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词汇 voldemort
释义 voldemort 英'vɒldəmɔː美'vɒldəmɔː COCA¹⁰⁵⁸³⁰
n.伏地魔⁴⁴;来源于法语VOLE DE MORT²⁸;即“死亡的飞翔”²⁸或“飞离死亡”
The boy wizard landed fourth place and Lord Voldemort only just made the top twenty at number17.
哈利波特位列第四,而伏地魔则在前二十名中排第17位。 cri

The process involves concentrating on a powerful, happy memory, not always an easy prospect as Voldemort grows powerful.
召唤过程需要集中注意力在强大的快乐记忆上,在伏地魔日益强大的情况下,这并不是件简单的事情。 yeeyan

The scoop: In the penultimate installment of the wildly popular wizard franchise, boy sorcerer Harry Potter, now nearly a man, faces off with evil Lord Voldemort, his nemesis.
独家报道:该系列的倒数第二座,极受欢迎的巫术题材电影,哈利·波特,这个年强的魔法师已近成年,这次他将面对自己的宿敌——伏地魔。 yeeyan

The story revolves round Harry’s quest to have a showdown with evil Lord Voldemort who had killed his parents.
故事围绕着哈利波特与和他有杀父之仇的邪恶伏地魔进行斗争展开。 yeeyan

The three spend months on the run in various forests as they try to find and destroy the Horcruxes — the seven pieces of Voldemort's soul, which grant him immortality as long as they remain intact.
他们三个用了数月的时间,逃亡在各处的森林里,而且还要想方设法找到并且摧毁可以让伏地魔有不死之躯附有他灵魂的七件魂器。 yeeyan

As the film begins, the Ministry of Magic is crumbling in the malefic grip of VoldemortRalph Fiennes, and Harry has a price on his head.
在剧情的开始,魔法部在伏地魔拉尔夫·费因斯势力的渗透下危机四伏,而哈利的价值正是他的生命。 yeeyan

Eaters fought with or provided material support to Voldemort, including prominent members of key magical institutions.
数以千计的食死徒为伏地魔战斗或为他提供有力的帮助,其中包括一些魔法界重要机构的主要成员。 kle100

Harry's battle with Voldemort can be seen as an internal conflict between aspects of his own psyche, Dr. Rosegrant notes.
罗斯格兰特医生认为,哈利和伏地魔的战斗,可视为他自身精神世界各方面的内在冲突。 yeeyan

Harry might have saved Griphook’s wrinkly skin at the end of Deathly Hallows Part1, but that doesn’t mean the goblin is ready to join the fight against Voldemort’s forces.
在《死亡圣器1》中,哈利也许救下了拉环遍布皱纹的臭皮囊,但这并不等于这个妖精会立刻加入到对抗伏地魔的势力中。 yeeyan

How did you escape with nothing but a scar, while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?
你怎么只留下一道伤疤就逃掉了,而伏地魔的力量却给销毁? ebigear

It is used to control ETL jobs that push database and event logs to their edge server storage, Voldemort.
它用于控制 ETL job,该job可以将数据库与事件日志推送到边缘服务器存储 Voldemort中。 infoq

Jake Webster,12, tries out Voldemort's wand at the Owl Post Office.
杰克韦伯斯特,12岁,在猫头鹰邮局试用了伏地魔的魔杖。 yeeyan

Like the book, Deathly Hallows is set away from Hogwarts, with Harry, Ron, and Hermione on a mission to destroy the disparate parts of Voldemort’s soul.
像书中所述一样,哈利、罗恩与赫敏为了找寻死亡圣器借以毁灭伏地魔的灵魂,而离开霍格沃茨执行任务。 yeeyan

My daughter,9 years old, now says“ Mommy, I don't ever want to get married.” My son,8 years old, says“ Diane is our Voldemort!”
我9岁的女儿现在说“妈妈我将来不想结婚”,而我8岁的儿子说“ Diane是我们的伏地魔!” voa365

My mom offered to pay for both, but the salesmen told us he'd give us a special buy- one-get-one-free discount as long as we used them against Voldemort.
我妈妈给我们俩出钱,售货员告诉我们他给我们特殊的买一送一折扣直到我们用它打败伏地魔。 yeeyan

Now our hero is finally on his fateful quest, crossing paths with all manner of creatures— elves and goblins and Voldemort's pet snake— and steeling himself to cross wands with the Dark Lord.
而我们现在的主人公则是在他宿命的道路上前行,与他相遇的各式各样的生物——家养小精灵、妖精还有伏地魔的宠物蛇——并且磨练自己以求与黑魔王的最终对决。 yeeyan

Ralph Fiennes Lord Voldemort: “ I can touch you now.”
拉尔夫.费因斯伏地魔:“现在,我可以碰到你了。” yeeyan

Scene1: Harry Potter was born a wizard but after Voldemort, an evil wizard, kills his parents, he is raised by his relatives, the Dursleys, who treats him more like vermin than like a family member.
场景一:哈利·波特生下来就是一名巫师,自从坏巫师伏地魔杀害了他的亲生父母后,他便被交由亲戚德斯礼一家抚养,他们待他不像亲人而更像害虫。 ebigear

Soon Voldemort's kicking him, Bellatrix is ignoring him and even his bullied son Draco is finally standing up to Daddy.
很快地,伏地魔嫌弃他,贝拉特里克斯忽视他,甚至儿子 Draco受欺负后也开始反对他。 yeeyan

The sixth Potter film explores the past of the series' chief antagonist, Lord Voldemort, as well as the growing pains of adolescence .
第6部哈利波特系列电影探讨了电影中最主要的对手——伏地魔王,过去的所做的事情,并且讲了伏地魔成长过程中所遇到的烦恼。 yeeyan

The whole Harry Potter saga was kicked off because of a prophecy that Voldemort would be done in by a newborn wizarding infant.
整个 HarryPotter故事始于一个预言——伏地魔将被一个刚出生的婴儿巫师击败。 yeeyan

There, he learns about Lord Voldemort, his parents’ killer and a wizard of such wickedness that he is known as “He Who Must Not Be Named”.
在学校中,他知道了杀害父母的凶手伏地魔——伏地魔邪恶至极,大家称之“神秘人”。 ecocn

Voldemort looks no prettier in3D
3D版伏地魔并没有更好看 ecocn

Voldemort had killed her.
伏地魔杀了她; yeeyan

Voldemort is fully distributed and decentralized, and supports partitioning and fail over.
Voldemort完全是分布式且去中心化的,支持分区与容错。 infoq

Voldemort was after your time.
伏地魔是在你之后的事。 ebigear




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