

单词 Vonnegut
释义 Von·ne·gut 英ˈvɒnɪgət美ˈvɑnɪgətAHDvŏnʹĭ-gət 

United States writer whose novels and short stories are a mixture of realism and satire and science fiction born in 1922KurtVonnegut: A Man without Nationality?冯内古特:一个没有国家的人?
Besides,Vonnegutemploys black humor to expose the absurdity of the society.此外,作者也运用黑色幽默的手法揭露社会的荒诞。
Vonnegutis considered to be one of the representatives of Black Humor school.摘要冯尼格特被认为是“黑色幽默”文学流派的主要代表作家之一。
But another young worker at General Electric, BernardVonnegut, had become interested in the problem.但通用电气公司的另外一个青年工人伯纳德 - 冯尼格特却对这个问题产生了兴趣。
Today, I stand completely devoted, respectful and honored to have my place withVonnegut.当然,虽然相处愉快,但那还不能叫做爱。
Further, the death toll at Dresden was initially wildly inflated, to as high as the 250,000 figure cited byVonnegut.德累斯顿轰炸的死亡总数有夸大,沃恩古特引用的估计是25万。 Although Mr Vonnegut's experience in Dresden shaped his world view, it took him24 years and seven novels before he wrote the “ famous Dresden book” he had promised.
德累斯顿的经历塑造了冯内古特的世界观,但从他作出承诺到真正写出一本“闻名于世的德累斯顿之书”,之间间隔了整整24年外加7本小说。 ecocn

As Kurt Vonnegut wrote, “ Peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God.”
库尔特•冯内古特写过:“独特的旅行建议是上帝给我们的舞蹈课”。 yeeyan

As the fourth novel by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. , Cat?s Cradle is called by Peter J. Reed as the first real post modernist novel.
《猫的摇篮》是冯内古特第四部小说,被彼得· J。里德称作“冯内古特第一部真正意义上的后现代作品”。 fabiao

In his novels, Vonnegut negates and dispels the metadiscourse that conceals the gloomy side of the reality and exposes a chaotic and dangerous human world.
冯内古特的小说否定和消解掩盖现实阴暗面的元话语,暴露了一个混乱且危险的人类社会。 cnki

Kurt Vonnegut is one of the favorite dark humorists of the past century.
库尔特·冯尼格是上世纪最受欢迎的黑色幽默小说家之一。 dictall

ON FEBRUARY13th1945, Kurt Vonnegut sat in an underground meat locker in Dresden, Germany, listening to the city above him being destroyed.
1945年2月13日,德国德累斯顿,库尔特-冯内古特坐在某屠宰场的地窖内,头顶传来城市分崩离析的嘶喊。 ecocn

The writers of novels containing elements of black humor include Kurt Vonnegut, Thomas Pynchon, John Barth, Joseph Heller and Philip Roth.
此类小说的作家包括库特·冯尼格特,托马斯·品钦,约翰·巴思,约瑟夫·海勒和菲利普·罗斯。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

And it’s easy to see why Vonnegut would consider his friend’s reputation in large terms: the two had a lot in common.
其实我们很容易想像出来为什么冯内古特给他的朋友有如此高的评论,因为两人都有共同点。 yeeyan

As Vonnegut would say, so it goes.
正如冯内古特说的,事情就是这样。 hjenglish

Finally, in the narrative perspective, Vonnegut perfects the postmodern game through the mutability of the first person and third person and the parody of Jesus Christ.
最后,在叙述视角上,冯纳格特通过一三人称变换及对耶酥基督的戏仿来完善这一后现代主义游戏。 cnki

I was intrigued by Vonnegut's words; I enjoyed his stories for their simplicity and their sweetness. They were my punch to wash down the dry cookies.
我为冯内古特的文字深深着迷,热爱他故事中的简单和甜蜜,如水压般能够冲走干燥的饼干屑。 www.usastudy.com.cn

In this sense, he is but an anti- hero who subverts capitalist society within the limits set by Vonnegut.
从这个意义上讲,毕利只是一个在冯内古特允许的范围内进行社会颠覆的反英雄人物。 cnki

Kurt Vonnegut Jr. 1922- is one of the most important post modernist novelists in contemporary literary history of America.
库特·冯尼古特1922—是美国当代文学史上最重要的后现代主义小说家之一。 cnki

Slaughterhouse-Five is the masterpiece of the twentieth century American writer, Kurt Vonnegut.
《五号屠场》是美国作家库特·冯尼格特最重要的代表作之一。 dictall

The author of such clean novels as “ Slaughterhouse- Five” and“ Cat's Cradle” has died. Kurt Vonnegut suffered brain injuries several weeks ago in a fall at his home in Manhattan. Vonnegut was 84.
“屠宰场-五”与“猫的摇篮”这两本纯洁小说的作者已经去世。库尔特古几个星期前在曼哈顿的家里因一次跌倒造成脑部受伤,库尔特古享年84岁。 putclub

This paper compare the novels of Wang Xiaobo and Vonnegut, in focus of both artistic skill and writing idea.
本文主要从艺术手法与思想内容两个方面比较王小波与冯内古特的小说创作。 cnki

This thesis explores the main post modernist aesthetic characteristics expressed in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five, which is considered as one of the masterpieces of postmodernism.
本文就几点最根本的后现代主义美学特征透视了后现代主义的重要代表,凯特·冯内古特的《五号屠场》所秉有的后现代美学特征。 cnki

Two to whom he is often connected are Stephen Crane and Kurt Vonnegut.
两年来,他常常涉及的斯蒂芬克莱恩和库尔特冯内古特。 lwdx123.com

Vonnegut and his influences will forever be a part of me. I will be kind, I will respect my own writing, and I will dream.
冯内古特的影响将永远成为我生命中的一部分,我将会变得善良、珍惜自己的创作,并且拥有自己的梦想。 www.usastudy.com.cn

Vonnegut prefers not to make a narrative of the Dresden massacre.
冯尼格不想为读者讲述德累斯顿大屠杀的过程。 cnki

Vonnegut does not portray any character in the novel as a real hero.
在人物刻画方面,冯内古特没有把任何小说人物描述为反战英雄。 fabiao

Vonnegut not merely abides by the principle, but also blends the science fictional elements in his works, making a unique black humorous style.
然而,冯内古特不仅遵循这一原则,还兼容并蓄地把科学幻想的元素纳入其作品中,形成一种独树一帜的黑色幽默风格。 fabiao

Vonnegut thinks that the traditional novel that follows the causal hypothesis and the ossified notions of time and contents is not suitable to represent the illogical subject—the Dresden destruction.
冯内古特认为,传统小说遵循因果假设和僵化的时间与内容概念的表现手法,不适用于表现德累斯顿毁灭这样一个非逻辑性的题材。 cnki




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