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Vitus 'beriŋ;'vi:tus 基本英英例句 维图什¹⁰⁰
Noun: Christian martyr and patron of those who suffer from epilepsy and Sydenham's chorea died around 300VitusCathedral is one of the nicest in all of Europe.教堂里有波西米亚皇室的墓穴。 The Danish navigator,VitusJonassen Bering,had discovered the place for Czar Peter the Great in the mideighteenth century.阿拉斯加是丹麦航海家维图斯·乔纳森·白令在18世纪中叶为俄国沙皇彼得大帝发现的。 As for work, we haven't any of any consequence.We have the SaintVitus' dance, and cannot possibly keep our heads still.说到工作,任何结果也没有,我们患了跳舞病,连脑袋都无法保住静止。 As for work, we haven't any of any consequence.We have the SaintVitus' dance, and cannot possibly keep our heads still.就这样的工作而言,没有任何意义,我们如同身患舞蹈病,头摇不止。 The castle buildings represent virtually every architectural style of the last millennium.The Prague Castle includes gothic StVitusCathedral, romanesque basilica of St.黄金巷在圣乔治教堂与玩具博物馆之间,拐进一条小巷后到了这个小屋林立的黄金巷,宛如童话故事内的小巧房舍,是布拉格最诗情画意的街道。 |