

单词 bias towards
释义 bias towards短语⁶⁵⁶¹³
Because our friends and family naturally have a positive bias towards us, they may rate us higher than a stranger on socially desirable personality traits.
因为我们的朋友和家人很自然地会偏向我们。他们给我们性格特征的定位很可能比那些陌生人给的更高。 yeeyan

Countries with less of a bias towards manufacturing than Germany, such as Britain, Spain and America, have fallen less far.
一些不像德国过度重视制造业的国家,如英国,西班牙和美国,影响不是很大。 ecocn

Next time the robot picks an expression, there’s a bias towards putting the motors in the right configuration.
下一次,机器人会选择一种表情,且其选择倾向于使电动机在正确的设置上。 yeeyan

The author has a bias towards the stories of resolute Britons like Captain Atkins Hamerton over Arab adventurers.
作者偏向于阿特金•哈莫顿船长这样坚决果断的英国人,不喜欢阿拉伯探险家。 ecocn

The traditional bias towards exporters is also in question.
对出口商的传统偏见也是一个问题。 yeeyan

There were regular pages devoted to petswith a bias towards cats, I remember and poetry, some of it about pets.
有专门讲宠物我记得偏向于讲猫和诗歌有些是宠物题材的板块。 ecocn

This could be because Chinese science is poor or because researchers in America, Europe and Japan have an historical bias towards citing each other.
这可能是由于中国的科学很落后,或者是因为美国、欧盟和日本的科研人员有相互引用彼此论文的历史偏好。 ecocn

This defect means fixed exchange-rate schemes have a bias towards deflation.
这一缺点意味着固定汇率体制有引起通货紧缩的倾向。 ecocn

Two other incentive distortions reinforce this bias towards bail-outs.
另外两个对激励的误解加强了对救援的偏见。 ecocn.org




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