

单词 bib
释义 bib 英bɪb美bɪbAHDbĭb ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³³⁵⁸³BNC³⁸³⁹⁸iWeb¹⁶⁶²³

top part of an apron; covering the chesta napkin tied under the chin of a child while eating
drink moderately but regularly;

We tippled the cognac

来自词根bib-喝,原本是个动词,常表示饮酒。现在该含义已作古。已转作名词,表示“围嘴”,小孩子喝东西时放在嘴下面的布,进一步泛指类似围嘴的东西,比如比赛时选手佩戴的号码布。词根bib-喝,饮来自拉丁语,和词根pot-喝,饮同源,最终都源自原始印欧语词根*poi-喝,饮。best bib and tucker最好的衣服最漂亮的…bib front小开领女子体操服…bib tap小水龙头,弯嘴龙头…bib valve弯嘴阀bib nozzle旋塞嘴,龙头嘴…one's best bib and tucker最好的衣服Bib.医 饮D.Bib.=Douay Bib…dungarees粗蓝斜纹布制成的工作…
近义词 apron围裙pinny围嘴儿pinafore围裙overall全部的smock女式罩衫…tipple常喝

用作名词Baby has slobbered hisbib.婴儿已经把围兜弄湿了。
She tied abibunder her son's chin.她在儿子下巴底下系上围嘴。 Post a bib number from a race or hang some of your finishers' medals.
在你桌子上放自己的号码衣或挂自己的奖牌。 yeeyan

Women's or girls' bib and brace overalls, knitted or crocheted, of silk or silk waste.
丝或废丝制女用或女童用围兜连吊裤工作服,针织或?针织者。 tdcinfo.sme.net.cn

A pair of platform booties, a bib necklace, or a cuff bracelet can instantly make jeans and a tee look haute couture.
一个饰品,一个围兜项链,袖口手镯可以马上令牛仔裤和鞋子看起来像高级女式时装。 enfamily

Doing abominations is against the law, particularly if the abominations are done while wearing a lobster bib.
干令人憎恶之事是违法的,特别如果这些令人憎恶之事是戴着吃龙虾的围嘴干的。 douban

Don't tuck the napkin in your vest or put it under chin like a baby's bib.
不要把餐巾塞入马甲或围在下颚像婴儿的围兜。 blog.sina.com.cn

Don't tuck it into your belt or use it as bib.
不要把它塞在你的皮带里,或是将其当围兜用。 jxuz

Every morning, as soon as she got up, she warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and held the bottle for him.
她每天早上一起床就热他的牛奶,再给他系上小围嘴,并为他举着奶瓶。 bbs.city.tianya.cn

For babies and toddlers on all routes there's a toiletry kit with wet wipes, cream, bib, teething ring and tissue pack.
在阿航所有航线上都为婴儿和幼儿提供一套清洁包,其中有:湿巾、乳液、围嘴、牙咬和纸巾。 blog.sina.com.cn

I fed milk to her again but she slobbered it on her bib.

I must wear our best bib and tucker to go to the firm's annual dinner.
我必须穿上最好的衣服,去参加公司一年一度的宴会。 blog.sina.com.cn

I recommend this bib to all my friends.

In the early draft scripts of Return of the Jedi, Bib Fortuna has the odd title of“ High Beeser of Hoth.”
在《绝地归来》的早期剧本草稿里,比布·福图纳有一个奇怪的头衔——“霍斯的最高比泽”。 starwarsfans.cn

May I tie on your bib?
我可以替您系上围兜吗? hotdic

Ok! Put on the bib. Now you are ready to eat!
好了!戴上围嘴。现在可以吃饭了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Ok, take off the bib. Go to play.

Only in the spring, spring fairy will give me a green in the Bib.
只有到了春天,春仙子才会送给我一条绿色的的背带裤。 msa5

Or, I show up on time, but I don't have my running shoes, or another critical item, like my race bib.
又或,我准时到场了,但却遗忘了我的跑鞋,或者别的重要性用具——例如我的跑步护兜。 yeeyan

Put a bib on your baby and have a cloth ready to clean any spit-up milk or formula.
给宝宝带上一个围嘴,准备好一件衣服,防止牛奶或配方奶洒出来。 dxy

Put on your bib. Now you are ready to eat.
戴上围嘴。现在可以吃饭。 blog.sina.com.cn

The baby was slobbering all over her bib.
这个婴儿正在流口水,流遍整个围嘴。 huanqiu

The child be slobbered his bib.
这孩子的口水把围嘴都弄湿了。 bab

The choice of plan with the foundation of equipment in complex soil, The count& control with the crevice for temperature of bib concrete are also discussed.
对在原有厂房内、复杂场地土上的机床基础的支护方案选择,大型机井的设计与施工,大体积混凝土温度裂缝的控制与计算进行的阐述。 cnki

Until there came the bankruptcy of Bahrain International Bank( BIB, did people realize its importance after the risk of intermediary business brought about“earthquake” in the finance field.
在巴林银行倒闭事件发生之后,人们才逐渐关注中间业务风险给商业银行,给全球金融所带来的巨大危害。 cnki




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