

单词 vocal chords
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All sounds are produced by vibrations; the sound of our voices is the result of vocal chords vibrating in our throats, while sound from a plucked guitar string comes from the vibrations of the string.
所有的声音都是通过振动发出;我们是通过喉咙中的声带振动而发出的,而弦拨吉他通过琴弦的振动发声。 yeeyan

And often, you have to open your vocal chords and speak the first words.
而常常你不得不张开嘴,说出第一句话。 yeeyan

For example, we do not notice our vocal chords moving when we speak, but we may jump if someone touches us on the shoulder.
举例来说,我们说话时不会察觉声带的振动,但是如有人触摸我们的肩膀时,我们可能会吓一跳。 tingvoa

Giraffes don't have any vocal chords.
长颈鹿没有声带。 blog.sina.com.cn

He was found with his vocal chords cut— presumably the work of government thugs.
他被发现时,声带已被砍断——据推测应该是政府打手的杰作。 ecocn

If we didn't do that, the pitch would rapidly descend as we got to the end of the lung balloon, and we'd blow our vocal chords apart with high pressure.
如果我们不这样做,我们的音量将随着肺气球的放气迅速下降。另一方面,当我们肺里的气压很高时,声带会被撕裂。 yeeyan

In 1997, Andrews underwent an operation to remove a polyp from her vocal chords.
1997年安德鲁斯进行了声带息肉的切除手术。 iciba

Now standing closer to the source, I heard that the voice had a tearing quality; I thought the guy was going to shred his vocal chords with the effort.
在贴近声音来源的地方,我听到歌声的音质呈撕裂状,我想这家伙再这么卖力唱下去恐怕会撕破他的声带。 chineyeah

Shakespearean actors need to drill their vocal chords and Miss Blanchett seemed a little short of training, but she made a likeable, vulnerable, androgynous monarch.
莎士比亚作品的演员需要训练他们的声带,而凯特似乎还未练到家,不过她诠释了一位惹人喜爱的,敏感的,雌雄莫辨的国王。 ecocn

So, protect your vocal chords while still doing what you love.
所以当你还在爱好音乐的时候,保护好你的嗓子。 suxuewang.com

Some of the highlights this week: his vocal chords and fingerprints are forming and his kidneys and urinary tract are functional.
这周值得强调的一些事情:他的声带和指纹正在形成,他的肾脏和尿路开始发挥功用。 yeeyan

The old gentleman swivelled his eyes on him like opera glasses and went on coughing: hack, hack, hack: the vocal chords dry as straw.
老人的眼睛像一对望远镜一样对他上下打量了一番然后又咳嗽起来:咳、咳、咳;嗓音干得有如稻草一样。 ecocn

The same principle applies to our vocal chords.
同样的原则也适用于我们的声带。 yeeyan

We change the pitch by tightening the vocal chords to make our voice higher and loosening them to make a lower sound.
我们收紧声带让音调变尖,让我们的声音听上去高亢尖利;放松声带,则使声音低沉。 yeeyan

We create the sound with our vocal chords hence the name, and usually laugh this way naturally and spontaneously.
我们通过声带由此而命名发出声音,这种笑通常是自然而本能地发出的。 yeeyan

When you have control of your breath that means you have control over the muscles of your diaphragm, larynx, and vocal chords.
当你会控制呼吸时,就意味着你会控制你的隔膜肌、喉咙和声带。 yeeyan




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