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词汇 Vitor
释义 Vitor
n.比托尔在秘鲁;西经 71º50' 南纬 16º29'
From the right side of the Porto area Oba Martins plays into the six-yard box.VitorBaia anticipates Adriano.在对方禁区右侧奥巴传给门前内六米处的阿德里亚诺,拜亚得到。
NowVitorBaia, Fernando Couto, Rui Costa and Joao Pinto have made way, replaced by Ricardo, Ricardo Carvalho, Deco and Ronaldo; only Figo remains.现在,拜亚,库托,鲁伊科斯塔和乔平托已经离开了,被里卡多,卡瓦略,德科和小小罗取代。只有菲戈仍在。
Liverpool have confirmed the signing of Brazilian youngsterVitorFlora on a free transfer.利物浦官方确认免费签下了巴西年轻球员维托弗洛拉。
BrazilianVitorFlora and Hungarian Andras Simon were also on the mark for the Reds.巴西人弗洛拉和匈牙利小将西蒙在比赛中有所斩获。
NowVitorBaia, Fernando Couto, Rui Costa and Joao Pinto have made way, replaced by Ricardo, Ricardo Carvalho, Deco and Ronaldo;only Figo remains.是的,无论黄金一代以后的葡萄牙队会有怎样的表现,无论当我们再次回忆起这支伟大球队又是在什么时候,珍藏在每一个葡萄牙球迷的心中,永远都是那一份最最真挚的感动。
Zidane, world player-of-the-year in 1998, confidently put the spot-kick into the top left corner, givingVitorBaia no chance.1998年的世界足球先生齐达内操刀主罚,他信心十足的将球踢进球门左上角,令葡萄牙门将拜亚毫无办法。




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