

单词 vitreous cavity
释义 vitreous cavity ˈvɪtri:əsˈkæviti 短语¹⁸⁰⁰⁹⁸⁺¹
All the animals from vitreous cavity antigen inoculation alone displayed negative delayed-type hypersensitivity DTH reaction.
常规免疫组动物均出现抗原特异性迟发型超敏反应 DTH阳性; cnki

Based on the X- ray film calculation, one can easily find the location of foreign body in the vitreous cavity, as well as its relative position to the limbus and to the wall of eyeball.
通过 X线异物定位片的平面测量,直接形象地显示出异物在空间位置、与球壁关系及距角膜缘的距离。 cnki

Causes of vision decline at forepart had something to do with some factors, such as corneal edema, retinal hemorrhage, vitreous body turbidity, stuffing in Vitreous cavity.
早期视力下降的原因与术后角膜水肿,视网膜出血,玻璃体混浊、玻璃体腔内填充物等因素有关。 kekenet

Objective To study the causes and management of the intraocular lens IOL dislocation into anterior vitreous cavity.
目的探讨后房型人工晶状体脱位至前玻璃体腔的原因和处理方法。 cnki

Objective:To investigate stem cell characteristics of retinal progenitors and to observe their survival and migration after transplanted into vitreous cavity.
目的:研究视网膜祖细胞的干细胞特性及移植入视网膜后的存活和迁移。 cnki

Sometimes special needs into the silicon oil or gas to the vitreous cavity, the stripping of the retina back to paste in situ.
有时候需要打入特殊的气体或矽质油到玻璃体腔内,使剥离之视网膜贴回原位。 uzmart.com

Vitrectomy, scleral encircling buckling and vitreous cavity filling with gas in4 cases.
玻璃体切除、眼内填充联合巩膜环扎术4只眼。 cnki




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