

单词 vouchers
释义 vouch·er·s 英'vaʊtʃəʳ美'vaʊtʃər COCA¹⁴⁸⁷⁷BNC¹⁰⁴⁷²Economist⁸²⁷⁸
someone who vouches for another or for the correctness of a statementa document that serves as evidence of some expenditurea negotiable certificate that can be detached and redeemed as neededvoucher jacket传票夹,凭单夹…correction voucher更正记录传票…voucher payable应付凭单voucher checking凭单检查voucher system凭单制度audited voucher已审查凭单transfer voucher转帐凭单voucher index凭单索引cash voucher现金传票purchase voucher进货凭单disbursement voucher支出凭证hotel voucher预订旅馆的凭单…receipt voucher收款传票voucher audit传票审核voucher check凭单支票invalid voucher无效证件…receiving voucher收入传票exchange voucher交换单据voucher deduction凭单扣款voucher record凭单记录
近义词 paper纸ticket票chit便条check检查token象征coupon息票receipt收据warrant委任状credential国书verifier校验机certificate执照

用作名词Some firms give their workers luncheonvouchers, which they can use to buy meals.有些公司发给职工午餐券,用以购买膳食。
She has avoucherfor a free swim.她有一张免费游泳的凭证。 And these vouchers would be grossly inadequate.
这些代金券在很大程度上市不足的。 yeeyan

Because you are checking out two days early, You need to give us two cash vouchers back.
您比原定退房的时间提前了两天,所以我们需要收回二张现金券。 examw

The Tescoscheme mails discount vouchers to customers to encourage them to return.
乐购的计划是将折扣券寄给顾客,以鼓励他们回来。 ecocn

Therefore, students can attend the school of their preference by means of paying tuition with “ education vouchers”.
学生可以挑选自己认可的学校上学,并把教育券当学费交给校方。 ecocn

Again, technocrats favour transfers of cash or vouchers over dishing out food through a vast and corrupt state bureaucracy.
同样的,技术官僚赞成通过庞大而腐败的国家官僚机构调拨现金或是食品代购券。 ecocn

Attending farmers receive vouchers with cash values, so that they can choose what to purchase among the seeds, fertilizers, tools and tillage services on offer.
参加展销会的农民将得到具有现金价值的购物券,他们可以在种子、肥料、工具和提供的耕作服务中选择购买对象。 fao

Every accounting record must be complete and accurate, and has lawful vouchers as accounting certificate.
各项会计记录必须完整准确,有合法凭证作为记帐依据。 putclub

Firms are coming up with ways for patients to pay doctors, receive subsidy vouchers and so on, using their phones.
企业正设想出种种方式,让病人用自己的手机,支付就诊费、接收补贴凭证等等。 ecocn

If you want to feed people today, the best way to do that is actually to provide them with cash or vouchers for food that they can buy food right now.
如果想要在今天为人们提供食物,最好的方法就是为他们提供现金和餐券等他们可以立即用于购买食物的东西。 ebigear

Instead, that money should be used to fund more Section8 housing vouchers.
相反,这些钱应该用来资助更多的第8项住房凭证。 yeeyan

It achieves its huge health- care savings by indexing the tax credits and vouchers to a measure of inflation smaller than the estimated growth in health costs over recent decades.
它通过指数化税收优惠,用代金券量度通货膨胀小于近十年来健康保险成本的增长值来达到巨额的健康保险储蓄。 ecocn

Liberals might experiment with income- based affirmative action, for example, or with vouchers that give more money to the poor.
譬如,自由人士可能会试行针对收入的反歧视行动或分发给予穷人更多钱的代金券。 ecocn

Ludwig says the difference between the cost of public housing and the rent- subsidy vouchers for private housing is negligible, but both are expensive.
路德维希说公共住房的花费和用租金补贴券租赁私人住房直接的差别可以忽略不计,但是两者都很昂贵。 yeeyan

Nearly two-thirds of her sales are to elderly residents who are using government food vouchers.
她销售将近三分之二是那些年老的用政府粮食凭证的居民。 yeeyan

One group received rent- subsidy vouchers so they could move to a higher- income neighborhood— where about10% of the residents were below the poverty level.
一个小组领取租金补贴券,他们可以搬到高收入的社区---在那里,大约10%的居民生活在贫困线以下。 yeeyan

School vouchers, and especially the charter school movement, is bringing competition to the traditional neighborhood school.
教育券,特别是特许学校运动,正在将竞争机制引入传统的就近入学制度。 yeeyan

She also speaks of targeting subsidies or vouchers“in ways that complement markets rather than distort them”, as current subsidies often do.
她也提到用完全市场模式来影响食品补贴或食品凭证,而现行补贴则通常是对市场模式的扭曲。 ecocn

The government, he said, should not spend money on their behalf, but should give them vouchers that they could spend on the education they thought best.
他声称,政府不应该替他们出钱,而应该给他们教育券让他们花在自己想花的地方。 ecocn

We need vouchers where it's approved by the local, state school boards.
我们需要更多地方和州的学校董事会批准使用教育券系统。 yeeyan

Vouchers can also attract users as you can post your voucher on one of the many voucher sites.
抵用券也也可以吸引用户,你可以把你的抵用券放在许多抵用券网站上。 yeeyan




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