

单词 vitiated
释义 vi·ti·ate·d 英'vɪʃieɪt美'vɪʃieɪt COCA¹¹⁰⁰⁰⁰BNC⁴⁴²⁶⁰
corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality;

debauch the young people with wine and women

Socrates was accused of corrupting young men

Do school counselors subvert young children?

corrupt the morals

make imperfect;

nothing marred her beauty

take away the legal force of or render ineffective;

invalidate a contract

近义词 mar破坏void空的shame羞愧alloy合金lower低的spoil宠坏impair损害pervert误用subvert推翻impute归罪于debauch使堕落corrupt腐败的profane亵渎的deprave使堕落deteriorate恶化demoralise使堕落invalidate使无效misdirect指错方向demoralize使士气低落deflower使女子失去童贞…debase降低质量、地位或价值…

用作动词This mayvitiatea literal translation.这就会损害直译的价值。
No such Variation shallvitiatethis Contract.任何该等变更都不会造成本合同失效。 About the experiment, these experiments were conducted in the free stream wind tunnel, and vitiated air heater was used to simulate the high altitude flow condition.
本文试验在自由射流风洞中进行,利用空气加热器模拟高空飞行条件。 kekenet

All his attempts to improve were vitiated by his lack of will power.
由于缺乏意志力,他想改良的尝试全都没有效果。 blog.sina.com.cn

But so far his presidency has been vitiated by a combination of incompetence and a willingness to fall back on the very tactics that he denounced as a candidate.
但到目前为止,他的总统任期已经被那些回到完全是他作为候选人时所谴责的旧路的想法和无能所玷污。 ecocn

His spirit was vitiated by pleasure seeking.

Now we know only a few laws, and our result is vitiated, not, of course, by any confusion or irregularity in Nature, but by our ignorance of essential elements in the calculation.
现在我们只知道少数的规律,我们的结论往往荒谬,自然罗,这并不是因为大自然不规则,或混乱,这是因为我们在计算之中,对于某些基本的原理,还是无知之故。 www.soenglish.com.cn

The report is vitiated by continual spelling mistakes.
这份报告被不断出现的拼写错误搞糟了。 hotdic

The contract was vitiated because one person signed under compulsion.

This study deals with the effect of vitiated air contamination on combustion and scramjet engine ground tests.
本研究关系到污染对燃烧的影响以及对于超音速燃烧冲压发动机地面试验的影响。 cnki




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