS without the need to set up VPN or open additional firewall ports.
远程应用的访问是通过 HTTPS实现的,无须使用 VPN,也不需要打开特定的防火墙端口。 infoq

Afterwards Virtual private networks VPN between phones and corporate networks can be implemented and there’s even a remote kill command for lost or stolen phones.
然后你就可以通过 VPN在手机间进行协作了,甚至在手机被偷后你还能直接发送一个自毁指令给手机。 cnbeta

But what if businesses relied on VPN connections?
但是如果商业数据也依赖 VPN链接怎么办? yeeyan

But there are limitations to the routing and protocol support within a VPN solution.
但 VPN解决方案中的路由和协议支持会受到一些限制。 ibm

Connect to your VLAN using an encrypted virtual private network VPN connection.
使用加密的虚拟专用网 VPN连接到您的 VLAN。 ibm

First, there is the latency between your computers and your own VPN endpoint.
第一,您的计算机和您自己的 VPN端点之间的延迟。 ibm

I saw my role as simply dropping the server on the network, joining workstations to the domain, configuring a VPN to give a remote but key employee data access, and introducing email.
我把自己的角色视为仅仅是把该网络的服务器扔掉然后把工作站加进域内,然后配置 VPN来让远程的关键员工的一进行数据访问,包括引入电子邮件。 yeeyan

If you're looking to try your hand at some VPN gaming yourself, but don't know what to play, we've got a few suggestions for you to try.
如果你正试图在某个 VPN游戏上一展身手,但不知道要玩什么,我们这有一些为你提供的建议来尝试一下。 yeeyan

If you have any VPN tips and tricks and recommendations of your own, be sure to let us know below!
如果你自己有任何关于 VPN的小窍门、小把戏和建议,一点要在下面写出来告诉我们! yeeyan

If your organization is spread out geographically across several sites, then you will see more variation in network latency between computers in your sites and your VPN endpoint.
如果您的组织跨几个地点分布,那么您将看到您各个点上的计算机和您的 VPN端点之间的网络延迟有更多变化。 ibm

In some cases, LAN-based play can actually perform better than its online counterpart, making a VPN setup attractive for lag-free games.
在某些情况,事实上局域网游戏可以比它的在线版本获得更好的性能,为无延迟的游戏建立 VPN计划是有吸引力的。 yeeyan

In this article, you saw the main differences between GVPE and other VPN solutions.
在本文中,您看到了 GVPE和其他 VPN解决方案之间的差异。 ibm

Instances that are provisioned exclusively with IP addresses on your private VLAN can only be accessed by you through the VPN gateway.
仅通过您的专用 VLAN上的 IP地址提供的实例只能由您通过 VPN网关访问。 ibm

It offers a highly efficient and low- cost solution to firewall, VPN, and routing demands.
它为防火墙、 VPN和路由要求提供了一种高效、低成本的解决方案。 ibm

Luckily, setting up a VPN of your own is easier than it sounds, and a number of services already exist with online gaming in mind.
幸运的是,为你自己建立一个 VPN比想象中要容易,而且早已有很多现成的服务存在你所想的在线游戏中。 yeeyan

Most enterprises are already comfortable with using VPN connections with their users to get to back-end data.
大多数企业已经可以熟练地对用户使用 VPN连接来获取后端数据。 ibm

Now, lets talk about some popular and free VPN services that can help you surf the web as freely as possible without worrying about privacy and censorship issues.
现在,我们来谈谈那些受欢迎的免费 VPN服务吧!它们可以给你最大限度的上网自由度,还不用担心隐私泄露和审查问题。

Our networking guru called me last week and started telling me what my coworker should do to connect to the VPN.
我们的网络负责人上周给我打了个电话并且告诉我我的同事应该如何做以连接到 VPN。 cnblogs

So that was about free VPN services that let you hide your IP address and browse the web anonymously through an encrypted connection.
以上就是能让你隐藏 IP地址通过加密连接匿名浏览网页的免费 VPN服务的介绍。

The guide presents how a fictive company has implemented SSO using claims offering its employees external access to its applications without having to create a VPN connection first.
该指南演示一个虚拟的公司如何给它的雇员提供声明来实现 SSO的外部访问,而无须先创建 VPN连接。 infoq

The introduction of replication compression reduces the amount of data between the client and server by up to30-40%, if the network traffic is not already compressed by routers or VPN software.
如果没有通过路由器或 VPN软件对网络通讯进行压缩,那么引入复制压缩会将客户机和服务器之间的数据量减少至30-40%。 ibm

This might involve a lot of infrastructure requirements, as with the use of a VPN; such heavy requirements are undesirable for some businesses.
这可能涉及到许多基础架构要求,还要使用 VPN;这么高的要求是某些企业所不希望的。 ibm

Unlike other VPN solutions, you can mix and match different underlying transports between different hosts while still supporting and creating the same basic virtual network environment.
与其他 VPN解决方案不同,您可以在不同主机之间混合并匹配的不同底层传输,同时仍然支持并创建相同的基本虚拟网络环境。 ibm

Virtual private network VPN technology also constrained our ability to use the tools easily and effectively.
虚拟私有网络 VPN技术也限制了我们简单而高效地使用这些工具的能力。 ibm

While Bridged networking requires a constant physical link to a network, NAT networking is much more flexible and mobile, even when working over your wireless or VPN connection.
桥接连网需要一条到网络的永久物理链路,而 NAT连网灵活得多,在使用无线或 VPN连接时甚至可以移动。 ibm

Yet another could provide a VPN gateway.
还有一个可以提供 VPN网关。 yeeyan

You also need to provide IBM with information about your VPN encryption parameters.
您还需要向 IBM提供您的 VPN加密参数相关信息。 ibm

You could better ensure that someone is who they say they are by adding fingerprint scans, VPN dongles and, perhaps someday, X-ray vision.
你可以通过增加指纹扫描, VPN软件保护器,或者将来某一天用 X光扫描,来更好地确保某个人就是他所声称的那个人。 yeeyan

You need a list of IP addresses or subnets for the computers in your network, as well as a list of software products or services that you want to have enabled for operation across the VPN.
您需要一个您网络中的计算机 IP地址或子网列表,还需要一个为支持跨 VPN操作而启用的软件产品和服务列表。 ibm




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