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词汇 voluntary
释义 vol·un·tar·y 英ˈvɒlənˌteriː美ˈvɑlənˌtɛriAHDvŏlʹən-tĕr'ē ★★★☆☆高四六研IT46八COCA⁶³²¹BNC²¹⁷⁸iWeb⁵³⁵⁸Economist⁸²⁷⁷


of a person or action acting or done willingly, without being forced

A 义务的,无偿的

acting or done without payment; controlled or supported by people who give their money, services, etc., of their own free will


done on purpose

military a person who freely enlists for servicecomposition often improvised for a solo instrument especially solo organ and not a regular part of a religious service or musical performance
of your own free will or design; done by choice; not forced or compelled;

man is a voluntary agent

participation was voluntary

voluntary manslaughter

voluntary generosity in times of disaster

voluntary social workers

a voluntary confession

controlled by individual volition;

voluntary motions

voluntary muscles

voluntary, automatic

这两个词的共同意思是“自动的”。前者多指机械方面“自动的”; 而后者多指表示人类的“有意志的自动”。





来自 PIE*wel,希望,意愿,词源同 will,volition.引申词义意愿的,志愿的。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词voluntary army志愿军voluntary labor义务劳动voluntary service自愿服务
vol希望,愿意+unt=ant,来自拉丁语动词的现在分词后缀,相当于-ing,一般用作形容词后缀,但在此转作名词后缀,相当于-ance+ary形容词和名词后缀→出自个人意愿的→志愿的,自愿的,义务的⇒用作名词志愿者。词根记忆volunt自动+ary…的→自己选择的→自愿的词根记忆volunt意愿+ary→出于自身意愿的→自愿的词根记忆volunt自动+ary…的→自己选择的→自愿的词根记忆volunt+ary近义词 freewillingpurposeful反义词 forcedunwilling
~+ n.He made a voluntary statement to the police.他自动向警方提出口供。
At election time the party needs a lot of voluntary helpers.大选时,该党需要许多义工帮忙。
S+be+~That he bumped me is voluntary.他故意撞了我一下。Pvoluntaryismn.自愿捐助维持制度志愿兵制度Pinvoluntarya.自然而然的无意识的不知不觉的偶然的不随意的

用作形容词He made avoluntarystatement to the police.他自愿为警方作供。
Many social services are still provided byvoluntarysocieties in our city.在我们的城市,许多社会服务仍然是有志愿团体提供的。
We rely entirely onvoluntarycontribution.我们全靠自愿捐赠。
She's very taken up withvoluntarywork at the moment.她目前大部分时间和精力都用在志愿工作上了。
Although I'm retired,voluntarywork keeps me in the swim .我虽已退休,但仍做些义务工作,以便了解当前的情势。
The organization is run on avoluntarybasis.这个组织是由志愿人员管理的.adj.willing
同义词 spontaneouschosen,free,independent,volunteerautonomous,deliberate,designful,discretional,elected,free-willed,freely,gratuitous,honorary,intended,intentional,opted,optional,unasked,unbidden,uncompelled,unconstrained,unforced,unpaid,unprescribed,volitional,willed,willful,wished,witting
反义词 forced,involuntary,obligatory,unwilling
consideredadjective deliberate, thought-out
advised,aforethought,contemplated,designed,designful,examined,express,given due consideration,gone into,intentional,investigated,mediated,premeditated,prepense,studied,studious,thought-about,thought-through,treated,weighed,well advised,well-chosen,willful
deliberateadjective intentional
advised,aforethought,calculated,careful,cautious,cold-blooded,conscious,considered,cut-and-dried,designed,designful,done on purpose,express,fixed,intended,judged,meticulous,planned,pondered,prearranged,predesigned,predeterminate,predetermined,premeditated,prepense,projected,provident,prudent,purposed,purposeful,purposive,reasoned,resolved,schemed,scrupulous,studied,studious,thought-out,thoughtful,voluntary,wary,weighed,willful,with forethought,witting
electiveadjective able to be chosen
constituent,discretionary,electoral,facultative,nonobligatory,not compulsory,optional,selective,voluntary,voting
expressadjective certain, precise
facultativeadjective optional
discretional,discretionary,elective,noncompulsory,nonobligatory,not required,volitional,voluntary
gratuitousadjective free
chargeless,complimentary,costless,for nothing,gratis,spontaneous,unasked-for,unpaid,voluntary,willing The eventual goal would be to move to a completely voluntary system where people only pay payroll taxes into Social Security and Medicare if they choose to participate in those programs.
最终的目标将会是转向一个完全自愿的体制,在那里人们仅仅只需为社保和医保付工资税,如果他们选择加入那些项目的话。 yeeyan

