

单词 vivid
释义 viv·id 英ˈvɪvɪd美ˈvɪvɪdAHDvĭvʹĭd ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝46八COCA⁷⁷⁴³BNC⁶²⁸⁸iWeb⁷²²¹Economist⁹⁹⁴⁸

A 鲜艳的



clear, lively, lifelike

evoking lifelike images within the mind;

pictorial poetry and prose

graphic accounts of battle

a lifelike portrait

a vivid description

having the clarity and freshness of immediate experience;

a vivid recollection

having striking color;

bright dress

brilliant tapestries

a bird with vivid plumage

of color having the highest saturation;

vivid green

intense blue







词根词缀: -viv-活 + -id形容词词尾
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词vivid colors鲜艳的色彩vivid description生动的描述vivid green鲜绿色vivid imagination活跃的想象力~+介词vivid in sb's memory记得清清楚楚vivid with life生气勃勃
非常记忆vivi薇薇〖谐音〗+d狗〖编码dog〗⇒薇薇画的狗很逼真viv活的+id形容词后缀→活的⇒生动的,鲜明的,栩栩如生的。词根记忆viv生命+id→有生命力的→生动的词根记忆viv生命+id→有生命力的→生动的词根记忆viv生命+ id ⇒逼真的词根记忆viv+id近义词 clearactivebright反义词 dull
~+ n.Her dress was a vivid color.她的服装颜色很鲜艳。
A vivid picture is present to our eye.一幅栩栩如生的画面出现在我们眼前。
The word is added to give vivider description.增加这个词会使其描写更加生动。
Clare was the most vivid member of the family.克莱尔是这一家中最活跃的成员。
S+be+~His memory of that is still vivid.他对那件事记忆犹新。
His imagination is more vivid than most people.他的想象力比大多数人的想象力活跃。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseOur economic construction is vivid with life.我们的经济建设生气勃勃。S+be+~+that-clauseThe dream was so vivid that he felt himself to be awake.这个梦十分逼真,他恍若是醒着的。Pvividlyad.鲜艳强烈明亮鲜明活泼有生气生动清晰逼真

用作形容词This place conjures upvividmemories.这个地方使人回忆起许多生动的往事。
My daughter is a child withvividimagination.我女儿是一个想象力活跃的孩子。
This girl gave avividdescription of the event.那女孩对这件事作了一番生动的描述。
Only thevividred hair ever stood out.只有鲜艳的红头发非常令人注目。
The actresses were wearingvividhistorical costumes.女演员们穿着鲜艳的古装。
The new varieties have veryvividdesigns and beautiful colors.那新产品图案新颖,色泽鲜艳。
Television presents avividworld in front of us.电视在我们面前展示出一个栩栩如生的世界。
Dickens'novels are full ofvividcharacterization.狄更斯的小说中充满了栩栩如生的人物形象。
The sculpture is really veryvivid.真是被雕刻得栩栩如生啊。adj.intense, powerful
同义词 animated,bright,brilliant,colorful,dramatic,eloquent,expressive,glowing,lifelike,lively,lucid,meaningful,memorable,realistic,rich,sharp,striking,telling,theatricalactive,clear,definite,distinct,dynamic,energetic,flamboyant,gay,graphic,highly colored,picturesque,resplendent,shining,spirited,stirring,strong,true to life,vigorous
反义词 bland,boring,cloudy,comedic,dark,dreary,dull,gloomy,insignificant,lifeless,low,murky,normal,obscure,stupid,tasteless,typical,unaware,undramatic,unhappy,unimpressive,unintelligentweak
animatedadjective lively
boldadjective bright, striking
bolderadjective bright, striking
brightadjective shining, glowing in appearance
brighteradjective shining, glowing in appearance
brightestadjective shining, glowing in appearance
ablaze,aglow,alight,argent,auroral,beaming,blazing,brilliant,burning,burnished,coruscating,dazzling,effulgent,flashing,fulgent,fulgid,glaring,gleaming,glistening,glittering,glossy,golden,illuminated,illumined,incandescent,intense,irradiated,lambent,light,lighted,limpid,luminous,lustrous,mirrorlike,moonlit,phosphorescent,polished,radiant,relucent,resplendent,scintillating,shimmering,shiny,silvery,sparkling,sunlit,sunny,twinkling,vivid And I also became more sensitized, in a vivid way, to the importance and frailty of human rights.
我对人权的重要性和脆弱性也更加敏感了,而且还是以一种很生动的方式。 yeeyan

Loaded with vivid pictures and fresh thoughts on cognitive differences between East and West, the book ends with the author’s question about the future of the world.
本书用生动的图片和新鲜的思维揭示了东西方之间的认知差异,本书以作者的关于世界的未来的问题作为结束语。 yeeyan

