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词汇 vociferous
释义 vo·cif·er·ous 英vəʊˈsɪfərəs美voˈsɪfərəsAHDvō-sĭfʹər-əs ★☆☆☆☆高GSCOCA³⁷²⁴³BNC²⁰³⁷⁶iWeb³⁴²⁴³Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry;

blatant radios

a clamorous uproar

strident demands

a vociferous mob

voc-,声音,呼唤,词源同 voice,-fer,带来,词源同 bring.方振宇词汇奥秘voc声+i连接字母+fer具有+ous…的→有声的→叫喊的,吵闹的,喧嚷的
voc声+i连接字母+fer具有+ous…的→有声的⇒叫喊的,吵闹的,喧嚷的钱博士voci声音+fer携带+ousS.形⇒大声叫的词根记忆voc+i+fer带来+ous=带来声音的=喧闹的近义词 loud大声的noisy喧闹的vocal声音的voluble健谈的raucous沙哑的clamant吵嚷的strident刺耳的clamorous吵闹的boisterous喧闹的shouting大喊大叫blatant明目张胆的obstreperous吵闹的enthusiastic热心的clamoring动词clamor的现在进…

用作形容词Vociferous cries of protest and outrage convulsed the whole city.抗议、愤怒的大肆喧哗的哭喊声震撼了整个城市。
They are holding avociferousdebate.他们在吵吵嚷嚷地辩论。
They were supported by avociferousgroup in the union.一群吵吵嚷嚷的工会人员为他们撑腰。adj.loud, insistent
同义词 boisterous,clamorous,noisy,shrill,strident,vehementclamant,distracting,loud-mouthed,obstreperous,ranting,shouting,uproarious,vociferant
反义词 low,quiet,silent,soft
blatantadjective deafening
boisterousadjective noisy and mischievous
clamorousadjective noisy
deafeningadjective very loud
at full volume,blaring,booming,ear-piercing,ear-popping,ear-splitting,noisy,ringing,roaring,rowdy,screaming,thunderous,turned up,vociferous
loudadjective blaring, noisy
big,blatant,blustering,boisterous,booming,cacophonous,clamorous,crashing,deafening,deep,ear-piercing,ear-splitting,emphatic,forte,full,full-mouthed,fulminating,heavy,high-sounding,intense,loud-voiced,lusty,obstreperous,pealing,piercing,powerful,rambunctious,raucous,resonant,resounding,ringing,roaring,rowdy,sonorous,stentorian,strident,strong,thundering,tumultuous,turbulent,turned up,uproarious,vehement,vociferous,wakes the dead
louderadjective blaring, noisy
big,blatant,blustering,boisterous,booming,cacophonous,clamorous,crashing,deafening,deep,ear-piercing,ear-splitting,emphatic,forte,full,full-mouthed,fulminating,heavy,high-sounding,intense,loud-voiced,lusty,obstreperous,pealing,piercing,powerful,rambunctious,raucous,resonant,resounding,ringing,roaring,rowdy,sonorous,stentorian,strident,strong,thundering,tumultuous,turbulent,turned up,uproarious,vehement,vociferous,wakes the dead America’s vociferous involvement, notably at a regional security forum in Hanoi last July, was welcomed at the time by most of the ten members of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ASEAN.
美国大张旗鼓地卷入在当时受到了东南亚国家联盟东盟十名成员国中大多数国家的欢迎,尤其是在去年七月河内地区安全论坛期间。 ecocn

Calls to draw on reserves are most vociferous in America.
在美国,赞成动用石油储备的呼声最高。 koolearn

The tricky part for the league is that some of its brightest stars are among its most persistent and vociferous complainers, including LeBron James, Tim Duncan and Kobe Bryant.
对联盟而言,棘手之处在于有些最大牌的球星位列最顽固最喧哗的抱怨者之中,包括詹姆斯、邓肯和科比。 yeeyan