The report hints at possible collaboration, voluntary or involuntary, between some Roshan workers and the Taliban.
报告还暗示罗山通信雇员和塔利班之间存在自愿或非自愿的合作。 yeeyan

Also, treatment should be voluntary as far as possible, while service users should have plenty of contact and companionship with other service users.
另外,应当尽可能做到自愿接受治疗,而且服务使用者应当与使用服务的其他人有广泛的联系和友谊。 who

An evolutionary biologist would say physical activity is the only voluntary means you have of varying or regulating your energy expenditure.
一个进化生物学家会说体力活动是唯一的志愿就是你的不同或管理您的能源开支的。 yeeyan

Another factor to consider is whether retirement is voluntary or not.
“是否自愿退休”是另一个需要考虑的因素。 yeeyan

But the library system is purely voluntary, and parents are allowed to opt their kids in or out.
但是,图书馆指纹扫描系统完全是志愿的,父母可以决定小孩参加或不参加。 yeeyan

But at bottom it is a vision of the state: more locally accountable, more plural in its provision of services and, yes, increasingly giving way to a more active voluntary sector.
但是说到底它是对这个国家的设想:地方更能被信任,提供的服务手段更多样还有,是的,不断让路于一个更加积极的自愿的部门。 ecocn

But he also insisted that all human organisations, whether in business or the voluntary sector, need clear objectives and hard measurements to keep them efficient.
但他也认为所有的人类组织,不管是商业还是志愿机构,都需要清晰的目标和强硬的管理来保持高效运转。 ecocn

Each country that has an opt-out voluntary HIV testing policy will have a slightly different way of implementing it, but the basic principles are the same.
在每一个拥有自愿选择退出检测 HIV病毒机制的国家,虽然具体的实施方式略有不同,但其基本原则是相同的。 yeeyan

Few protesters are burning senators in effigy, as they were a century ago, and a voluntary armistice between the two parties seems an even more remote prospect than that.
现在不像一个世纪之前,几乎没有抗议者燃烧参议员的肖像以泄愤,而两党之间自发地停战似乎是一个更遥远的期待。 ecocn

His labor is, therefore, not voluntary but forced, it is forced labor.
因此,他的劳动不是自愿的而是被迫的,是被迫的强制劳动。 yeeyan

However, there is no single correct path in this process, and all states are voluntary.
但是,在这个过程中并没有单个合适的路径,并且所有的状态都是自发的。 ibm

India also maintains it would not allow any international scrutiny of whatever voluntary mitigation actions it funds domestically with its own money.
印度还坚持不会允许国际间对其在以自有资金在国内进行的任何自愿性减排行为进行监督。 tingvoa

That should satisfy the German demand for participation of private lenders while meeting the ECB’s requirement that any adjustment be voluntary so that no default is deemed to occur.
这样就可以满足德国对于私人债权人参与的需求并满足 ECB要求任何调整必须是自愿的这样就不会有技术违约的存在。 ecocn

The government insists it is not, because the aid is voluntary and temporary.
但是政府并不承认,因为这一援助是自愿的也是暂时的。 ecocn

The code states that voluntary consent of subjects is essential and that all unnecessary physical and mental suffering should be avoided.
该法典规定,受试者的自愿同意绝对必要,同时应该避免任何不必要的身体和精神痛苦。 yeeyan

The standards are worthy but have one problem: as they stand, they would be voluntary.
这些标准很有意义但却还有个问题,从他们的立场来看,他们将是自发的。 yeeyan

Though not all of us can lead such a life, one can still make a difference in our spare time such as through voluntary work or by passionately supporting a cause you believe in.
尽管我们中间不是所有的人都能像甘地一样,我们仍然在闲暇时间做些改变。诸如,志愿者工作或者积极的为你信仰的事业做出努力。 yeeyan

Under voluntary contributions, as the neighborhood grows in number, the size of the park shrinks.
在自愿捐赠的条件下,当居民人数增加时,公园的面积将减少。 yeeyan

Voluntary agreements between junk food firms and the Government to reduce salt, sugar and fat have been branded a nonsense by doctors.
垃圾食品企业和政府达成自愿协议,以减少食物中盐,糖和脂肪含量,这在医生们看来只是句狗屁。 yeeyan




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