On the contrary, such designs are often quite complex, include rich imagery and vivid animation effects and therefore take some time to load.
而刚好相反,这种设计往往十分复杂,它包含了丰富的图像和生动的动画效果,因此需要加载一段时间。 blog.sina.com.cn

The pious man is dubious about the vicious civilian’s vivid description of his vicinity to his wife.
虔诚的男子对邪恶的平民生动的描述他与其妻子的密切关系半信半疑。 kekenet

“ They had very vivid and very specific memories,” he said.
“他们都还存留有非常生动和具体的记忆”。 yeeyan

A calming shade of green creates a soothing atmosphere in the cells, while a vivid orange brings energy to the library and other working areas.
一盏平静的绿色灯罩为监室创造了舒缓的气氛,而生动的橙色则为图书馆和其他工作场所带来活力。 putclub

A translator must be armed with the excellent ability of expressiveness and vivid imagination.
一个好的译者必须具备出色的表达力和生动的想象力。 hjenglish

China is developing rapidly, but it remains a developing country and faces serious problems of uneven regional economic development. Poverty in some regions of Yunnan province is vivid evidence.
中国正在快速发展,但仍是一个发展中国家,面临着区域经济不平衡等严重问题,云南一些地区的贫困现状就是生动例证。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Fecteau did not have a vivid imagination at first, but he developed one as a skill.
起初费克图的想象力并没有那么生动,但他把它作为一门技能加以培养。 yeeyan

He sketched the situation in a few vivid words.

His vivid descriptions and frank admiration for the ingenuity and innovation he encountered force us to rethink assumptions about community, poverty and the shape of21st- century cities.
他对遇到的创造力及创新力的生动的描述和坦诚的钦佩迫使我们重新思考社会,贫困,以及21世纪城市形态的相关假设。 yeeyan

How can one fail to realize that in this vulnerable universe everything that is human and solely human assumes a more vivid meaning?
人如何不能明白,在这脆弱的宇宙中,万物皆有人性,但只有人才会具有某种更为鲜明的意义呢? yeeyan

I relaxed and went with it, and I slipped into a very vivid dream while still conscious.
我全身放松,跟在感觉,逐渐进入到了一个十分生动的梦里,意识仍在。 yeeyan

If you are lucky, you can see a vivid rainbow across over two peaks.
如果你幸运的话,你可以看到跨越两座山峰的鲜艳的彩虹。 ebigear

In near- death experiences, people report vivid memories, feelings and thought processes even when there is no measurable brain activity.
在濒死体验中,即便没有可以感知的大脑活动,人们还是报道了生动的记忆,感觉和想法。 yeeyan

Jack and Mary described their journey in vivid detail.

Recently in designs, illustrations have taken up much more space than before and usually supplement huge typography, and they are more attractive, more vivid and therefore more memorable to visitors.
在近来的设计中,插图比原来占据更大的空间,通常作为巨型版式的补充。它们更具吸引力,并且更加生动,因此更容易被访问者记住。 blog.sina.com.cn

She handled their crops, and knew what they had eaten, and if too little or too much; her face enacting a vivid pantomime of the criticisms passing in her mind.
她用手摸摸它们的嗉子,就能知道它们是不是喂过食了,是吃得太多还是太少;她的脸表演的是一出生动的哑剧,内心流露的种种批评都从脸上显现出来。 hjenglish

She made a vivid description of her tour.
她对她的旅行作了一场生动的描述。 kekenet

Some of the best bits of the book are where he repeats the fragments in the fractured vivid prose of those expressing themselves with great urgency but little education.
书中一些最精彩的段落就是他转述的片段,这些片段选自零散却生动的狱中信件,写它们的人急于表达自己却没有受过多少教育。 ecocn

Stimulating other locations on the cortical surface might elicit a specific taste, a vivid childhood memory, or a fragment of a long- forgotten tune.
刺激其他临界面的位置可能会引起一种特定的味道、一个生动的童年回忆或一段忘却很久的曲调。 yeeyan

That means studying poets and orators who wield the full resources of expression: vivid metaphors, elegant parallels, subtle irony, or picturesque imagery.
这意味着学习诗人和演说家们不拘一格的表达:生动的比喻、讲究的对称、隐晦的反讽、独特的象征。 yeeyan

The painter brushed over the canvas to bring out a more vivid effect.

The paintings were so vivid.
那些绘画非常生动。 edu.sina.com.cn

The audience was completely carried away by the movie star's vivid performance.

We would never put on lipstick going to his house and have vivid colors in our clothes.
我们决不会涂上口红去进他的府邸,我们也不会去穿色彩鲜艳的衣服。 yeeyan




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