With a state election due by 2011, and vociferous Bengali intellectuals flocking to defend the PCAPA, West Bengal’s rulers could be tempted into another dangerous appeasement.
2011年将举行邦选举,聒噪的西孟加拉知识分子到处奔波去为 PCAPA辩护,西孟加拉的管理者们可能会被说服进行又一次危险的绥和行动。 ecocn

“ Dr Pachauri is in a very difficult position, because some of the most vociferous critics of the IPCC hold him personally responsible for the panel's perceived failings, ” said Mr Ward.
“帕乔里博士目前处于非常困难的境地,因为针对 IPCC最为激烈的指责认为:他个人应对委员会的已知失误负责,”沃德说道。 yeeyan

And one by one, encouraged by vociferous applause, speaking with fire and enthusiasm and excited gestures, they replied to the attack.
他们一个个受到喧闹的欢呼鼓掌的鼓励,怀着火焰和激情,打着激动的手势,回答了对他们的攻击。 enread

But the arrangement was seen by some vociferous shareholders as too financially generous to the Chinese, especially once prices in the mining sector bounced back.
但是,这一融资安排被一些鼓噪的股东看作是太便宜中国人了,尤其是一旦矿产品价格反弹。 yeeyan

From his earliest writings to his last works, he has drawn vociferous critics, but that is the mark of a scholar who has important and fundamental things to say.
从他最早期的著作到最后一本著作都引起激烈的批评,但这正是有重要和根本的东西要说的学者的标志。 yeeyan

German chancellor Angela Merkel, her vociferous critics to the contrary, is proceeding as quickly as she can, which means not very.
德国总理安吉拉·默克尔对反对者疾声批评,正在竭尽全力快速进行谈判,这意味着速度不是很快。 yeeyan

He faced open and vociferous criticism of his autocratic style from members of the League at a conference last weekend.
上周末的一次会议上,他遭到来自本党成员针对其独裁作风的公开且激烈的批评。 ecocn

I have long been a vociferous carnivore, and yet I have never witnessed the end of an animal I am going to eat.
我一直是一个宣传食肉的人,但我从来没有亲眼目睹过一个将要被我吃的动物的结局。 yeeyan

Many of these problems still haunt GM, but even its most vociferous critics can see signs of a revival.
许多问题还困扰着通用,但是就连最大的危机都有复苏的迹象。 ecocn

Moreover, in 1999 the government introduced a minimum wage, arousing now- forgotten but vociferous opposition from the Tory party and businessmen.
此外,1999年政府提出的最低工资引起了保守党和商人的虽被忘记但是沸沸扬扬的反对。 ecocn

Other Republicans have been equally vociferous in attacking Obama.
其他的共和党人也同样在猛烈攻击奥巴马。 yeeyan

Since then, increasingly vociferous outbursts against the ills of immigration have become commonplace— and toxic.
自那以后,反对移民不利之处的疾呼越来越多、变得很普遍——而且像中毒了一样。 ecocn

The media, who have the lion's share in creating celebrity, are also the most vociferous public institution in decrying celebrity as trivial and insignificant.
创造名人起最大作用的媒介,但同样也是最大声谴责名人微不足道和毫无意义的公共机构。 yeeyan

The most vociferous critics of Microsoft and the overall proprietary software industry describe the anti- piracy crusade as a sophisticated dog-and- pony show.
针对微软和整个专利软件行业最为刺耳的批评声把这场反盗版的讨伐行动描述为一场蛊惑人的盛大表演。 yeeyan

The protests from Germany were long and vociferous but, in both cases, Klose was guilty of taking down a player who had run away from him, even if there was no malice in either challenge.
德国人的抗议激烈而持久,但两种情况下,克洛泽都在被突破的情况下放倒对手,即便没有恶意,他仍然难辞其咎。 yeeyan

They became more vociferous, and some of them began calling out what they thought of Hanna.
他们变得更加吵闹了,一些人开始叫嚷着对汉娜的看法。 yeeyan




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