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词汇 vowels
释义 vowels
A feature of this type should be the number of vowels that the word contains.
这种类型的特征之一应该是单词包含的元音数。 ibm

The native Yakuts, a Turkic tribe with Asiatic features who speak a language full of throaty, mooing vowels, were largely engaged in reindeer herding.
土著的雅库茨克人属于突厥人的部属,有亚洲人的特征,所说的语言有很多喉音和牛吼般的元音,大多以驯鹿为生。 yeeyan

Third is the vowels.
再有就是元音。 yeeyan

A recent paper in American Speech argues that American gay male voices tend towards the vowels of California.
最近美国演讲的一项文件争论说美国男同的声音更倾向于加利福尼亚的元音。 yeeyan

French, for example, has many more rounded vowels.
比如说法语,有很多圆唇元音。 yeeyan

He placed the most commonly used letters, like vowels, on the home row.
他将最常用的字母,像元音字母,放在中间行。 yeeyan

I couldn't distinguish between some of the French vowels.

If you really make a point to ride the vowels, you can be soft and still heard in the back row.
如果你在控制元音发音上有所研究,你可以轻柔的说话,并且不会影响后排听众的倾听。 yeeyan

In English it no longer occurs between vowels.
在英语中,它不再出现在两个元音间。 yeeyan

In some regions, sometimes two or more vowels together prompt the creation of an extra syllable.
在一些地区,有时两个或以上元音在一起的时候就会产生一个新的音节。 yeeyan

Its vowels include plain, pharyngealised, strident and breathy, and they carry four tones.
元音包括简单音,咽音,刺耳音,气音,而且有四个声调。 ecocn

Line14 drops all vowels.
行14消除所有元音。 ibm

No math, no more squinting at the fine print and trying to decipher those words with no vowels.
没有数学,不再要眯眼看精美的印刷字,试着去破译这些没有元音的句子。 yeeyan

Note that this means, unlike vowels, intervening H and W characters do not act as a barrier to combining runs of letters with the same code.
请注意:这意味着,与元音的处理方式不同,插在中间的字符 H和 W不会对组合相同代码的字母形成障碍。 ibm

Once you have the vowels, you know which way to shift the rest of the letters.
知道了这些带元音的词后,您就知道了移动其余字的方法。 ibm

Repeated letters and vowels are generally dropped, as are vowels.
重复的字母和元音通常被删除,与元音的处理一样。 ibm

Several pairs of such vowels existed in early English.
在早期英语中,有好几对这样的元音。 yeeyan

She spoke in the soft slurring voice of the coastal Georgian, liquid of vowels, kind to consonants and with the barest trace of French accent.
她说话用的是海滨佐治亚人那种柔和而有点含糊的口音,元音是流音,子音咬得不怎么准,略略带法语腔调。 kekenet

The result is often a drawing out or clipping of the vowels that mimic the accent of a particular country, even though the sufferer may have had limited exposure to that accent.
这种变化经常是由元音的拉长或省略所致,而其与特定国家的口音极其相似。虽然病人或许与这种口音有过短暂接触。 yeeyan

They do the big step of inventing vowels so that now you don't have to remember anything.
在创造元音方面他们向前跨了一大步,所以你不用费力去记忆。 yeeyan

This is because if you only have eight consonants and five vowels, as Hawaiian does, you're going to get lots of homophones.
这是因为,如果一种语言只有八个辅音、五个元音,如夏威夷语,那么就会有大量的同音异义词。 ecocn

Using a helmet that surrounds the child’s head, the team presents a series of recorded beeps, vowels and sentences.
该小组用一个头盔围住孩子的头,并发出一系列有记录的哔哔声、元音和句子。 yeeyan

While pronouncing your vowels, try to keep your tongue as low in the mouth as possible while keeping the roof high.
当发元音的时候,试着将舌头压到最低,同时将上腭抬高。 yeeyan

With this approach the teacher presents the vowels and consonants, one or two at a time. This is delivered with great intensity.
通过这种方法,教师每次发一个或两个元音和辅音,这样可以保证高强度。 yeeyan

You can tailor the passwords to be memorable or secure, and you can specify whether to include numbers, symbols, vowels, and capital letters.
可以把密码设定为更容易记忆的或更安全的,还可以指定密码是否包含数字、符号、元音和大写字母。 ibm

Vowels are often eliminated, but you can still make out the general sound of the word.
元音常常会被省略,但是你仍然可以保留这个词的大概发言。 ebigear




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