释义 |
Vizcaya 基本例句 比斯卡亚¹⁰⁰ VizcayaP, Gerhardt L. A nonlinear orientation model for global description of fingerprints. Pattern Recognition, v. 29, no. 7.柴晓光,等.;民用指纹识别技术 Spain's BilbaoVizcayaBank Group, International Bank of Spain and the Netherlands International Group, who are regarded as likely to take over.西班牙毕尔巴鄂比斯开对外银行集团、西班牙国际银行和荷兰国际集团均被视为可能接手者。 Banco BilbaoVizcayaArgentaria Beijing Representative Office西班牙对外银行北京代表处 4Vizcaya, Gerhardt L. A onlinear orientatio model for global descriptio of fingerprints. atter Recognition, v. 29, o. 75柴晓光,等.;民用指纹识别技术 ) and to the estate atVizcayaand to a Cuban restaurant called Versailles, where the waiters all knew him by name and asked after his father.;去维兹卡亚博物馆和花园;去一家名叫凡尔赛宫的古巴餐馆,那里的侍者都知道他的名字,还问起他的父亲。 |