

单词 voice over
释义 voice over短语³⁵⁶⁰⁴

the voice on an unseen commentator in a film of television programas in.commentary
同义词 comment,criticism,critique,description,explanation,narration,observation,remark,review,treatiseannotation,appreciation,consideration,discourse,exegesis,exposition,gloss,notesobiter dictum
反义词 compliment,praise,silence,disregard,neglectas in.narration
同义词 anecdote,narrative,taleaccount,explanation,recital,recounting,rehearsal,relation,report,story,telling,yarnrecountal,storytelling
反义词 concealment,suppression
commentarynoun analysis
annotation,appreciation,comment,consideration,criticism,critique,description,discourse,exegesis,explanation,exposition,gloss,narration,notes,obiter dictum,observation,remark,review,treatise,voice-over
narrationnoun description, reading
account,anecdote,explanation,narrative,recital,recountal,recounting,rehearsal,relation,report,story,storytelling,tale,telling,voice-over,yarn“ I've referred to myself as the secretary of war, because we're at war,” he says in a nasal Kansas twang, raising his voice over the roar of the plane's engines.
“我把自己当作战争部长,因为我们现在处于战争状态之中,”他在飞机引擎的轰鸣声中提高音量,说话带有堪萨斯州口音,鼻音很重。 yeeyan

After analyzing the technologies of using AAL1 to transmit the voice, this paper provides a method of using AAL5 to transfer voice over ATM.
在分析现有利用AAL1传输话音的各项技术后,提出了利用 AAL5实现话音 ATM交换的方法。 cnki

Are you doing all the voice over stuff too?
你也全部用语音工具联系吗? kekenet

I realize that voice over IP VOIP has been around for over a decade. I invested in a VOIP company in1997 so this is not new technology.
我认识到 IP电话已经存在十年了,1997年我就投资过一家 IP电话公司,所以这算不上是个新技术。 yeeyan

Study on how to transfer voice over ATM is of realistic importance.
研究如何利用 ATM来传送话音业务的技术具有现实意义。 dictall

THE HOST: And do you communicate with them? Are you like Kai? Are you doing all the voice over stuff too?
主持人:那你和他们交流吗?你象凯那样吗?你也全部用语音工具联系吗? qiewo

Voice over of Michael: There is no way to treat a girl like this, what if she is really in trouble?
迈克尔的画外音:这样对待女孩可不对啊,万一她真的需要帮助呢? blog.sina.com.cn




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