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VMM 基本例句 =Virtual Machine Monitor虚拟机监督系统美IBM公司软件 VMM2008 adds support for Hyper-V and is in beta.vmm 2008年增加了支持超V和是试用版。 VMM? ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging?用于微软报文传送的“视图邮件”? Microsoft for the first time will offerVMMby itself.微软第一时间将提供vmm本身。 The virtual machine monitor runs between the server hardware and the SUSE Linux operating system kernel.虚拟机监控系统VMM在服务器硬件和SUSELinux系统内核之间运行。 Further,VMMchecks every I/O access of the virtual machine to ensure that no one can corrupt the system.为数众多的磁碟分割区容易造成额外的磁碟搜寻负荷。 |