

单词 Vohs
释义 Vohs ˈvɑːs COCA¹⁸⁸⁴⁷⁴
“ Doubting one’s free will may undermine the sense of self as agent, ” Dr. Vohs and Dr. Schooler concluded. “ Or, perhaps, denying free will simply provides the ultimate excuse to behave as one likes.”
Vohs博士和 Schooler博士总结道,“质疑一个人的自由意志可能会破坏其自觉性,或者,也许否认自由意志就能当作一个人为所欲为的终极借口。” yeeyan

“Maintaining one's focus while trying to solve problems or completing an unpleasant task was much harder for those who had made choices compared to those who had not, ” says Vohs.
比起那些没做出选择的人,对那些需要作出选择的人来说,解决问题或者完成一项令人不悦的任务,更加困难。 yeeyan

As a marketing expert, Vohs sees the potential for a link between money and happiness as an aid for business owners.
作为一名市场营销学专家,佛赫斯看到了金钱与快乐之间的这种联系其对企业拥有者的潜在帮助。 yeeyan

In her own research, Vohs has found that thinking about money gives people a sense of self-sufficiency, making them less likely to ask for or offer help.
沃斯在她自己的研究里发现,一想到金钱,就给人一种自给自足的意识,使他们不太可能向别人要求帮助或提供帮助。 yeeyan

Professor Vohs and colleagues actually carried out seven separate experiments but they all followed the same pattern.
Vohs教授和他的同事一共遵循同一模式做了7项不同的实验。 yeeyan

Realize that “ those temptations will always be there and you don't need to act on them now, ” Professor Vohs said.
Vohs教授说,意识到那些诱惑是一直都存在的,你不必去假装它们不存在。 blog.sina.com.cn

So, Vohs began to wonder whether money might shift the balance on how much pain people feel.
于是,沃斯开始怀疑钱能影响人们感到有多少疼痛的平衡点。 yeeyan

Vohs holds the Canada Research Chair in Marketing Science and Consumer Psychology in the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia.

Vohs also has been sharing the findings with medical professionals, in hopes that they too might apply the idea to help manage their patients' physical pain and psychological distress.
佛赫斯同时也已经把自己的发现与医学专业人员分享,期望他们也能够采用这种观念,帮助他们的病人处理身体和心理上的痛苦。 yeeyan

Vohs says these experiments provide evidence that making choices, as opposed to just thinking about options, is what is especially taxing.
Vohs说,这些实验为作出选择,而不仅仅是考虑选择,特别消耗精力,这一观点提供了证据。 yeeyan

Vohs wrote in their2004 paper.
Vohs在他们一份2004年的论文中这样写到。 yeeyan




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